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So, I've turned 28...

Hail all,

Category: Opinion.

Well, as a newly turned 28 year old - I've had my birthday celebrations and am now pondering a lot. Thinking a lot about my life so far - mostly the life since leaving High School. Since I turned 18. Sounds like a good place to start. So - here it is...

  1. My 18th birthday also coincided with my Formal/Prom. I took one of the prettiest girls in my year. We had a good time. We were friends then, not anymore. I never did the deed with her, but we remained friends for several years after high school. We changed after that, but I have good memories of my Formal/Prom.
  2. Almost all of my friends from High School, and of that night in particular, have moved on. I barely stay in touch with them, and the one good friend that I have remained in touch with over all the years now lives 3000 kilometres away.
  3. Like me, many of my friends have worked menial jobs. I doubt we'll see any CEO's in this crop. Some have married, and even had children. I've so far done neither, though my girlfriend and I have discussed having children.
  4. Like me, many have gone on to backpack or travel across the globe. I've so far visited 30 different countries than my own. I've also lived in Honduras for almost a year. I caught the travelling bug shortly after leaving High School and going on a road-trip with several High School friends.
  5. I did not go to Schoolies Week/Spring Break.
  6. I have slept with 17 women and 4 men.
  7. I have had 9 girlfriends, 2 were serious. 1 of them I'm still with. I've had no boyfriends.
  8. My favourite birthday since leaving High School would be when I turned 26. It's the only one I celebrated outside of Australia. Some friends surprised me while I was staying in Kanchanaburi, Thailand. They bought me a cake, and a massage, and we played cards until the very early hours. It was a great night.
  9. I have started several social groups, and am always organising evenings out.
  10. My favourite job has been working at the Milk Factory. I did several things there, but my favourite was putting the orders on the pallets.
  11. My favourite hobby which almost turned into work was being a Divemaster.
  12. My worst job would probably be working for the Restaurant section of a Petrol Station. It was late hours, low pay, and not very stimulating.
  13. I do not currently work. I am a full time student.
  14. I still have no idea about what I want to do in life. I'm still searching.

And I guess that's it. Since leaving High School I've done a number of jobs, a number of trips, yet still haven't found something to believe in. I'm still looking. And I'm trying to enjoy life while I do.



Sometimes, Publishers astound me with their stupidity...

Hail all,

Category: Opinion

Sometimes Publishers astound me with their stupidity. Honestly. It seems that Publisher Crave (who themselves aren't exactly the smartest bunch, publishing mostly shovelware) decided to up it a notch recently with the reveal that Mr Bean's Wacky World of Wii was to get a U.S release.

Ok - hold breath.

Now I, like many others - enjoyed the Mr Bean series. I didn't love it, I don't own the DVD's and dont plan too. I dont go out of my way to watch it if its on TV. I've never seen the films. Still, I liked the show. But it was a very physical comedy. It required an almost completely mute character who was always just making a mess of everything - sometimes in a bizarre and unreal fashion.

Deep breath.

So, the idea to make an animated series based off that 7 years after the show ended was a poor idea indeed. The show ended after just 14 episodes. The animated show, which was quite crap, lasted just 26 episodes. That finished in 2002. Than along comes a developer who decides to make a bad game, release it in the UK (arguably the best market for a Mr Bean game) and they call it Mr Bean's Wacky World of Wii. And they base it on the cartoon, which is worse.

Another breath.

Yet - that's not even the worst part. They release the game in 2008 with almost zero publicity, right around the Holiday sales rush, and the game dies a slow death at retail. It's critically panned.

And now Crave thinks - wait, why don't we go to the trouble of releasing it into the US market? In 2011? Yep - that's right. In 2011.

So, to cut the story short, we have a game thats to be released in 2011, based on a terrible game that no one wanted released in 2008, which was based on a crap cartoon released in 2002, which was based on a one-off series which didn't lend itself well to games, made in 1995. The mind boggles.

Sometimes, Publishers astound me with their stupidity.



My Thoughts And Recommendations On The R18+ Issue.

Hail all,

Category: Editorial

So, I thought I'd tip my hat and my opinion to the R18+ issue. After reading how the Greens are backstepping away from the issue (of course - they waited until after they had the balance of power and promised much before the election) I decided to look into the issue a bit. After reading and learning what I have, I have come to the conclusion that this is a system that doesn't need renovating, it needs to be rebuilt or dismantled altogether. It is a fundamentally flawed system that is only now showing it's age and showing it's bias agains the gaming industry. But more on that later. Here's some facts:

  • Australia is the only developed country worldwide without a video game rating for Adults. Even Germany, which has strict ****fication laws, has a rating for Adults. Even New Zealand does.
  • Australia does have a ****fication system or policy for Music, Television, Cinema (Films), Live Theatre, Books and other ****fiable material. All of these have a rating for Adults. Video Games are the only industry singled out in this system without a suitable rating for adults.
  • The average Australian gamer is a 30 year old male. Over 68% of Australians play videogames.
  • Almost 60,000 submissions were received in the recent Government open discussion on the issue. An incredible 98.2% of submissions said YES to the introduction of an R18+ rating for videogames.
  • Considering size of population and costs per capita, to get a videogame ****fied in Australia is quite often more costly than the developer requires. Australia has some of the highest rates for getting a videogame ****fied in the world.
  • All videogame consoles now employ parental locks or rating settings. In fact, the Xbox 360 console even has Family Timers and will update within the month to have a system that allows some games to bypass the Parental Locks. Handy if you think they can play something like Street Fighter, but don't want the children playing Dead Rising.
  • There isn't enough studies to show conclusive data that videogames have causal links to violent behaviour.
  • Research cites that approximately 80% of parents play videogames with their children.

