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What have I been playing?

Hail all,

Category: Games

Well, it's back to the games. With a holiday to enjoy before heading back to Uni, the past few weeks have seen me playing a fair few games. I have a PS3 to enjoy now, and with that comes some of the PS3 games I've been missing out on. Here's what I've been playing.

Resident Evil 5. (PS3)

Believe it or not, I hadn't played this game until a month ago. I completed it in quick time as well. And while it was an enjoyable game, it certainly didn't wow me like the 4th did. Personally, I'd give it a 8.5 out of 10.

LittleBigPlanet. (PS3)

Now here's a game I've just fallen in love with. Easily one of the most engaging games I've yet played. I'm trying to get ever little sticker and material I can, and I've been working on creating a level masterpiece. It's my ode to Oddworld, actually. I'd happily give this a 9.5 out of 10. The half mark is for some personal struggles.

Toy Story 3. (PS3)

I used the 7 day EB deal for this one. The many ads on TV just screamed at me to give this one a go, and I'm glad I did. The Toy Box mode alone made it worth it, and the main game was quite fun too. Creating my own fun and just having fun with the toys is a welcome break from all the questing/ fetch gameplay normally associated with this type of game. 8 out of 10.

Frontlines: Fuel of War. (PC)

I just completed the story mode tonight, actually. Not the most thrilling of stories, but the gameplay is rock-solid. And you can play with the Xbox 360 controller too. 7.5 out of 10.

Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4. (PS3)

Using the 7 day deal as well, but I really wanted to keep this one. Easily the largest Lego game ever, it has a massive roster of characters and an incomprehendable amount of locations. The gameplay is rock-solid, and it's fun to look around Hogwarts. Not much combat (and what's there isn't great) but just exploring and playing around with magic is great fun. A 9 out of 10.

Puzzle Quest. (PC)

Ok, I know I should be getting the sequel, but it's still quite costly and I haven't exactly finished the original game yet. I'll wait for it to come down in price. In the meantime, I can try and complete the story and get all the mounts, etc. Great game, a 9 out of 10 from me.

Apart from that last game, I've actually managed to finish all the titles. I'm looking at getting the GTA 4 expansions and Red Dead Redemption now. I've been meaning to lose myself in a nice long story. Just wish Red Dead was on PC.

Anyway, that's what I'm playing currently. How about you?



Living on the Cheap Part 10 - Extra Cash

Hail all,

Category: Business

Just a few days ago I resurrected a long dormant blog series titled Living on the Cheap. This was not a one-off, Think of it as the beginning of a second series of blogs on how to live cheaply.

Being frugal is it's own reward! Savign money on things you need means you can spend more on things you want!

But Living on the Cheap isn't all about saving money. In today's case, it's about earning some more. Below you'll find some tips which should hopefully help some of you get a little extra cash.

If you want to Live Cheaply with:

Games - Meat - Recipes - Utilities - Home and Health - Travel - Work/Car - Nights out - Internet

you can click the links above.


1. (Assuming you're working) Ask for a raise. Very simple. Be direct. Put it in writing if you want. State why you want one, and why you deserve one. Even something as small as $1 an hour is more, and can add up.

2. Take a second job (or a first one, if you are unemployed). If you work the same hours every week, and find yourself with extra time - you can use this time to do some extra work. Taking on a second, menial job will earn you a little extra cash.

3. Mow lanwns. A local job centre will help you create and print your own business flyers, and you can just put these in mailboxes in your local area. At no cost to yourself, you might be able to do a few lawn mows once a week. Even at low cost, this can easily give you some good cash.

4. Competitions. Enter as many as you possibly can. There are scores of free competitions to enter. Do it on your lunch break. Create a dummy email address for all your competition entries. And enter as many as you can. Dont bother using the SMS or big TV ones, but most companies offer something on their websites often. Try it out. I've won t-shirts, hats, shoes, books and even money.

