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Hail, from Utila, Honduras.

Hail all,

Category: Travel.

Finally here in Utila! It's gorgeous here, not as nice as Ambergris Caye, but still rather beautiful. The guys here assure me that only doing my Rescue Diver and Emergency First Response certification would be a mistake, that I should also go for my DiveMaster certification. I've decided to do that. So of course, I'm diving heaps. Got a bunch of books and things to review, and it barely feels like a vacation at the moment - more like an education. Still, it's giving me something to do because to be honest, there isn't much to do here other than dive. At least Ambergris Caye was larger too.

I know I sound down about the place, I'm not - it's great, but Utila is absolutely tiny, and I'm not even staying on that. I'm on Jewel Cay, a tiny cay about 5 kilometres further west and it is really tiny. But it is gorgeous. So I'll be staying here for a good few weeks, so you won't find any Hail, from ... blog posts in a while. But I'll update on how I'm going with my diving. Becoming a DiveMaster is a dream come true - never expected it a year ago, and within a month I could be supervising dives on my own. The mind boggles.

Gotta run though, more study awaits!



Hail, from Copban, Honduras.

Hail all,


Well, I'm finally in Honduras! And wouldn't you know it, power is out! Common occurance over here, or so I've read, but the place I'm at now has a generator. And what better use of a hot day than in a cool office using the internet?

So, I made it to Honduras, finally. Got a collectivo at 4am, got to the border about 9am, and finally entered Copban a little after 10am. So, I'm here!

Met a lovely girl on the trip up here, named Sally. She's English. Managed to score a spare room at a decent Hotel with her, so I'm finally going to have a room with someone else, which feels nice. Spooning strangers is fun!

Went to the Copban Ruins today with her, they were pretty fascinating. I thought it was a bit of a rort the price they were charging to enter, considering they've hardly done anything to improve the site or preserve it in anyway, so I'm guessing all that money is just going in the government coffers. I feel so ripped off...

Still, the ruins themselves were certainly a nice sight, and having Sally there and able to take some pictures was nice. The power is still out at our Hotel and we have no fan, so its going to be hot, but we might be able to hang with our american neighbours and play some cards tonight. Maybe a few drinks. Should be fun.

Cant wait to hit the Bay Islands!



Hail, from Antigua, Guatemala.

Hail all,

Category: Travel.

I'm in Antigua! Absolutely love it here. Got some great photos and have done some amazing things. It's been my base for some great day trips, and I have an awesome Hostel with a great House Mama who cooks fantastic breakfests.

Antigua is a UNESCO Heritage City, so it can't change. It's described by many as the most beautiful city in Antigua and was once the Capital (which is now Guatemala City, about 30 minutes away).

Beautiful churches, cobblestone streets, and a laid back, friendly attitude with some charming locals makes this place a real highlight. I'm enjoying just wandering the streets and seeing what turns up.

If you're heading out this way, Antigua is definitely worth a stop over. Even if you dont like the city itself, it's a great base for other wonderful sites in Guatemala. I've already shared a few with you.

Be sure to keep up with me via Facebook!

Cheers all,


Hail, from Chichicastenango, Guatemala.

Hail all,

Category: Travel.

So yes, I have been busy on the forums. And in this blog. And elsewhere. But most importantly, I´ve been busy here, collecting, collating and documenting my experience here in beautiful Guatemala. As I write this, Im in Antigua, though I just left Chichi (shortened abreviation the locals use) and I must say, I was very impressed.

Chichi is most famous for it´s markets, which draws thousands twice a week. I decided to head along to the Thursday ones, and was completely swamped by locals, trying to get me to purchase some amazing handicrafts. I´d never seen so many wooden carvings or beautiful afghans!

And they were at prices I couldn´t believe either. Just $15AUD for a beautifully handmade table runner, with literally dozens of colours. I´ve bought so many gifts for the folks at home, I may actually consider a lottery for some items I have to give to you all, fellow GSAU members.

Chichi is very eclectic, old world and UNESCO buildings compete with traditional Mayan architecture and ceremonies, I was lucky enough to witness one.

Still, there is always more to see, and it´s onward from there - to who knows where!?

Cheers all,


Hail, from Chiquimula, Guatemala.

Hail all,

Category: Travel.