The hypocrisy of the system hasn't been more plain in the past few months than ever before. Australia in the past two years have had either banned or resubmitted the following:

- Necrovision

- Sexy Poker

- Left 4 Dead 2

- Risen

- Crimecraft

- Aliens vs. Predator

- Fallout 3

- Enzai: Falsely Accused

- Silent Hill: Homecoming

- Shellshock 2: Blood Trails

- Dark Sector

and finally...

- Fear 2: Project Origin

This is in the past 2 years alone. This has led to an industry which is now so scared it is actually pre-censoring it's titles before it even reaches our shores, in the case of Grand Theft Auto 4.

And it's not as if the system is working well either. For instance, games which are relagated to higher ratings in Europe and America are passing the ****fications Board and are more accessible to children without the rating for Adults available. For instance:

Halo 3

One of the biggest games ever released. Australia rated it M - the equivalent of a age 12 in USA, and 13 in the UK. What did the USA and UK give it? 17 for the USA, 15 for the UK.

Dead or Alive Xtreme 2

Easily one of the most provocative games of today, it features many long shots of scantily clothed females, most with large breasts and enough time to lounge around, giving you all the opportunity to ogle them at every angle. This lust-fest was rated just PG in Australia, and stated to be mild in impact. The same game was given a 17 ****fication in the USA, and an 18 rating in Japan.

The Witcher

Not only a violent game, it features full female nudity as well. Yet it passed with an MA15+ rating in Australia (safe for 15s and over) yet the nudity was cut in the USA version, and it still received a 17 rating. Additional cuts were given for the Japan release, with some of the sex themes removed. And yet it got an 18 rating there.

This is just 3 of the many controversies surrounding the broken system. So how did this system come to be? Well - that requires us to look back in time...

To the early 90's.

The games industry was very different then. Both Sony and Microsoft hadn't entered the console race, and the level of graphical detail in even the most advanced games could be trumped by a decent smartphone today. Yet, in this time, some of the most vile and adult games were released. Titles like Mortal Kombat, Phantasmagoria and Night Trap were showing an adult side to the industry. And thus, gaming ****fication was born out of a necessity to keep an eye on the industry as a whole. At the time, very little was known about the industry and as a result, it was seen as an extension of children's playtime, and thus was only given ratings up to the MA15+ rating. The high level of parental guidance required at the time was considered to much a burden on the average parent and without a ****fication system built into gaming consoles or computers, it was decided that MA15+ rating was as high as it needed to go.

But they also saw this as a pure winfall for Australia as well. To release a game in Australia, publishers must go through many rigorous chores in order to see their games on store shelves. Jumping through hoops indeed. First, there's the cost. Regardless of how many systems it's on or what your budget is - the cost is the same - $2,040AUD. This is the same if the game was coming out only on PC, or was coming to PC, PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii. This is equivalent to $2,000USD. On top of this, the publisher must make in their application a full copy of the game in question, pictures, trailers and other related information.

For sequels and low rated games, the process is generally simple. If the first puppy training game got a G rating, than there's a very good chance the sequel will without too much concern or cursory examination. And this is a dangerous slope. The ****fication board cannot play everything it gets.

If a game contains anything contentious (which is usually the case for M and MA15+ titles) than the assessor's report is expected to come with detailed assessments on why they feel it's worth that particular rating. This is usually shown with a video of the gameplay of why it deserves such a rating.

Oh, here's some news. You know how to become a ratings ****fier? It sounds great, right? You get paid over $100k a year and watch movies and play games before they come out. It takes just two days of training. There's no other requirements - and video game ****fiers come from all corners of society - young, old, married, single, Uni-educated and otherwise. Its up to them to decide what the individual video game rating is worth and then putting that as an assessment before the ****fication panel. That panel than makes the final assessment.

What the problem is with this system is that every single game needs to be played and assessed. And that in itself is fine, but sometimes the costs outweigh the risks. Every single game needs to be assessed, even those from limited budgets. If a game is released on DSi Ware and makes just $2000 - they still need to pay that $2040 fee. The same can be said if a game is released on WiiWare, or PC, or even on PS3. Regardless of the budget behind the title, if a game is released in Australia, it needs to be ****fied.

But not all games are released in Australia. And not all games released in Australia even get ****fied.

For instance - all smartphone games do not currently get ****fied. Any mobile game, Iphone app or web-based title gets ****fied in Australia - even if it depends upon servers in Australia to be played. The ****fication system was designed just when the NES and Sega Master System were hitting their stride and thus were not designed to be compatible to the idea of streamed gaming, or digital downloading.

Even World of Warcraft didn't get rated until 5 years (and millions of sales) after it was released!

And finally, here's the kicker. To even change this system, every one of the State and Territory Censorship Ministers must unaminously agree on the issue. If even one Minister votes against the issue, the bill cannot be passed and nothing can be changed. Yes - in a diplomatic country, in Australia, one person can actually stop a bill that 98.2% of the country wants. How's that right?

