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New Albums

Over the course of the past week, I've acquired several new albums to add to my collection. Good stuff.

The Who: Who's Next

One of the most widely-known albums by the rock gods themselves, Who's Next is also considered by many to be their finest hour. Best album or not, it's an excellent one. I don't know what I can say about this one that hasn't already been said many times over. They're a great band; check them out.

R.E.M.: Accelerate

It's been a long time since I heard anything out of them, and I'm glad they're still making music. I do find it a little funny when people say that R.E.M. is "back." As put by Stephen Colbert, they never went anywhere. "Living Well is the Best Revenge" is a good way to open the album, and that leads into some softer songs like "Supernatural Superserious" and "Hollow Man," which are among my favorites by the band. I think it'd be safe to say that Accelerate is one of R.E.M.'s best albums, and it's easily my favorite so far.

The Offspring: Ixnay on the Hombre

Another band who's been around for a while. The release of their latest album, Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace, prompted me to pick this one up as well. Ixnay is a lot more upbeat than the albums preceding it, like Smash and Americana, and the lyrics kind of reflect this, with the traditional angry lyrics toned down somewhat for a slightly different experience. Overall, it's not my favorite of their releases, but it has some of my favorites on it, like "Gone Away" and the more obscure "Change the World," which fans of Crazy Taxi would probably recognize easily.

Red Hot Chili Peppers: One Hot Minute

One of my favorite bands of all time, and indeed one of the most popular and influential of this generation. The Red Hot Chili Peppers' had Jane's Addiction guitarist Dave Navarro on for this album, and I'd say he did a great job for himself. One Hot Minute has some of RHCP's more recognizable songs, like "Aeroplane" and "My Friends," the latter of which was featured on their Greatest Hits album. Good album on the whole.

Edit: As stated in a comment by xTHAWx, Americana did not precede Ixnay on the Hombre, and instead was released about a year after it. My mistake; should've checked first.

The Dark Knight Thoughts (Spoiler Warning)

So, I've finally seen Nolan's 'The Dark Knight', and while I enjoyed it a great deal, I do have my fair share of complaints. Well, two or three...

Overall, it was a great movie, but it seems like a lot of critics are giving it too much praise. Yes, it's a very good movie, and I can recommend it to both action movie fans and fans of Batman alike. All things considered, it ropes itself about an 8-8.5 out of 10.

Dialog was generally really good, and Heath Ledger played a fantastic Joker. I haven't liked a single other role of his, but he seemed really into the character. I don't think it'd be much of a surprise to see him receive a posthumous Oscar nomination for it, and I don't think many people honestly would.

A lot of bits seemed to come out of nowhere, and I was surprised to see Two-Face make an appearance at all, and I'm not sure it was such a good idea to have him in the movie like that. It felt a little tacked-on, despite the foreshadowing, and it seemed like they should have left him for another movie altogether. I can give the studio credit, at the very least, for not advertising him like crazy like Marvel Pictures did with Venom in Spider-Man 3. In that way, it comes off as much better than Venom's portrayal, but it seems like they could have saved it.

Anyway, there's my two cents. (Sorry for the spoilers, if you're actually mad about that, but I did warn you.)

Top 10 Comedy Series

Second in my "Top 10" blog posts, this is a little more detailed than the last, and it may well be the only one of its kind. Don't get too cozy.

1. Scrubs - A hospital sitcom with a lot of slapstick, self-referencing, and pop culture-related humor. Most anyone can appreciate this series, and not once in its currently seven-season run does it ever lose its touch. Scrubs has become known for its asides and brief dream sequences akin to Family Guy's own such sequences, but these are usually centered on the series' main character, who has a tendency to drift off in his own mind and narrate his day. This leads to a lot of in-jokes in the series, such as switching narrators for an episode by him accidentally bumping into a character, or patting someone on the back, and characters mentioning the main character's tendency to drift off or narrate his life "again."