5. Declutter. According to scientists, the average person has several hundred dollars of useless stuff they can sell. Spend a few hours looking through your things. If it isn't needed, see if you can sell it. If it can't be sold, donate it. If you cant do either, recycle it.

6. Deliver catalogues. Usually local newspapers always have ads asking for people to deliver catalogues. This is a simple job, can be done in a few hours, and gets you good exercise. They generally pay cash as well, so you usually dont even need to report to Centrelink. Very handy if you're a struggling student.

7. Check Garage sales. Most parents have little knowledge of games, and they'll sell some genuine valuable stuff by accident. Look for people who are busy. Get there early. But it is possible to find boxes of old games consoles and games cheap, and then sold on eBay, making you a small amount. I've done this several times, and have always come out better. So far I've spent about $700 at Garage Sales, and I've made over $2000 back on eBay. And all of that is selling my own stuff, so no problems with Centrelink, etc.

8. Check Centrelink's policies out. They aren't so obvious about what they offer, but they offer a wealth of additional ways to get more payments. Ask them about Telephone and Internet policies. They generally give you a small return on your internet and phone bills if you are a student. Other options may be available to you, even if you work full time.

9. Cook and sell. Most schools are crying out for volunteers at their canteens. Make some cheap but good food that kids will buy. I recommend chocolate biscuits (although anything chocolate is generally good). Volunteer at the school, and for a few hours work, you can sell out of your food and even have a little lunch yourself. Good if you're a parent as well.

10. Become a Mystery Shopper. There are several major Mystery Shopper companies in Australia. They don't pay well, but they pay good enough for accurate reports. Most of the reports take about 20 minutes. They usually let you keep the items as well. Several years ago I did this and was mostly getting a lot of take-away. It wouldn't cost me anything, I'd get dinner, and a little cash on top.

11. Cash rewards. Believe it or not, they work. You sign up to the website, give them an email address, and they start sending you surveys. Doing them accurately will get you more surveys. Doing these gives you points, and getting more points means you can then convert them to cash, or entries into competitions, etc. Easy to do, takes little time and may get you some cash.

12. Look for it. I live close to a beach, and quite often people lose things there. Get yourself a decent metal detector, and you may just find some rings or spare change. It's a fun activity, and may make you some cash. I recommend putting up an ad for any lost jewellery though. For some people may miss it.

13. Work at home! Many companies require people to work from home. Everything from cellophane to magnet companies (both of which I've worked for) ask for a few hours of your time. They work by giving you a quota. They generally give you a small amount, so working for them shouldn't affect Centrelink benefits or your work.

14. Telemarketing. You can work at home doing this. You usually are asked to make a certain amount of phone calls and are asked to make a certain amount of sales. This can be done in spare time, and may make you some cash.

15. Walking dogs/ babysitting. Put an ad in the local newspaper (this usually is free) and advertise your services as either, or both. This is usually no cost to you, you shouldn't need to commute, and the money is usually cash.

16. Busk. If you have a talent (play an instrument, do magic) you can busk. Some parts of major cities have dedicated busking zones which require a permit (which you buy). But local areas and smaller cities don't. Even if you can't make a lot of money with it, you usually can make a little.

17. And finally, beg. Set up a website (your internet provider should allow you web hosting space, otherwise there are free options available), and ask people to donate you money. Set up a paypal link to your credit or debit account, and just make up anything to sound like you need the money.

Hopefully I've given you all a few ideas on what you can do. You can do some or all of these things. I hold down a small job, do some work for myself, volunteer at a local school canteen ocassionally (while selling my own stuff), and enter competitions a lot. And Im also a full time student. I make more cash obviously doing extra than not doing it, even if its minimal. But you make minimal on benefits anyway, so any little extra helps me get more games. Hmmm games.

Cheers all,


Living on the Cheap Part 9 - Internet

Hail all,

Category: Technology

Haha! You thought that this blog series was well and truly over! Well, so did I, but still...

The internet is a wonderful piece of technology. Its hard to imagine life without it and I certainly can't be without it.