So - this broken system doesn't require an R18+ rating. It needs to be abandoned and rebuilt. And here's my ideas for doing it.

  1. A tiered system approach to fees. A game that has a production budget of $100k shouldn't be on the same level as one that has a budget of $20M. So a tiered service where games with lower budgets and lower sales should be levied. This can be based on first month sales or on total production costs, but if you're not making a lot of money on the game or you have low production costs you shouldn't be in the same league with guaranteed sellers. Having a tiered system will allow more games into the country, and thus the lowered costs would be off-set by more titles. This will allow more experimental titles a chance. Anyone know just how many WiiWare and DSiWare titles Australia has missed out on? The number may surprise you.
  2. An R18+ rating for games. If this rating is introduced, the game cannot be advertised in stores. It cannot be seen on store shelves (or can only be at an adult height, say, 1.5M and above). The game could be put in a non-descript sleeve or other such disguise to mask it's nature.
  3. Ratings for streamed games, Iphone and Smartphone apps and anything interactive. Web games should not be censored and it should be up to the website to censor or age-gap such a title.
  4. A ****fication process which allows the games to be played to their fullest or at least to the best of the games possibility. Allowing the assessor to see all facets of the games ****fiable material.
  5. And finally, a process that allows any changes to the process be able to be made by the elected officials in a majority vote rather than a complete agreement.
  6. Full parity with New Zealand. Australia and New Zealand already depend upon each other for many policies and government strategies, and the ****fication process shouldn't be any different. This will cut costs for the Governments and also for the publishers. It would save a lot of work.

Thats not to say that I think the entire process is broken. The Review Board is something I agree with. A board independent of the Official Board which has no agreements or communications with each other and can over-rule the decision of the lower board if the assessment is questioned. This is about the only thing about the current scheme which I can absolutely identify and agree with.

The current scheme is broken. It was designed in different times, with different game technology. Now that Australia has progressed, we are building the NBN and we are gettign technologically more savvy, our outdated ****fications system needs to fall in line. Without an update to such a dated system, we'll see more head-scratching instances like the Left 4 Dead 2/ Dead Rising controversy.



For some reason - I couldn't post this review

Hail all,

Category: Games

For some reason - I couldn't post this review. I bought, played, completed and reviewed this title all within a few hours. A fun title, and right now it's only $3 on I tried to review it in the official page, but I couldn't move the slider for the game. If I could, I would have given it a 7. But never mind. Seeing as I couldn't post it there, I decided to put it in my Blog.



Hidden Object games have moved more and more into classic adventure titles of years bygone for the last few years, but it's rare to see a time management game (a incredibly popular time management game at that) change genres and create something completely new.

Introducing Avenue Flo, starring Flo - as made famous by the Diner Dash suite of titles. After a half-dozen games of waiting on tables, Flo is playing junior sleuth in DinerTown, and many other PlayFirst characters make cameos.

This whimsical cartoon adventure starts off in Flo's Diner, where she receives a call from Quinn (she of Wedding Dash fame) about a Wedding that has gone all wrong. The Rings are missing, the Cake is green (seasick green), the dog is missing (and now a bright shade of red) and the rings are missing. Clearly, there's foul play at work, and it's up to Flo to save the day.

As plots go, it's certainly no save the world schtick, but it serves the purposes of a delightful, if not particularly eventful game. As Flo, you'll walk through different areas of the neighbourhood, solving problems and questioning the locals. For instance, the local Dress Maker requires your help in repairing the bead machine, and then putting the beads on the dress.

There are a number of mini-games to break up the general sleuthing and searching, such as leading a gym ****in a time based rythmn game to a simple simon ****sing-along. None of these mini-games are too taxing, though they ocassionally out-stay their welcome.

Part of the game's simplicity can easily be chalked up to it's incredibly accessibility. While it has all the makings of a game suitable for children, this will get youngsters stumped. There's nothing here that will truly gain their interest - clearly the game is marketed for casual gamers.

And overall, that's whom this game is best suited for. Anybody, gamer or otherwise, could complete this in a few hours. The simple to do list and map makes the game a breeze, and even the most difficult challenges can be completed with a little trial and error.

Avenue Flo isn't a bad game by any stretch. But there is a very strict control the developers have implemented which makes it impossible to do the puzzles anyway than how the publisher designed it. There is no experimentation, and the end result is an enjoyable, if formulaic, adventure game lite.




I've finished Uni for a year - now what?

Hail all,

Category: Opinion.

So, I've finished Uni for a year. For the past year I've been completing a bridging program, which has been designed to instil some education but also some confidence in me that University isn't the big scary place I imagined it to be. I've learnt a few things, such as how to properly format a essay, write a report, make a speech, compete in a debate, and how to put together a list of references and properly cite other's work. In that instance, they've succeeded. I feel I've learnt more in this year from this program than I did in my entire Year 12. And whereas I attended Uni once or twice a week, I was at Year 12 every weekday. So, go figure. I guess I put in more effort. That said, I still have the same doubts, the same nagging feeling - the same concerns that I'm over the hill, that it is past my time to learn something new. But in any case, I have put in all my paperwork - now its just the waiting period. We had a last minute revision on Monday then drinks. It was kind of sad for us all - knowing that people are moving on, that there is very little left for us to be together for. I've come to know my fellow students quite well, and have made some good friends. And hopefully we'll remain friends and continue to learn from each other and learn together. We all are making strides into better educating ourselves in our own way. We'll get there somehow, I reckon. But for now, my Uni days are over. In a month, I find out if they haven't really begun, or all this has been for naught. It's a terrifying time.



