Funny because I have had very little problems with their games. Fallout 3 (xbox) completely finished including all DLC, Fallout New Vegas (xbox) completely finished including all DLC, Oblivion (xbox) completely finished including all DLC, Skyrim (xbox) completely finished, almost finished Dawnguard DLC. All of their games also happen to be awarded GOTY in their respective years, I think you are on your own kid.
"Free to play will become the dominant pricing model by the end of the decade," he added. The same Frank Gibeau that told investors pre SWTOR release "With Star Wars The Old republic we feel very bullish to be able to come into this category with a fresh offering, something that's brand new that appeals to a majority of that category.", less than 12 months later and after a complete failure of an MMO that has had to go F2P he is now spruking that F2P is the way forward. Forgive me if I laugh in at the comments from this clown.
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory on the original Xbox is still one of my favourite multiplayer games. I loved the 2 v 2 spy v mercs. Really looking forward to this.
I could almost guarantee that Blizzards new MMO Titan will absolutely set new records for the MMO industry. Why? Because Blizzard understand the market, they polish their games unlike any other developer and they've had 8 years fine tuning the most successful MMO ever, 12+ if you include the development period of WoW. Titan, when it releases, will be huge.
The Old Republic fizzled not because its an MMO or belongs to the genre. If fizzled because its a poorly designed game. The MMO industry will be far better off when the current generation of game developers learn that the playerbase doesn't want nor does it need another World of Warcraft, it already has one. At the moment the MMO industry is stifled by lack of originality and its hurting. Guild Wars 2 have at least taken a step to stand on its own merit and thats nothing but a positive. I also think that if GW2 succeeds, and I believe it will, it will generate a new lease of life into the genre.
Error 3007 disconnection is massively frustrating. 2 hours of Error 37 trying tio get in and then 2hrs of 10 minute or so disconnections. I will be level 60 before Act I because I'm just repeating stuff I had done after I was DCed.
The give shield to a follower bug is the least of their problems!
Salt_AU's comments