I can overlook story for a bit of button mashing, but only if its immersive enough to warrant the price.
This is why I buy last-years games now and this-years games next. Buying Day One games just doesn't make good sense anymore with all the DLC's and Add-Ons still being made. Complete editions with all the patches at a cheaper price gives a better experience. And, maybe, I'm just too old to worry about what "friends" are playing.
@Devils-DIVISION: This developer for ME:A was actually responsible for the multiplayer side of things with ME:3. This is their first attempt at an AAA title. While the combat and environments are amazing, the dialogue scenes and animation are cringeworthy. The story is also rather flip-flop and not easy to follow unless you dig deep and grind. But hopefully, most of the main problems can be addressed in patches and updates for current players.
I admire their efforts but have to give this game a miss. ME: 3 kinda ruined things for me and I'm not keen to be handing out second chances just yet.
This really helps sell Resident Evil as it was and should be. I played it and was hooked in the fated - finish in 3 hours - shtick. Memorizing where to go, when, and with what to get all the way through with no mistakes. Late nights were fun back then. Immersion under pressure. 3 hours seems short, but this was back when I had no internet walkthroughs and only the brief tips I got from skimming magazines at the newsagent that I couldn't afford. Forced to play over and over and write things down. Fun times.
@Flyin3lvl: Aren't we all just lucky to have such a diverse amount of choices to make on video-games and how we play them? Rejoice and have fun with it.
My parents bought our first computer back in 1983 which was a Commodore 64 with tape drive. Yes cassette tapes. People complain about waiting 30 seconds to load something. Try 10-20 minutes. Games and systems only got better and better and will continue to improve. Either way every kids story today, 30 years from now, will be very similar to mine was.
Scarshi's comments