So welcome to another Living on the Cheap blog. I was looking back at some older blogs and realised that what I wrote in the earlier Living Cheap Blogs is still valid. And on top of that, there is more info to share.

Today's Living Cheap comes courtesy of the internet. And today, I'm hopefully giving you some tips and advice on how to get it cheap.

If you need advice on:

Games - Meat - Recipes - Utilities - Home and Health - Travel - Work/Car - Nights out

Click on the above links. Enjoy!

1. Not all internet is created equal. Some internet is faster than others. Understand why you are getting the internet, and what it's use is for.

2. Online gaming. MMO's (Massively Multiplayer Online games) and Xbox Live can be costly. Look for online deals. Most MMO's have different payment systems, look for the cheapest. Xbox Live Gold is a luxury that unless you play a lot of Halo 3 online for, can do without. Switch to the PS3 and get some free online gaming. If thats not an option, look up eBay, and other sites and look for cheap subscription cards.

3. An invaluable website which lists and compares every internet source out there. On top of that functionality, they have some excellent forums and some of the best community out there.

4. Free internet! Local and state library's generally offer free internet computers, and even free Wi-Fi. If you only need the internet sparingly, try this out.

5. McDonalds Australia has a clean feed internet (no p0rn), and allows you to download 50MB of data. Handy if you need to check stocks, send a file or get a new Iphone app.

6. Many Apple apps have handy wifi sniffers, which seek out free wifi. Definitely worth looking into.

7. Broadband internet is cheaper than most other forms of internet, and offers the best value.

8. Bundle packages. Sometimes the best internet deals come with added extras. Telstra for instance offers Foxtel, home phone, mobile and internet packages. If you are using all these items anyway, best to bundle them with one supplier. You'll definitely save some money that way.

9. Most schools, colleges. tafes and Unis offer free internet. If you are a student of any educational institution, use their internet.

10. Pre-paid internet. If you are hesitant to get the internet, using pre-paid may be a good idea. There is an expensive outlay, and the value isn't great, but if you can't access broadband and you dont use the internet often, this is a good way to get into it.

11. Check the fine-print! Most plans allow you to download a certain quota of data per month. Some plans charge you per MB after this quota has been reached. This can be exceptionally costly! Better to go with a plan that is "shaped". This slows down the plan after you reach the quota, but doesn't charge you extra.

12. Check the fine-print! Most ISP's (Internet Service Providers) offer free downloads from their own site. Using Telstra, for example, you can download music, movies and games (demos or full titles) from their website at no charge to your data quota. This is good if you download a lot of material.

13. Other ISP's offer free hosting services. This allows you to upload websites of your own, saving you money if you want to upload a website yourself.

14. And other ISP's even offer game-hosting sessions. If you play a lot of Call of Duty online or something like that, being with a stable ISP that offers it's own servers will save you money.

15. And lastly, use what you need. If you can download a huge file from your school or the library, than do so there and save some of your quota. Get a plan that works for you - speed you want, quota you use. Dont go under your means, but certainly dont pay more than what you will use. Thats just going to be waste.

Hopefully, this will help.

Cheers all,


p.s I will be adding another living on the cheap blog soon.

Saga is going old-school

Hail all,

Category: General.

Last blog I typed a bit up about Toy Story 3. I felt then, as I do now, having seen it, that it is a perfect example of a bygone era of our own lives brought back. Our childhoods all seem so idyllic, looking back, don't they?

Anyway, most of you know that I am at University. I'm completing a Preperation Program - a program designed to help mature students acclimatise to being full-time students again. It's not a tough program, but I think it's a good one. It will help me evaluate what I want out of life. A personality test I took earlier this year thought that my ideal career would be as a teacher.

And strangely, it's one of the ideas I had considered. Yet I had always thought that University was closed to me. I never received great marks at school, and while I had completed it, I thought that that was the end of my education. It never occured to me to go back.

But I am back. Only, I am currently on holiday. So I decided to do something with myself on that holiday and see if I can cut it in the classroom.