2. The Colbert Report - Political pundit Stephen Colbert plays the character of a republican conservative, commenting on current events and politics in utterly brilliant fashion. Colbert's narcissistic antics and exaggerated names for segments and graphics enhance the silly and often very random humor to unheard-of levels. No area of domestic or international news is safe from Colbert; not even space can escape his reach now, as he's even broadcast into the International Space Station. The Colbert Report covers every area of current events you can imagine, from the more prominent political segments, to sports, local interest, and even video games.

3. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - Yes, The Daily Show's spin-off series is actually a little bit funnier, but better? Not entirely. The Daily Show is usually a little more serious and covers political and global news, usually keeping away from local matters. Actually, most of the interviewed guests of The Daily Show are given serious interviews, which is often a refreshing break, as most comedy series are too intent on getting laughs to slow down and get serious, even if it is only for about a minute.

4. Monty Python's Flying Circus- This is the quintessential British comedy series, rivaled perhaps only by Benny Hill and Mr. Bean in terms of following. Flying Circus's sense of humor covers most any topic; foreign cultures, current events, sex, religion, politics, and so on. Monty Python humor in general is often an acquired taste, but the sheer randomness of much of this show makes up for any obscure humor by far.

5.Excel Saga - Excel Saga is the ultimate in self-referencing humor. Created by Koshi Rikdo, Excel Saga is a Japanese anime series that parodies a different genre of anime in every episode while still keeping to a relatively coherent plot. Exaggerated hairdoes and melodramatic voice acting included. The series runs somewhere between 22 and 26 episodes, and every one is comedic genius. Admittedly, the humor may go over the heads of people who don't watch enough anime or get enough pop culture references (both Japanese and otherwise).

6. Futurama - Created by Matt Groening of Simpsons fame, Futurama is a similar sort of show, in a different premise and following a different approach. The most noticeable difference is in the characters, who are not road-sign-yellow. Arguably better than The Simpsons, depending upon who you ask, Futurama is a sci-fi comedy set in the distant future. Obviously, this means it references a ton of science fiction films and series, including Soylent Green, Planet of the Apes, Star Trek, 2001, and Star Wars. And that's just the sci-fi references. Futurama is also loaded with video game, Hollywood, and political references from the current and previous generations.

7. The Venture Bros. - Often a little disturbing, The Venture Bros. offers a glimpse into the lives of the family of a mad scientist and their arch nemeses. Venture Bros. has a lot of comic book humor as well as references to older mystery, horror, and action films, not to mention cartoons like Scooby Doo. The humor is generally very good, and while it is aimed at a rather small scope of people, almost anyone can enjoy it whether they get the references or not.

8. Animaniacs - Warner Bros. had a huge hit with the Animaniacs in the mid-90s. Perhaps one of the most memorable cartoon shows out of the decade, this show brought in a lot of adult viewers as well as younger children, for its accessible-to-all-ages humor. There's a lot of slapstick humor and silly jokes children will love, but the shorts also touch on a lot of adult themes as well, like menopause, politics, and marriage.

9. Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe - I'll admit that Dirty Jobs isn't inherently a comedy series, but Mike Rowe's smart remarks and often falling over or getting dirty in a comical fashion were enough to merit mention on this list. The show itself is actually fairly informative otherwise, and it offers a lot of insight into some of the jobs you wouldn't imagine people would even do in our society.

10. Johnny Bravo - Who could forget the mycoginistic, dense Elvis impersonator of the same name as the series he starred in? Johnny Bravo is hysterical, and one of the silliest overall shows on Cartoon Network. The show was actually a lot smarter than it seemed, packing in literature references to short stories like "The Most Dangerous Game" as well as American pop culture (Star Trek, Addams Family, King Kong, noir detective films).

Honorable Mention:


South Park

Family Guy

Late Night with Conan O'Brien


Rocko's Modern Life

Top 10 Artists/Bands You've Never Heard of

I saw an acquaintance of mine do a blog post similar to this, so I thought I'd throw one out and see what people thought. Some of these are actually in no particular order, but the top three are dead certain.

1. Colin Hay

2. Demons & Wizards

3. Falconer

4. The Caesars

5. Edguy

6. Rainbow

7. Mute Math

8. Falling Up

9. Ugly Kid Joe

10. Helmet