My list of things to take to Uni

Hail all,

Category: Opinion.

As many of you know, I currently attend a small University campus in the hope of gaining the grades and the experience necessary to enter a full-blown University. I've made my full application, as well as applications for Scholarships and Residency. Now, I started looking for lists of what to take to University, but couldn't find any - not really. So I decided to work with the list the Government provides on the Safe Traveller website, and modified it for my own use. I've added what I need, and why I need it besides each item. I'm probably missing things, so I'm open to suggestions if you have any. Especially if you've been to or are attending Uni. I'm sure I can pick up most, if not all these items at the on campus shop/s, probably at inflated prices. So, here's my preperation list for what to get/have before I go. Here's the list, in no particular order:

  1. Laptop. Handy to have, these. Not only are they good for watching DVD's, playing games or browsing the Internet, but, you know - you can actually do Assignments on them as well!
  2. MP3 Player. Another good and multi-purpose item. You could record your lecture for playback later, use it with some speakers to become a semi-stereo system, chill out with music, keep it as a mini-hard-drive, use it as an alarm clock...
  3. Phone. Social necessity here. MP3 player and phone can be combined as one unit as well. Necessary for callouts by friends, good as a personal night light in a shared room, a way to get out of awkward situation...
  4. Batteries. Not only do you need a charger for your phone, MP3 Player, Laptop etc, but you need to be sure they can be charged at other times. Batteries are handy for when times are tough.
  5. DVD's. And a DVD folder for them. Relatively small, and smaller if you keep them in a folder, these can be shared freely, and are a great way to unwind.
  6. Posters, wall coverings. Lets face it - some of those rooms are small, basic and have no flavour. Putting up a picture or photo or something makes it a bit more personal.
  7. Mouse, Mousepad. Because, if you're using a laptop, you need a decent mouse. And a mousepad for that mouse.
  8. Blankets, sheets, pillows, pillow case. Maybe not necessary in all Unis, I don't need all this stuff, but good to have your own items. Sometimes Uni's provide this, or rent it, but usually you need your own items.
  9. Shoes. And a good variety as well. Two pairs of running shoes (one for every day, one for sport), some thongs (flip-flops), slippers and at least one good (nice) pair of shoes.
  10. Notebooks. For something to write in. Notebooks allow you to rip out pages easily, they present better than normal exercise books, and are good to have. Probably will go through a few of these.
  11. Sports Drink Bottle. Good when you're doing some physical activity, but also just more convenient than a glass. You can have these on your bed and watch a movie and not worry about it falling over. Having 2 would be a good idea.
  12. Torch/Flashlight. Power might go out, and I prefer Torches than Candles. Unless I have a companion...
  13. Breath mints. Just grab them and go. I usually have one every day. Can be bought in large bundles.
  14. Aftershave/Perfume. Just like your breath, you don't want your odor to be bad. This will help. Which leads to...
  15. Toiletries. Soap, Shampoo, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, razors, shaving cream and half a dozen other things. And a bag to carry them into the shower with you.
  16. Socks. The more the merrier. White cotton socks are good, but get some footy socks (thick wool) as well. I'm taking 10 pairs at least.
  17. Underwear. Like Mr Bean, one for each day is a good idea. Having a few spare helps, and some nice ones for when you're getting undressed with another person is a good idea as well. So, I'm taking at least 10 pairs.
  18. Condoms. If you're getting undressed, you're probably having sex. Condoms are a good idea then.
  19. String. Handy to have around, for a variety of reasons.
  20. Shot glasses/ spare glasses. Most Residences provide glasses, but having some decent shot glasses is a good idea as well. And having a couple spare glasses might help, can't always drink out of the drink bottle.
  21. Stickytape. As with string, can be used for a lot of things.