I'm in Chiquimula! My long, long bus ride from Flores to Guatemala City has stopped short and I'm spending the night here instead. Looks like a quite, clean town. Might be nice to lay back and relax here, though Antigua calls. Flores was beautiful, this looks a little boring. Went drinking earlier and they kicked us out of the bar at 10pm! Wow...

Still, when you're paying about $2 per beer and about $5 for a room, can't really complain. And hey, getting out of here tomorrow and being in Antigua should be a snap.

We'll see.

Cheers all,


Hail, from Flores, Guatemala.

Hail all,

Still in Guatemala and loving it. Things are cheap, the people are awesome, and there is so much to see and do. My facebook status the other day for instance:

Jeff just ate some Marshmallows cooked by Lava Fire. Delicious!

Yes, that really did happen. I have pictorial proof.

I went and visited Tiqal which only happens to be one of the most amazing Mayan ruins ever found. And several thousand howler monkeys wouldn´t shut it either!

I´m keeping myself very busy and too be honest, Guatemala is so far showing up as the best part of this whirlwind Central America tour so far. I´m having a ball.

I recommend it to you all. Off to go have some more fun now - cya all!



MY E3 Predictions 2009.

Hail all,

Category: Games.

Hail - and welcome to my annual traditional E3 Predictions blog. Last year I got about 80% right and I'm looking for a repeat performance. So - my predictions should be mostly perfunctory, pretty predictable, though I've added a few wild ideas that may/ may not happen. You just never know...

I'm scaling back a little this year, and I'm focussing on the big 3.

Lets go alphabetically, so we start with Microsoft.


Will announce 1 or 2 never seen before high profile games. Forza 3 is pretty much a certainty here, and I'm assuming a action/ RPG hybrid from the Lionhead studio.

Rare will announce something. Not sure what. I'm assuming at least one XBLA title and one full title. Both will be original titles.

MS will announce further support for Nintendo DS or Iphone development. We'll see conversions of titles such as Age of Empires, Rise of Nations, Viva Pinata and Flight Simulator.

PC will get Gears of War 2 and Halo 3, as well as a new title from the Epic team. MS announces long term plan to keep Epic and they working together for years.

Xbox 360 dashboard improvements. Major announcement includes a massive update for the Video Marketplace, a new Music Marketplace and new Music Video Marketplace where new music videos will be streamed. A new deal will be linked with a major label, likely MTV, on getting new music and television shows a lot of exposure on the network.

Heaps of demos and downloads will be available, including the entire Press conference, demos of major titles including Bioshock 2 and a secret title.

A new motion detection peripheral will be announced. This will be a major development, and will be available by holiday. it will be packaged with a new MS developed or published title, and it will be excellent. Other developers will pledge support for it, and it will become the focus of MS in breaking into the mass market.

New Scene It? and LiPS titles will be announced.

Metal Gear Solid comes to Xbox 360. MGS4 or some other title. Hard to pin.

Price drop for Xbox 360.

New Xbox 360 SKU announced, with new pack in titles.

More Platinum games.


A new Zelda will be announced for Wii. Very early footage shown, not expected this year.

Disaster, Monster Hunter 3 and Fatal Frame 4 all announced for USA.

Official unveil of Pikmin 3. Also an announcement of Pikmin DS and will be able to "talk" to the Wii title.

A new Resident Evil for Wii.

A new Metroid for DS.

Mario RPG 3 coming stateside.

Wii Fit Plus. The original game with a few new activities, and support for Wii Motion Plus.

Wii Motion Plus will be majorly shown, especially with Red Steel 2. A new title will be shown using it that will wow everyone.

DSi games that will wow audience. A number of DSiWare games that will also surprise.


A UMD less PSP which will use major hard drive for storage.

New games announced for PSP, including a new Star Ocean, new Monster Hunter, new Final Fantasy, and the official announcement of a new Jak and Daxter title (which will also come to PS2).

Many updates to PSP including a new Comic/ Manga viewer/ store, new music store, general improvements to Playstation Store.

Gran Turismo 5 shown, not promised to come anytime soon.

Team Ico officially show off PS3 title. Jaws drop.

Team Incognito (Warhawk) shows a new title, will amaze.

MGS5 announced.

New DLC for Killzone 2.

God of War 3 shown.

Uncharted 2, Ratchet and Clank and Heavy Rain are all spectacular, all coming this year.

