@itchyflop: I seriously doubt you (and your brother) own 'all consoles' from the beginning champ. We both know you're talking or typing out of your backside.
@SkytheWiz1: So it is ok for an RPG to have a system that is essentially an artificial way to boost game longevity (trying to introduce the - I need to get better equipment mindset) but not a FPS or third person shooter?
@SkytheWiz1: "but the needless addition of gear scores is just an artificial way to boost game longevity (trying to introduce the - I need to get better equipment mindset"
You could use that exact argument against pretty much every single game that uses a gear score format. Ultimately it is negligible but its hardly Breakpoint only that does it, negligible stats have been used in RPGs and MMOs as well as gear score related FPS games since their inception. I wonder if Cyberpunk 2077 will get called out for it?
@icing: Nope. He is correct. You will be playing (and they will be reviewing) mobile games or indie only before you know it. Reviewers and YouTube kids need to pull their heads in. Hate bait for clicks with AAA games seems like the rage these days and ultimately it will hurt the industry. The irony is its the industry that these clowns make a living from.
Its either incessant gushing about a game or a 4 to 6 and panning it more than the other guy did for likes or clicks. Indie games scoring an 8 - 10 that look as they belong in 1988 isn't really my thing my dude.
It has more in common by a mile with Dragon Age Inquisition than The Witcher 3, I'm enjoying it. I disagree with this review but these days reviewers tend to be wildly off the mark more often than not. Its a shame because some good games are getting dismissed by so called gaming journalists and or Youtubers and some people tend to follow reviews blindly.
I played WoW on and off, mostly on from 2004 - 2015 or so and have no desire at all to play again or revisit Vanilla but I am glad that many are. I have generally fond and good memories of Vanilla and BC and saw the slide coming with WotLK. Homogenised classes, easy mode levelling experience, group finder garbage and too many stripped back QOL stuff that made the game stale.
Challenge should not be limited to raids, it should be somewhat present in places no matter what you're doing, that is good game design. Overcoming challenges with smart or good gameplay creates a feeling of achievement which is the foundation of Dark Souls, Bloodborne type games. That feeling of achievement or accomplishment along with the rewards you earn are the cornerstone to keeping players engaged. Hopefully developers look at the success of Classic WoW and rethink their game design choices although unfortunately I doubt it.
@Saithan: Nope. That attitude really started towards the end of Vanilla, at times in Burning Crusade and quite regular from Wrath onwards. Of course there are always ass hats but my experience in WoW at launch in December 2004 for a good year was pretty good.
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