  22. Clothes. Jeans are a staple of the Uni environment. I'll be taking at least 6 pairs - a mix of denim and black. On top of this, at least 5 t-shirts, 5 button shirts, 5 polo shirts, 4 jackets, 4 jumpers, 2 tracksuits, and some sporting clothes.
  23. Multi-vitamins, medicine. Multi-vitamins are handy if you're low on some dietry requirement, and medicine is a requirement. Panadol, Panadeine, Aspirin, Cough Medicine - I'll be stocking up on all these things before I go.
  24. Washing Powder. I'll have to wash my clothes on ocassion, so I'll be needing this.
  25. Iron. I'm not sure if my Uni provides this, but will probably be useful to have this anyway.
  26. Beer Stein. Good for beer. I have a few, but I'll be picking up a better one soon. Good to take to bars, etc. Good conversation starter as well.
  27. Pots and Pans. If the Uni doesn't provide (mine doesn't) - you'll be needing these. At least 2 pots and 2 pans, and probably a baking tray.
  28. Sunglasses/Hats. At least 2 of each. I prefer the wide brim country style hats, such as Akubra, but for when Im doing sports, a baseball cap will suffice. Good UV certified sunglasses will be handy, black frame for me.
  29. Cutlery. Unless your residence provides (mine doesn't) - you need these. I'll be taking at least 4 forks, 4 spoons, 4 teaspoons, 4 knives, 4 sharp knives, 2 large sharp knives, metal spoon, 2 wooden spoons, 2 egg lifters, spatula, 2 tongs, 2 vegetable peelers, a bottle opener, bread board and a few other small things.
  30. Plates/Dishes. To go with the cutlery, you'll be needing something for your food to store in. I'll be taking at least four dinner plates, four bread plates, four mugs, four coffee cups, four glasses, four bowls, 2 large bowls, a strainer bowl and a few other small things.
  31. Calculator. And preferably a good one, even a programmable one. Sometimes these are banned from tests and such though, so I'll need to check what I'm allowed to bring.
  32. Post-it notes. I already use these with my study. Great to draw attention to your notes, or something of particular note. Good for reminders as well.
  33. Food. Hey, if you can get your family to help you get started, you're halfway there. I'll be taking at least 4 kilos of rice and noodles with me, a kilo of sugar, and about 100 ready made sauces. I'll pick up meat and vegetables later.
  34. Teapot. An extragence, this - but I like teapots. Especially fancy ones you're not embarassed by.
  35. Sponge with the soap liquid in the handle. These are the best and easiest way to wash up. You use less liquid, less water, and the sponges are cheap and interchangeable, saving money as well.
  36. Wallet. Preferably with a lot of money in it. Also, credit card, I.D, Debit card, student card, and other necessities. And maybe a small pencil or pen and writing pad to jot down small things as I need to.
  37. Bicycle/Motorbike. I'll be getting one or the other as well. Likely the former, as it's cheaper. Very cheap and easy form of transport, and usually campuses provide bike parking for free or low cost.
  38. Pencils, Pens, Shapeners, Erasers, Rulers. Will be needing all these items and then some. And some spares. And something to hold it all in.
  39. Alarm Clock/Clock. Good for telling the time, of course, lol. But also good for getting up on time.
  40. Permanent Markers. So I can mark my items in the fridge.
  41. Hankies. Better and cheaper than tissues.
  42. Blu Tak. For putting posters and photos on the walls without marking them.
  43. Passport photos, spare I.D. In case you get mugged or need to make a new I.D quick.
  44. Backpack/sports bag/suitcase on wheels. I'll probably be needing all these things. Backpack for most every day use and good when Im riding the bike. Sports bag for when Im doing sports. Suitcase with wheels for when I need to carry heavy stuff, like a case of beer.
  45. Drying rack. You can never depend upon a communal clothesline. Stuff gets stolen, people forget clothes and it's full for ages while you need fresh linen... etc.
  46. Power Strips. I'll be lucky if I get 2 electrical outlets. If you need to have several items charged, probably a good idea to have one or two of these.
  47. External Hard Drive. So you can do all your downloading somewhere free and save up your data cap for your work.
  48. Maps. Probably will need at least one for the Uni, and another for the nearby town.
  49. Paperwork. All the class details, residence details, etc. I'll be needing these.
  50. And finally.... Stapler. And staples. Preferably a good quality one, like that from The Office.