So for the past two weeks, I've been going old-school, literally. I've returned to a Primary School and I've been inspecting just what is expected of a Primary School teacher. I've been watching how they interact with the children, get their attention, and inspect their homework. I've also been interacting with the children - learning how each they go at their own pace.

There is a place for me as a Primary School teacher. There is certainly enough work for it. And it's a safe job. One you know that will always be required. It's not my first option as a career, but I think it will be a good option. But I'm wanting to be sure that this is the life for me. And for that - I have decided to get some hands-on experience. I think it's going over well. And certainly, the teachers seem to enjoy my presence.

I'm not sure if this is the right career path for me but it is one that I want to fully explore before I dismiss it. It's getting easier. And being exposed to a wide variety of classrooms is helping out too. I'm learning.

Cheers all,


Toy Story 3

Hail all,

Category: Movies


Well - I went and saw Toy Story 3. If that's the last we see of Buzz, Woody and all the rest of the gang - than it was certainly a great way to bow out. Toy Story 3 is at least equal that of Toy Story 2, though the original still holds that little perfect place inside where it just can't be beaten.

15 years since the original came out and the original can still pip the third even with all the technical breakthroughs isn't so much about the fact that the film was a landmark in animation. It was about the story.

I should mention that I am a 27 year old male. The original came out when I was just 13. I was more than impressed by it's technical breakthroughs - the wizardry behind creating a CG character that was lifelike. And the film was entertaining and heartwarming in equal measure as well. And I wasn't the only one who enjoyed the film. It rightly ushered in a new animation age - though it helped kill 2D animation on the big screen.

The movie starts off innocently enough - and entertainingly shows our heroes from the perspective of that inner child - using the imagination of the innocent to create a show-stopping scene of grandeur. Yet again, Woody saves the day against the evil Mr Potato Head (with help from Mrs. Potato Head) and Hamm. This world of make-believe is quickly changed for the older Andy, now on his way to college, having to part with his lifelong friends.

Mistakenly, the toys, through a series of mishaps, wind up in Sunnydale Daycare. The bright exterior masks an inner prison where the toys are quickly tortured by the minors and then more so by the prison's warden. The expanded cast includes new toys like a Huggable Bear, a Ken doll and some unusual toys like a squeezie octopus. Though there are also some missing characters, RC car and Bo Peep being the biggest losses to the film.

The films last 15 minutes may actually bring you to tears. I know it did to me. With death being all but certain, the toys hold one another, comfort in their held hands knowing that they are family and can't be parted.

Whatever the wisdom of Pixar in creating plastic playthings that exert more emotion and pack more energy than your average blockbuster and you understand why they are the masters at putting bums on cinema seats. I too can look at the films and walk away and remember a innocent childhood of playing with toys and imagining them fighting one another, or creating roles for them.

And while I may never again spin around so many times on the spot to fall over on my butt or pick up a Ninja Turtle and imagine it's taking on Shredder, Toy Story 3, (like 2, and 1) helps bridge the connection we all have to our childhoods and entertains in and of itself. To Infinity and Beyond, or something like that.

Cheers all,


P.S This blog leads into something else that is happening at the moment in my life. It's exciting, but I'm getting more experience with it before I start to talk about it.

So - how did I fare with E3 2010 predictions?

Hail all,

Category: Games.

Last week I posted my month old predictions on E3. I only wrote about the big 3 companies. I had a few small guesses at other things - and I was right on some of those, but didn't type them up. For one - I had a good feeling that a new Mortal Kombat was in development.

Anyway, here is what I guessed, and scores attached.


