@Kaisfate @Salt_AU A publsiher being completely greedy? Do you have any idea at all how much it costs to make a AAA game these days? Any idea at all? Used games will kill the gaming industry unless action is taken. Comparing a used car to a used game is just moronic. Get a clue.
@SingletreeAve @Salt_AU Why do you think that developers concentrate on making the majority of their games on consoles first and porting them to the PC second? Why? Think about it. More people own a PC that a gaming console yet developers make more money on consoles. Piracy is the reason whether you're blind to that fact or not. 'You' dont pirate games, thats great, neither do I but we are the minority I'm afraid. I've always maintained that piracy will eventually bite the entertainment industry in the ass.
@beuneus12 Microsoft retained a minority stake in Bungie, after all they have a good history and MS put them on the map in terms of a stand out AAA developer. An American company working with another American company, who would have thought?
Salt_AU's comments