Seems like I have a heck of a shopping list. :)



Apparently, 50 more things every man should own

Hail all, Category: General Continuing from last week's lower 50, here's the top 50 things apparently every man should own. And as before... YES = I own the possession NO = I don't own the possession 50. A mega-powerful torch YES. I own one. Need one when you're going cave exploring 49. A charming way to dump her. YES. I've had to dump several girls, and I'd like to think that I had done so in a polite and charming manner. 48. Rusty Barbecue. NO. I did have one though, but chucked it in when I got a decent one. It still barbecues sweet though. 47. A bottle of Gaviscon. NO. Don't own it. I hardly get drunk now, and certainly not to the point of needing this. 46. Insect Hotel. NO. These are kids playthings. But, yes, I wouldn't mind an ant house. Having total dominion might be interesting. 45. A swag. YES. Technically, yes. It's a more improved version though. Handy. 44. Three points on your licence. NO. Never got so much as a parking ticket. Just a waste of money and advocating breaking the law isn't funny... 43. A backstreet home route memorised. YES. Got this one. 42. Dartboard. YES. Any decent home bar should have one. 41. WD-40. YES. This baby can do anything. 40. Basic Knowledge of how to fix a car. YES. Not so much a posession this. But yes, I can change tyres, spark plugs and oil. That's about it, but I can do it well. 39. Incriminating photos of mates. YES. I have a incriminating photo of a mate, who, at his twenty first, got so drunk that we put him in some.... interesting.... positions. 38. VIP Strip Club Membership. NO. No need. There isn't one around here, and besides, I'm not that desperate to see some skin. But I've been to enough clubs, yes... 37. Turntable (and therefore, Vinyl) NO. No on both counts. Have a large CD collection, and heaps of music on my computer. But neither of these items. 36. American Psycho NO. I've read it though. 35. The Road. NO. Another I've read, but dont own. 34. A swedish phrasebook. NO. Never been to sweden. And I hear it's an incredibly difficult language! 33. A book of knots. YES. Believe it or not, I have one. Very handy to learn them when you work on boats. 32.Women. NO. Another book I haven't read. Hmm, but I have read some blokey books, such as Clive Cussler's many novels. 31. First Aid Kit. YES. I am CPR and First Aid certified. I'm no doctor, but having travelled on my own a fair bit, you learn how to take care of yourself. 30. A tried and tested method of haggling. YES. Not so sure how this is a possession, but yes - I can haggle. 29. A fond memory of lesbian action. YES. Me and an old girlfriend explored her friend loads of times. 28. Steel Toe Caps. NO. Handy, yes. But not in my line of work. 27. MP3 Player that holds everything. YES. It's not a huge one, by any means. But it still holds the 1200 songs I have loaded on it now. 26. A veneral disease, a criminal record and a bad tattoo. NO. Never got any kind of STD, have got a smallish criminal record, and while I have several tattoos, none of them are bad. 25. Autographed Footy Shirt. YES. In fact, some members of the team have autographed it several times over. 24. A rusty box with tools. YES. Got that in the shed. With the trusty WD-40. 23. Bad breath detector. NO. Think they're a waste of money. Invest in some decent toothpaste and mouth wash instead. 22. Instant handclap lights. NO. I high-five often. So, don't think that would be handy. Not much a fan of clapping my hands to turn on lights. Prefer the switches, thanks. 21. Vegemite, Beef Stock Cubes, Bacon Flakes, Chilli Flakes, Tomato Sauce, Microwave Rice, Lemon/s, Instant Noodles, Cooking Oil. YES. I have every one of these items except the Microwave Rice. But I have standard rice. Lemons I get from the tree. The Chilli Flakes is actually a Chilli puree - and it is very hot! But, technically, I have it. 20. Stylophone. NO. One of the weirdest instruments ever. So, no. But I do have an old Mouth Organ. 19. An anecdote to exteme food poisioning. NO. I don't particularly find those disgusting jokes funny. 18. A fundamental failure to accept your mortality. YES. Im constantly doing dangerous stuff. I've checked Death Clock - there's no way Im dying that early. Got to much to live for! Like Fallout: New Vegas! 17. Bill Hicks, LIVE. NO. Never even heard of him. 16. Jimmy Carr, Telling Jokes. NO. I haven't seen this one. Seen plenty on Youtube though. 15. Eddie Murphy, Delirious. NO. Seen it though. 14. Carl Barron, Walking down the Street. NO. It's on the list though. This guy cracks me up. 13. Will Anderson, Wilosophy. NO. Weird name, but funny guy. 12. Tongs. YES. For the BBQ, of course. 11. Alcohol Breathalyser. NO. No need. If I've drunk, I've never driven. No need for this one if you're responsible. 10. AC/DC Back in Black. YES. Any Australian doesn't have it? 9. Radiohead The Bends. NO. Sorry to say I dont. 8. Wu Tang 38 Chambers. NO. Haven't followed the band in ages. 7. Nirvana Nevermind. YES. Almost every music afficiondo has this one. 6. Jay Z The Blueprint. YES. Got it. 5. Led Zeppelin. YES. Is there a person alive who doesn't love Stairway to Heaven? 4. Guns N Roses Apetite for Destruction YES. So many classics, Sweet Child O Mine, Welcome to the Jungle, Paradise City... I could go on. 3. Nas Illmatic. NO. Sorry to say I don't know it. 2. A valid passport. YES. It's pretty full too. I've travelled through most of western europe, a part of asia, and all north and central america. 1. Something you can drive fast. I don't have a vehicle of any description at the moment. Going to get a decent pushbike next year though. So, how did I go? 24 YES 26 NO Guess I straddle the point between the 50 things every man should own and just have the stuff that's relevent to me. There are a few things on the list though Im wanting to get. I love a good laugh, so some of those stand up DVDs might be good. Im missing a few more albums to fill up my MP3 player. A couple of those books I should really buy. I've only ever read them in the library. And possibly a insect hotel of some sort. You never know. There's some things on this list I have no interest in getting though. A veneral disease and points docked off my licence are just two. Sigh. Who comes up with this stuff? Cheers, Saga.

Apparently, 50 things every man should own...

Hail all,

Category: News

Yes, that's news. And according to Zoo Magazine, this is news. There's 100 items every man should own. Here's the first 50. These crucial possessions are what every male should have - so Im going through the list, and I'll need to pick up a few things...

YES = I have the possession.

NO = I do not have the possession.

100. Dumbbells.

NO. How do I not own these? I had some once... I'm sure I had.

99. A decent phone.

NO. Ok, bad start. Dont have one now. Waiting for Windows Phone 7 - and then maybe getting that or an Android. But not until next year.

98. Protective Sports Kit.

YES. Ok, score 1 for me. I have some shin pads from when I used to skateboard. Yeah, I dug around to check, and yes I haven't used them in 20 years.. but I still got em!

97. Lightsaber.

NO. Technically no. I have a Darth Vader figuirine that has a lightsaber. And I have a cheap knock off one. But I guess no here.

96. Very dark Sunnies.

NO. I should really get some. Not so much use in Tasmania, but in Victoria.. maybe.

95. Semi-expensive headphones.

NO. I should pick up some. Probably handy when I want to get into some PC gaming late as well.