- 2 new RARE games, both using Project Natal hardware

Only one Rare game was revealed, though it was called Kinect Sports, and yes it was a Project Natal (Kinect) game. 1 point

- Fable 3 using Project Natal and coming to PC

I went out on a limb with it coming to PC, I thought that using both would save me both ways. I had a good feeling that Fable 3 would make some use of Natal (Kinect) due to the E3 demo of last year. PC was a guess, but I thought if one didn't happen, the other might. I didn't expect both to do so. 2 points

- Xbox 360 Slim

Announced during the Press conference. It is slimmer and a redesign, though it hasnt had a name change or anything like that. 1 point

- Xbox 360 Slim and Project Natal bundle

It's happening. 1 point

- Price drop

This wasn't announced, though retailers leaked that the new RRP was lower. In Australia, the Elite plus ODST and Forza 3 went from $450 to just $250. Wow! 1 point

- Project Natal release date and price.

It was given the name and a release date, though officially wasn't given a price. However, it has since been set at $150USD by several retailers. But MS hasn't said it, so I wont count it. Seems about right though. 1 point

- At least 10 new Project Natal titles.

15 were announced at MS's presser alone, and additionally, several more were announced at other conferences. 1 point

- Project Gotham Racing 5

Not announced, not happening. Maybe some day. 0 points

- Gears of War 3

It was shown - and damn does it look good. 1 point

- New Summer of Arcade; Comic Jumper, Limbo, Hydro Thunder, Lara Croft, Battleblock Theatre, Hydrophobia - more

While not announced as part of the conference, it was part of the press kit. Of course it's happening! 1 point

- Something new to LIVE: a video on demand service, a music service - MTV, Hulu, HBO - something like that.

Yes, a new channel was unveiled in ESPN. A huge bonus to US users, it gives a huge boost to their LIVE services at no additional charge. 1 point

- Joy Ride (Avatar racing game) announced using Project Natal

It's happening! 1 point

TOTAL CORRECT: 13 out of 15


- Wii Party demoed

Shown on the floor and at the conference. 1 point

- 3DS - first games include a new series and a new Nintendogs/ simulation type game

3DS was shown, as was a new Nintendogs title. 2 points

- New Zelda Wii

Shown off right at the conference. 1 point

- New Starfox 3DS

There was a Starfox simulation shown on 3DS, but it can't be confirmed if it's a new title, a remake, or just a tech demo. I wont count this one. 0 points

- Pikmin 3 Wii

It is happening. But it wasn't shown at the conference. I'll count this point, but was upset not to see it. Side note - surprised the series hasn't made the leap to DS. Seems a great fit for the title. 1 point

- 3DS dated and priced

No price or release date announced. 0 points

- Wii Pulse demoed

Not shown or even mentioned. Perhaps the concept is dead. 0 points

- Wii Fit 2

Not mentioned. 0 points

- Metroid Other M detailed

It was shown off at the press conference and on the show floor. 1 point

TOTAL CORRECT: 6 out of 11


- Sequel overload - Infamous 2, Resistence 3, Motorstorm 3, LittleBIGPlanet 2, Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 3

Points for everything but Resistence 3. I have a feeling its coming, but it didn't get announced. 5 points

- PSN Premium - a new paid service.

Happening. 1 point

- PS2 on PSN

Not mentioned. 0 points

- PS2 Move dated/ priced

Dated and priced. 2 points

- New God of War PSP

Yep! 1 point

- Resident Evil PSP

Happening. 1 point

TOTAL CORRECT: 10 out of 12

OVERALL CORRECT: 29 out of 38

or an average of 76%

Makes me wonder - maybe I should take Michael Pachter's job?

Cheers all,


My E3 2010 predictions.

Hail all,

Category: Games

So - my E3 predictions.

NOTE: I wrote these up 2 weeks ago, and some may have been confirmed. I apologise for that - but I guess Im on the right track for the others as well :)

Going with things in alphabetical order.


- 2 new RARE games, both using Project Natal hardware

- Fable 3 using Project Natal and coming to PC

- Xbox 360 Slim

- Xbox 360 Slim and Project Natal bundle

- Price drop

- Project Natal release date and price.

- At least 10 new Project Natal titles.

- Project Gotham Racing 5

- Gears of War 3

- New Summer of Arcade; Comic Jumper, Limbo, Hydro Thunder, Lara Croft, Battleblock Theatre, Hydrophobia - more

- Something new to LIVE: a video on demand service, a music service - MTV, Hulu, HBO - something like that.

