@BLiTZ_156: I completely agree with you but if the game doesn't drop legendaries every 3 minutes this generation of gamers whine and cry like there is no tomorrow. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. That's how it is these days unfortunately.
Loved the game, especially the story but end game is too repetitive for me. I'll be back with more story content but not really that interested in pvp end game, although its ok for a while and the missions are also too repetitive. Right now it seems to be all about crafting mats and crafting items in the hope for the perfect roll. Raids will be ok for those that like that content but unfortunately real life interrupts far too often for me to devote hours to raiding, I don't like others having to wait or let people down so large group content is out. Good game though and worth a look if people haven't played it.
Salt_AU's comments