94. Obscenely large beer drinking vessel.

NO. It requires a minimum litre jug. I haven't got that, but I do have a small collection of nice steins.

93. Mankini.

NO. Ok, who the hell even wears this? Not for me.

92. Rambo Box Set.

NO. It's on the list.

91. Team America: World Police.

NO. Didn't much care for the movie. But I have the South Park film. Does that count?

90. Anchorman.

NO. You know, Ive never seen it. I really should.

89. The Hangover.

NO. As above.

88. At least one season of The Simpsons.

YES. I have 6 - wanting to add more.

87. Borat.

NO. I should get this. I have Ali G IndaHouse. And I loved the film.

86. Zoolander.

NO. Just saw it recently on Movie Greats. It is a great. Maybe one day I'll pick it up.

85. At least one season of Entourage.

NO. Haven't got them yet, but it's on the list. Only seen a few episodes, but the show is great.

84. Predator.

NO. Not a huge fan of the movie, but a classic I might one day get. I have all the Terminator films though.

83. Bourne Box Set.

NO. Surprisingly haven't got. Love the films though and can't wait for another.

82. Remote Control Beer Cooler.

NO. Not on the priority list, as I drink little beer that I can keep cool in fridge no problem.

81. Sandwich Toaster.

YES. Thank you George Foreman - I have this covered.

80. All purpose dress shirt.

YES. One of the things I personally think every man should have at least twice. A shirt thats ready to go for weddings, funerals, court appearances, job interviews... you need this shirt.

79. A USB Keyring.

NO. I had one until yesterday, but I lost it. I should get one, but I dont even have a keyset at the moment.

78. A tactic for street fighting.

YES. I have several, but the main one for me is to not get involved. I have no reason to be beaten black and blue.

77. A black mate.

YES. I have friends of all races, and genders. Black or otherwise.

76. Punchbag.

YES. Lucked out here. These things arent cheap. No good.

75. A favourite conspiracy theory.

YES. I have some good ones. And they just gotta be true...!

74. A shed.

YES. My second home! :love:

73. A fake email.

YES. You need this. For everything for signing up to some newsletter you dont want gf to see to spam you otherwise would receive...

72. A bat.

YES. Cricket, or baseball? I have a softball one, pretty solid.

71. Naked photo of ex.

YES. Yep. Got from several ex's actually. And no, I don't show my friends and have no plans to put them online.

70. A bullet.

NO. Unless you have a gun, this seems pointless. I have neither, and I choose to have neither.

69. Inflatable Pillow.

NO. Seriously, they have these? Might be handy. But don't have one.

68. Camera Spy Pen.

NO. Those things will just make you paranoid.

67. Psycho Shower Curtain.

NO. Didn't know these existed. And certainly don't want one now. Hmmm - I prefer the glass.

66. Leatherman Multipurpose tool.

NO. I have a Swiss Army knife. But not this. These are apparently better. Should try one.

65. A real stomach.

NO. I have a little gut, but no beer belly. And I need to keep fit.

64. Backstage pass.

NO. I would if I could even see a show here. Last pass I had was for a music festival which I cant remember.

63. Handheld gaming device.

NO. PSP, DS, Phone - no on all three. Thinking of a DS Lite a lot lately. Really wanna play the Mario and Luigi RPG.

62. A surfboard.

NO. Can't surf and live nowhere near it!

61. A telescope.

YES. Not a great one, but it was still rather expensive. But does the job nicely.

60. Ouija board.

NO. I think it's a bunch of hokum, to be honest. You're dead!

59. One meal you can make well.

YES. Im a decent cook. You won't starve or be disastisfied if I were cooking.

58. A good watch.

YES. I have a watch I really like. Very good for diving, and has a nice solid feel to it.

57. A pre-agreed alibi for anything.

YES. In the case of emergency, you need a friend who will give you a code for your behaviour. I have that.

56. DVD Ripper.

YES. My PC can rip DVD's.

55. Private browsing on your browser.

YES. Yep. Dont need it though. No one else uses my PC.

54. Hidden Camera Dectector Key Ring.

NO. Um... no?

53. An ability to smoke.

YES. I dont smoke, but if I wanted to, I could. But I wont.

52. Leather Jacket.

NO. Dont have one. And seriously - cow skin? I'd rather a synthetic.

51. A password to one good porn site.

YES. Got this one covered.


Seriously, wtf? If I am apparently a man, then I've been letting myself down. Out of the 50 there, 30 of them I don't own. Some of them I intend not to. Hmm...



P.S Will add the last 50 next week.

Currently playing?

Hail all,

Category: Games

Currently playing?

Dragon Age: Origins.

Seriously have been sucked into the game. I've got a few of the DLC as well. I've finished all the DLC that I have (considering getting Witch Hunt), and am currently just playing through the story. I still haven't finished it - and I also have Awakening to play. But I'm very much enjoying the game. I just checked my playthrough time, and I'm currently at 60 hours - and I still have heaps to get through! Will be a while on this one.

Batman: Arkham Asykum

Sometimes, you just feel the need to beat up someone. Batman is extraordinary at it. I've been a batfan for a long time, I have a bunch of the comics, the movies, the graphic novels, and I've played quite a few of the games. But this is easily the best batman game yet. It's actually the best superhero game I've ever played. And it is so well representative of Batman. The best part of the game is Scarecrow (that walking down the hallway bit was amazing), and the game constantly keeps you on your toes. A good story - and after looking up the sequel, appears to be continuing well. I have completed the game.