- Joy Ride (Avatar racing game) announced using Project Natal.


- Wii Party demoed

- 3DS - first games include a new series and a new Nintendogs/ simulation type game

- New Zelda Wii

- New Starfox 3DS

- Pikmin 3 Wii

- 3DS dated and priced

- Wii Pulse demoed

- Wii Fit 2

- Metroid Other M detailed


- Sequel overload - Infamous 2, Resistence 3, Motorstorm 3, LittleBIGPlanet 2, Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 3

- PSN Premium - a new paid service.

- PS2 on PSN

- PS2 Move dated/ priced

- New God of War OSO

- Resident Evil PSP

Lets see how we go with those predictions!



Nice Holiday

Hail all,

Category: Travel

Just came back from holiday. Had a 3 night stay at a family resort in Launceston. Did the usual stuff; bike riding, swimming, mini golf, bowling, that kind of thing. It was nice, actually.

The fact that its getting into Winter here scares the crap out of me. Tasmanian winters are scary cold and not at all pleasent. And while thankfully I only have to deal with one of them (I plan to move end of year), its getting colder and colder. I'm rugging up more. I'm putting on weight. I'm getting allergies more and they are more prolonged.

I've become a little hermit. A near-frozen hermit, but a hermit all the same.

So a holiday seemed like a good idea. Although no sun was to be found, sleeping somewhere new and interesting is always cool, at least for a bit. So three nights off in Launceston, which I'd hadn't been to in 4 years sounded like a good idea.

But it is the coming home that is better. Seeing neighbours, your pets, checking your mail...

Yeah, my mail.

Cause there was some there for me.

2 cheques, actually.

One was for $22.50.

It was because I'd overpaid on my mobile bill and they gave the cash back to me - as I'm no longer with that supplier.

The other was for $26,909.09.

That was an inheritance I'd received from a late family member.

Interestingly, the cheques were sitting in that mailbox all weekend.

My sister got the same latter cheque as me. Both latter cheques were made to cash.

So - someone could have got into our mailbox, took the cash and deposited it into their accounts and we would have been none the wiser. And they would have received a good 50k.

But they didn't - and I have the cash.

I already know what I'm going to do with it to. I'm doing a little investing.

And maybe, another little holiday, lol. I've made a longstanding promise to go to Japan, maybe it's time I did.



My impressions of the Metal Gear Solid saga. (SPOILERS!)

Hail all,

Category: Games.


Well, I've completed Metal Gear Solid 4. It's been 2 years since it came out, and I assumed, as I'm sure a lot of people did, that we'd see an enhanced version. The original Metal Gear Solid had Integral/VR Missions/ Special Missions. Metal Gear Solid 2 had Substance. And Metal Gear Solid 3 had Subsistence.

And these weren't small upgrades either. Integral fleshed out the extras, adding additional scenes, music and heaps of training missions. Metal Gear Solid 2 had a massive update in Substance - with an additional 300 training missions, another 200 alternative story missions, and bizzarely, a skateboarding game. And Metal Gear Solid 3 actually added the 2 original MSX games, as well as a third person camera and a fully online component!

So, naturally I expected an updated version. I even blogged about it at one point. But here we are, almost 2 years later and we haven't so much heard about a special edition. And in the meantime, Kojima Productions has completed the latest MGS game, MGS: Peace Walker.

So, as a fan of the series, you could say it was one of the biggest games I was missing out on, being a Playstation 3 exclusive and all. But, as you read last month, I now have a PS3, and am slowly, but surely, making my way through some of the biggest titles I have yet to experience. I'd already played (and completed) Uncharted. Next on my list is Killzone 2. But this is about Metal Gear Solid 4.

