@numinex10: Very true, probably why he said 'most' people, and he would be correct in saying that 'most' people would choose Fallout 4 considering its xbox exclusive (which certainly won't help its initial sales)
@Shin_Gallon: Once again, you're confusing better with easier. Better is subjective, easier is a fact. It's why many, many PC gamers just don't like it, because they struggle with it.
@drumjod: Because its more plausible than your average person with a mortgage and a family throwing down $30,000 on an unreleased game. There are plenty of people that are ridiculously wealthy, not that I care either way, its their money to do whatever they like with. Good luck to them.
@sakaixx: Or maybe he was born into a ridiculously wealthy family, hasn't worked a day in his life and doesn't understand the meaning of money as it isn't something he has ever had to care about?
@lonesamurai1: lol kids still upset, wow. Keep biting sonny and flailing away aimlessly, even your spelling is starting to slip you're that angry. Would you like a hug?
@lonesamurai1: lol I am losing an argument in a game comments section because I have managed to upset some bad PC players, oh no its the end of the world whatever shall I do! lol calm down kid
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