@naomha1 I was speaking in general, not specifically to you. I honestly don't care what you spend your money on. (Speaking specifically to you this time, not in general, in case you didn't pick up on that.)
@grin89 But how different can they be if there are billions of them? After discovering enough new stars with a slightly different shade of orange, you start to get burnt out.
@jonnyc0mbat Opinions are opinions which is why I try to avoid arguing on the internet. But I enjoy games that don't spoonfeed me and I'm not impressed by ED so far which is why I'm giving people the sensible advice to wait for reviews before they spend their money like I did.
@jonnyc0mbat That's not it at all. There is very little variety in the universe, exploration isn't rewarding or exciting, (oh look another star) it has no feeling of going into the unknown. The missions you get are "bring X to Y" or "Kill X" or "Bring X amount of Y here" or "Kill X amount of Y." That's it. I enjoy plenty of games without spoonfeeding, but you're kidding yourself if you think this game isn't shallow at this point.
At the state it is in I wouldn't recommend this game to my friends, or I would at least tell them to wait for reviews before parting with their money. Perhaps eventually it will improve, but right now it feels pretty shallow.
Sanligo's comments