@doozie78: You downloaded the base game you ridiculous buffoon. Where would you or the modding community be without, how did you put it, Bethes-duh. What a fucking tool.
@Mokuba34: Kind of reminds me of the PC neckbeards begging for game releases, writing petitions and the general vulgarities they use while begging and whining.
@leviathanxx: Its funny that I could translate what you've said here to The Witcher 3. Objectively the game has the single worst 'RPG' mechanics of any open world RPG, limited to a set character with dull dialogue choices that prevent roleplaying as anything but a disinterested brooding poorly voice acted Gerald of Riverun looking for Ciri. Skills mean nothing outside of crafting, infact they mean nothing inside of crafting either because you can't. Quests all follow the same dull archetype 'Kill X in Area Y' using Witcher vision following footprints with no variety. These complaints have been elaborated on better by others (but probably not as often as me) I'm sure but these are problems at the core of The Witcher 3 and mods. well mods are pitiful in that game. I could also add a pointless economy, horrendously boring repetitive combat, poor controls, the worst UI inventory management ever created, you can't alter the world environment, you can't move world objects, you can't build complete settlements. What's your next point?
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