OMG some guy has inFAMOUS already... ENVYjasopanI don't find that game great, I'm sure many ppl are interested. I'm going to pass.
Scieran's forum posts
So i'm guessing the whole point of this topic is to achieve a certain amount of posts?
Utah Saints! Something Good.
I don't like the idea of them charging us more money since the game itself already costed me half my fortnight income. Not everyone is rich.
What are the upcoming Playstation 3 multiplatform and exclusive games you are looking forward to? Talk about it or list them.
Here are a few:
Assassins Creed 2 (2009)
Bioshock (2009)
M.A.G (2010-2011)
God of War III (2010-2011)
Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer (2009-2010)
Uncharted 2 (2009-2010)
Final Fantasy XIII (2009-2010)
Final Fantasy Versus XIII(2010-2011)
Bayonetta (2009) - Just for Scianix-Black.
Witches (2009) - My Favourite.
inFAMOUS (2009)
Tekken 6 (2009)
Modern Warfare 2 (2009) - I find it a disgust that they couldn't name their first title; COD4: Modern Warfare to Modern Warfare. Yet, a sequel is released, so instead of COD4: Modern Warfare 2 which is the logical result, they named it Modern Warfare 2. Given their stupid errors and lack of logical approach, I'm not getting the sequel and i've already sold my COD4: Modern Warfare.
Prototype (2009)
Fallout: Vegas (2011-2012)
I don't hate FPS but I've beginning to loathe the concept.
I heard a new textbook law that when convicted of a small felony, vasectomy is a mandatory procedure that follows afterwards.
Piracy has become a big problem because of torrents.
[QUOTE="Lunarblade1"]Ha, Rothschilds, the world's greatest hustler. Messed up Britain's economy to get rich. Rothschild, if im correct, is a member of the internationalists. Just like the Rockerfellas.That fat face Henry Kissinger clearly stated that Obama would be able to lead a New World Order in this crisis. The people behind the New World Order would be the Rothschilds and Bildurbergs. They are the masterminds behind this economic collapse.
... You are either a troll or just completely ignorant, there's pictures and videos of him.[QUOTE="Scieran"][QUOTE="eXdout"]I don't think it is an absolute disgrace. I don't know all of Bush's policies except where he didn't go through procedure or the public and allow public phone tappings for so-called terrorists. I do agree with Scianix-White, he has a point. Besides, I googled, he or she pretty much got it from Zeitgeist and that the media, specifically the US gave no credit due to; - Attacks the US. - Covers up the truth. - Won't accept the truth. - Media is controlled by the Government. - People are controlled by the banks - Multi-billion dollar company leaders become Vice President. - The ONLY requirements to become president is to be an American citizen and a certain age. We didn't attack ourselves. Truth is there are islamic RADICALS (not all) that want me, you, and everyone else dead, because we are American. The media is mostly biased liberal. They hated bush. How are people controlled by banks? Because their money is there? Because they took on a loan they couldn't afford? Should we just give free houses to people now? Multi-billion dollar company leaders have to be smart to be leading a company that lucrative. Smart people = Good VP choice. If we kept the presidency closed to specific people, then we would very soon be under a dictator.Terrorists are people who instill terror on society to achieve their goals.
To the OP: It is an absolute disgrace that people believe that 9/11 was an inside job. If you disagree with what Bush's policies, fine. I don't like Obama's. But to trick yourself into believing in something so horrible like that is complete disrespect for your nation.
I'm not a troll. I wasn't bragging, just answering a question or simply telling/spreading the truth. Watch Zeitgeist, available on youtube.
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