So, Metal Gear Solid 4 then. Effectively the final Metal Gear. Hideo Kojima has said it for years that he is stepping away from the series, (yet the team then went on to make Peace Walker), and he co-directed with Shuyo Murata only due to massive negative fan feedback. So it should come to no surprise then that MGS4 is a looker. Like all the previous titles, MGS4 pushes the hardware to impecably high heights. I don't think I've ever seen a title so massive in terms of production value. MGS4 is clearly impressive visually.

But what might not be known is that it is a 5 chapter game. Almost all media released prior to the titles release was based on the first Chapter, taking place in the Middle East. The game also has chapters in South America, Eastern Europe, Shadow Moses and Outer Haven.

Yes, that is Shadow Moses from the original Metal Gear Solid and Outer Heaven (but not as you remember it) from the original Metal Gear. The game definitely retreads the footsteps of previous games, with both locations and characters making comebacks, flashbacks and references.

The story shows Solid Snake going after his brother/ prime antagonist Liquid Ocelot. During the events of the original Metal Gear Solid, Liquid Snake was the primary antagonist. After falling victim to FoxDie in the final moments, his body was carved out to replace an arm for Revolver Ocelot, who was attacked by Gray Fox aka Frank Jaeger, who himself was a main antagonist in the original Metal Gear series.

In his appearance in MGS2, Revolver Ocelot appears to be fighting with the personality of Liquid Snake as Snakes persona overcomes Ocelot's own. By the time MGS4's story takes place, Revolver Ocelot is no more and Liquid Snake has become Liquid Ocelot. Using the fuel of war to create Outer Heaven, he tries to continue his father's legacy by creating a world in which war will always have a place.

Using the storyline of MGS2 as a stepping board, the game heavily references the original series as well as the Solid series, and features new characters and old. Otacon continues as the main supporting character, and Rosemary the girlfriend of Raiden, as seen in MGS2 returns as a counselor/ support. They are the only 2 codec supporters that Snake has throughout the entire adventure.

Additional characters Sunny Gurlukovich (who was referenced in MGS2 though never seen) and Colonel Campbell round out who Snake will see during Mission Briefings (which now appear in game instead of being a option on the main menu. They also now use the same graphics as other cutscenes, rather than the brushwork style of YojI Shinkawa, the art director). Returning character Naomi Hunter also assists during several briefings.

Additional returning character Mei Ling (first in MGS and not seen but referenced in MGS2) also provides the final briefing before Outer Heaven.

Other characters that are brought back include fan favourites like Psycho Mantis (as his spiritual successor Screaming Mantis), the infamous Johnny, EVA (known in the game as Big Mama, first appeared in MGS3) and of course, Meryl Silverburgh, (who first appeared in the original MGS). Both Raiden and Vamp also make appearances (both from MGS2) and Vamp is actually a minor boss in the game.

Previous characters are also referenced. Going back and playing through Shadow Moses is much like playing Bioshock. The music and quotes are lifted directly from that game. It's a real pleasure to see the area brought back to life.

As the game winds to an end, it feels like the weight of the world has finally come to finish Snake off, once and for all. The game makes smart use of split screen showing the wider battle as Snake literally crawls and struggles his way through a molten corridor, knowing it's a one-way trip. The strong imagery and music are real tear-jerkers. You see major characters die.

The bosses in the game are each a mish-mash of the abilities of the original MGS bosses with the emotions of the MGS3 bosses. The final fight against Screaming Mantis actually brings back Psycho Mantis, who makes great reference to using the controller to move itself and being able to read your memory, only he now cant, due to using a SixAxis and the PS3 having a Hard Drive.

Otacon makes a joke to change discs at the exact point that you did in the original MGS. Than laughs about it, stating that with Blu Ray, there is no need for that.

Infamous character Johnny (who apart from Snake is the only character in every MG and MGS game) is finally completely revealed.

What is great about the game is that it completely recognises itself as a part of gaming history and uses it to make itself better.

What isn't so great is the lengthy cutscenes. I've timed some of them. For instance, one of them goes for an incredible 90 minutes. Another, goes for 70 minutes. Most cutscenes easily go for at least 10 minutes. In my 29 hour game, about 16 hours of that was non-interactive.