PS Home talked up, new services introduced.

Price drop for PS3.

Siphon Filter coming to PSP again.

White Knight Story coming to USA.

New PSP and PS2 official SKU's announced, with new pack in titles.

More Platinum games.


All the others will show off their titles. There will be a few surprises, but most games we will know about.

And that should be it.


Whatever Valve are working on. Hopefully it's Portal 2.

Whatever Capcom are being secretive about.

Whatever Rare are working on.

Bioshock 2!

Assassin's Creed 2.

Team Ico game.

Heavy Rain.

Hopefully, a new SMG or Kid Icarus title for Wii.

Hail, from San Ignacio, Belize.

Hail all,

Category: Travel.

So, I made it off Ambergris Caye and I'm finally back to the mainland. Took a cheap bus and headed way inland, all the way to the edge of the country and landed in San Ignacio.

Good place to base myself for a few days and check out a few ruins. I might be heading to Tiqual, I might not, but I'm definitely seeing a cave site tomorrow.

Hope to be in Guatemala shortly. Can't speak highly enough of San Pedro, so far not liking it here though. Belize boasts about itself more than it has a right too, I reckon. It's a nice place but it has a higher opinion of itself than it should. It doesn't have the breadth of options for tourists that more established regions have. Still, its a damn sight better than some places I've been.

Till I get to Guatemala...

Cheers all,


Hail, from San Pedro, Belize!

Hail all,

Category: Travel.

I'm in San Pedro! Absolutely love it here. I've already done 5 dives and qualified as a Advanced Diver. I'm considering staying here an extra few days and going for my Search and Rescue Certificate as well. But I've already got another 4 dives lined up for the next two days as well, including one at night if I want (which I do).

Absolutely gorgeous here and laid back. You ever see that film Cool Runnings? The Jamaicans were laid back and always said "no problem man!"? Well, I'm in the real life version of it. This place has taken laid back and turned it into an art form. Having a midday siesta or closing early for a party or whatever seems to be the norm here. Hardly anyone drives cars too - everyone uses Golf Carts or Bicycles to get around.

Yes, it really is that laid back.

The diving here is exceptional. Belize is home to the second largest reef system in the world, over 185km of it. And only 10% or so of it has been fully explored. Compared to Cancun, this place still isn't over-run with tourists, though I expect big things from this place in the next ten years. It will become the new Playa Del Carmen. If they upgraded the bus and boat terminals in Belize City, cleaned up that city, and upgraded the airport over here, I guarantee the tourists would come.

As it is, it's laid back and not over-populated. It's great as it is.

And I love it! Will be here a few days more, than heading west into Belize to explore a few more ruins before heading into Guatemala.

You want the latest, on what and where I'm up to, my facebook details can be found in previous blog. Would love a few more friends on there. And I'd love to see what you're all up too as well.

Cheers all,


P.S To answer a previous blog's question, I'll be back in Australia in July.

Hail, from Belize City, Belize.

Hail all,

Category: Travel.

Goodbye Mexico, hello Belize! I made it over the border relatively unscaved and have entered Belize City. Took the early morning bus, and I'm rather sad to see Mexico off. Met some nice people at the Hostel I was staying at, had an awesome time snorkelling in Cenotes and swimming in the most crystal clear ocean. The water is beautiful there.

Still, I'm planning on doing even more water sports here. I got here too late for the boat out to San Pedro, so I'm going to spend the night here. Its a very.... seedy place. Everyone is a beggar, everyone wants your ciggarettes or wants to give you a cab ride to nowhere. The British girl I met on the boat was very apprehensive and very glad I kept her company. We're spending the night in a rather bad and run down hotel, but it's very adjacent to the Marine Terminal, so we can get our respective boats out early.

For reference, she's going to Cay Caulker, while I'm heading to San Pedro.

The good thing about Belize is that everyone speaks English. English is the official language of the country and at one point the country was called British Honduras. Thats slowly changing though, and more and more people are bilingual in Spanish, which makes sense when everyone of your neighbours uses that as their official language.

Apart from that, I have nothing much to report though I do intend to live it up in San Pedro.

If you'd like to keep more up to date with me and what I'm up to, head to Facebook and search for Send me a friends request, and you can get the latest, and a embarassing richness of photos too.

Cheers all,