Red Dead Redemption

I held out a while, finally I relented and bought the game. Im glad I did. Its an excellent title, with a well realised world and characters. I've only played a little of this game, and I can see just how much it has to offer. Im currently just started in Mexico, and so I've got a fair bit to play yet. I'm happy too.

Burnout Paradise

I'm playing through it again. The best car racing game I own is actually the only one I own - sadly. Still, a great game and just has so much to offer. Im currently getting all the licences, and I have about 75% of all the extras.

The Sims 3: Ambitions

A nice game to while away time on - I decided to go back to The Sims and see if I can get some of the rare stuff. So I have World Adventures but never got myself a Mummy. Working on that now. And I have Ambitions, so I want a Servo. I still haven't tried all the Ambitions, but my current guy is a Ghost Hunter, and the teenager is a Inventor in the making. So I'm getting there. Being as dectective is boring though.

Currently waiting on...

Dead Rising 2

Loved the original, and the sequels looking really good. Maybe worth it, not too sure. But I'll be getting it if the reviews are good.

Fallout: New Vegas

Love the Fallout series, and this one looks awesome. Hopefully it's as good as I hope for - but Im getting the Collector's Edition.

Those are the two games on the horizon (coming soon) that really interest me. I'm hoping the Sly Collection comes out here too - I'd definitely pick that up as well.

Cheers all,


Saga's Backpacking Tips

Hail all,

Category: Travel

Well, I'm sorry it has been a while. I'm currently tied down to working hard at Uni, and I'm making a real go of it. I seem to be doing well. At the very least, Im not flunking.

Anyway, that's beside the point. In a few days time I mark the one year anniversary of leaving Honduras. A country I dearly love and dearly would love to return to.

I honestly think that it is the people that make a place magical, rather than the sights itself. I prefer to travel alone, but I like meering people on the way. It's through them that places seem far more memorable, than without the company.

That said, I've become something of an expert when it comes to backpacking. I have now visited 36 different countries, and I haven't had a truly bad experience yet. But they are all part of the journey - and so, here are a few tips to make the most out of your trip. Enjoy!

Also, most of my tips can be treated as saving you some cash. Food for thought!

1. Learn to love travelling alone. Believe it or not, this is the best way to travel. Without someone else beisde you, you don't have to worry about changing your mind. You are free to go and to change itineraries as you please. That's not to say you should always be alone. But travelling alone makes for an excellent incentive to be more social, and to meet more people.

2. Learn to love the locals. Travel agencies only get you so far. This is why I use them to get travel insurance and other necessities, but I rely on locals - or long term travellers for the best info. They have the best stories, the best sights, the best bargains - all that info they are usually willing to share freely. You'd be foolish to dismiss it.

3. Learn to love the Sarong. The Sarong is the ultimate travel companion. Sarongs can be a beach towel, a piece of clothing, a ready made gauze, a bath towel, a bathroom mat - and any number of things. Sarongs are the most versatile piece of clothing you can take - and if you especially are going to tropical climates, will be a decision you'll be thankful for.

4. Learn to love the tourist information centre. Almost every major city has one. Go there. I'd recommend getting every brochure of every activity that interests you. Climb the highest public access building and take photos. These give you the best insight into where you were and how much you enjoyed yourself.

5. Learn to love the discounts. There is no reason anyone should ever pay full price. If you are interested in a few things, ask at the tourist information centre about discounts and combination tickets. Major attractions usually combine to offer special discounts. Ask about them. You could be making big savings.

6. Learn to love the cooking. Sure - you should sample local cuisine. I highly recommend it. You may find you really enjoy eel pie. But don't rely on it. You have booked into a backpackers with it's own kitchen - learn to use it. Anyone can cook a simple meal, whether it's a chicken soup or baked beans on toast. One large pot of food can easily be enough for several meals. Heat and eat as needed.

7. Learn to love the Hostel. Most hostels offer discounts, activities and deals. If you plan to stay a while, ask about extended time rates. Many offer weekly discounts. Ask about free activities. Maybe they have a poker or movie or game night? Maybe they offer free walking tours? Maybe they give you a discount on bus fares, or more? Always ask.

8. Learn to love the roommates. If satying in a backpackers, you're likely to be staying in a room with others. This isn't uncomfortable - and it can be quite enjoyable. Go out for a night with them - go to a bar and split a jug of beer, or a case of whatever. If you split the costs, you gain benefits of cheaper drinks, and generally a better evening than doing so alone.

9. Learn to love the free stuff. Almost every city has some form of free transport. Every major city has a library with free internet access. Almost every major park has some free event. Check with the tourism information centre - they likely have a listing of free events. Of course, they should also have a listing of free locations. Pick and choose what you like.

And lastly...

10. Learn to love the times. Roll with it. Travelling/ Backpacking is an adventure. Don't be tied down by fear. Do something outrageous. Whether that means going to a nude beach or jumping out of a plane - go for it. You usually get one opportunity to have the time of your life, so do something out of the ordinary. The memories will more than make up for the initial hesitation.

Hope you enjoy this. Happy travels!