I watched more than I actually played. That said, what I played was versatile, interesting and fun. The chase battles in both Act 2 and Act 3 were very fun, and for the first time ever, being able to pilot a Metal Gear to take on another Metal Gear is awesome fun. It's easily the standout moment of the entire game.

I liked how with the press of the X button during cutscenes you'd see small flashbacks from prior games. And the use of the L1 button to show the cutscene from Snakes view (when available) was also cool. But apart from that, they were incredibly lengthy, and usually unnecessarily so.

Overall, MGS4 wraps up the series quite strongly. You must note that the game is not for newcomers. There is a great deal of stress put on the games story, which assumes you've played the prior games. This is especially true of the original MGS, which at the time of the games release, was already 2 generations and 10 years old.

That said, MGS4 is still an enjoyable game in it's own right. I'm happy I've played and completed the game and can put the series to rest.

For those on the fence about getting the game, I can happily recommend it. But I also can recommend any of the MGS games. But if you are not a fan of the series, than MGS4 won't change your mind. Its easily the most story-centric game in the series, and has some amazing moments that make you think - Wow...

I think MGS3 was the worst of the main series, but this makes it pretty close. The second chapter was my favourite, it also having the most gameplay, and some varied things too.

The use of stealth is most interesting in the game. For one you have to track someone, using both smell, wind direction and even the impression of bootprints. In another, you actually tail a suspect, and dont actually attack anyone at all until much later in the chapter. In one sequence you actually replay a section of the original MGS!

In the end, MGS4 is a sum of all the games that came before it. Its a bit of this and that, trading nostalgia and gaming memories in replacement for anything truly new. But it sums up the series nicely and is a good enough game in its own right.



I have defected

So, I am a PS3 owner now. I finally have had enough of a shonky console that decides it ocassionally wants to work and half the time, not. I like the 360 console, I really do. But now, finally stepping away from it is something of a relief. I know I'll miss out on some games, like Gears of War 2 and Halo Reach, but Im not too upset, actually. I gain a lot from owning a PS3 console.

In fact, I used my PS3 console to play and complete Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. I can happily say that that was the first game I completed on the console.

The first game I played on the console was Gran Turismo 4.

Yes, a PS2 game. I purchased an early (pre-owned) console that is capable of playing PS2 games.

I'm sad to say goodbye to Xbox 360. And for the first day, I kept nitpicking things I didn't like about the PS3. I haven't found a reset button. I don't like the feel of the controller - it's too light. The console is too big. I didn't like the Menu system.

But there are things I found myself liking too. The console doesn't make a lot of sound. It is really attractive. And it has the awesome game that is Uncharted.

But after owning it for a week now, I've changed my mind. The controller is something I can get used too. The menu system isn't as good, but I'm sure to find my way around it eventually. I like that I can slot the disc straight into the console and no problem, it will load. I like that I can play DVD's, PS2 and PS3 games and even Blu Ray discs, once I get some.

My Xbox 360 couldnt even play DVDs, for some reason.

So - I'm now a PS3 owner. And while I'm not online yet, I hope to be so soon. I like that I can use a wireless connection for the console as well. I intend to get a wireless connection - maybe try out Playstation Home or something.

I'm not turning my back on MS. I still have a Games for Windows account, and you can still find my profile there. In fact, Im also playing Tinker, a free MS game which also has 200 gamerscore. And I've tried out GameRoom. I'd be more interested in that if there were more interesting titles, I reckon.

I'm very happy that Fable 3 is coming to PC. And I wont miss out on Mass Effect 3 either.

So, I guess I'll do ok. I'll miss out a little, but I have much to gain. Now, if only they bring Alan Wake to PC and maybe Gears series, and I should be set.



P.S Btw, my Hidden Gems series is dead. There was little interest in the blogs, and the hidden gems can be found through simple google searches. My next title was planned to be Shadowrun. But never mind that now.