Sitting on ma lazyboy or my spinny chair(thats right I called it that) is always comfortable, as I play for long periods at a time. Sometimes on my bed too.
Satanized's forum posts
You can get dazzle from bestbuy i think or ebay. Then youll need some composite(or something) cables. Plug into tv, ps3 and your computer. You can then start the recording from your computer and edit it. :)
Im really annoyed as I'm undable to get the update before it times out. Just wondering if anyone knows how to get it via flashdrive. Help would be appreciated, :)
Buy a better wireless adapter. Buy a better broadband connection. Replace your wall thingy mabobby. Buy a better wireless router.3.0 is awesome. but the thing is i have a slow wireless connect. how do i fix that?
Dude, i know this isn't related but nice gamerscore! jesus!I heard there are new avatars in the update but i didnt notice a single new one, and I looked all over the playstation store and couldnt find the premium avatars. So are they out yet or just hidden in some corner of the PS store?
Ive recently noticed that when I press the R2 button, a small 'squelch' noise comes out. Had the controller for about 8 months now. So is this just a sign of an old and dieing controller, or is it just something that I shouldn't worry about?
I hate my xbl more than my psn. XBL id is InsaneGamer111, I hate it! PSN is just my name with z on the end. OMFG i suck at being creative!
*Points and starts jumping* hahahahahhah... aww that sucks.
Wow, barely anyone mentioned Resistance 2, it looks boooootiful on HDTVs. :)
It really depends where you put it, Ive left my PS3 on for 24 hours before in an open room, touched the back and it was only warm, yet after leaving it in a cabinet for 3-4 hours it began to really heat up. If your really scared you can buy a fan fo cheapwhich slips on just fine :).
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