Another agenda article, Its been such a short time since the last one as well. Still It always serves Its purpose, the overly politically correct can demonstrate their super duper new age arguments.
@zwenti Gender bs Indeed, but Its being done on purpose. A break down of all Identity, Including gender. Just look at the feminisation of men through fashion etc.
@Pie_FOREVER Respect for posting this. I'm sick of agenda articles In this age of over political correctness. A constant barrage of this type of guff serves to confuse the younger reader who may be won over purely because the majority agree. In some cases people say nothing for fear of angering the mob mentality.
Japanese cinema has pushed the envelope In terms of shock factor & themes, maybe games can too. Its probably other regions that he Is worried about with regard to classification or censoring etc.
@Neo_OnionKnight Exactly, Its In everything now, many don't trust certain app's on modern phones. Big brother Indeed, they want us all to get used to being under surveillance because I guarantee It will only get more prevalent. I agree with you, Its creepy, just like cameras In TV sets are.
Sanguis_Malus' comments