dreamcast easily.. jesus people overhype this to the moon. A lot of the games it had on it have been ported over to other consoles. Its controller is too big.. You guys can say it had all the "potential" to be the greatest...but it didnt get that opportunity so i dont see the point of what ifs and buts.campzor
probably because at the time the graphics, launch games, new controller design + VMU, and online features were so revolutionary and exciting...
thats why it always holds a special place in my heart :) plus at the time the exclusives were so amazing
My favorite exclusives (exclusive as far as I know)
Jet Grind Radio
Soul Calibur
Power Stone 1 and 2
Chu Chu Rocket
Grandia 2
Sonic Adventure
Sega Rally Championship 2
Skies of Arcadia (was this ported to GCN later?)
2K sports games prior to Sega leaving consoles
Phantasy Star Online (drool)
Resident Evil Code Veronica
House of the Dead
Marvel vs Capcom
Capcom vs SNK
Street Fighter III: Double Impact (diff version than PS2 3rd strike)
Sega Seaman
Virtua Tennis
Samba De Amigo
Virtua Fighter 3tb
Sega GT
Quake 3 (except for PC)
and the timed exclusives...
Rayman 2
Dead or Alive 2
Sonic Adventure 2
Ready to Rumble Boxing
Gauntlet Legends
Crazy Taxi 1 and 2
well there ya go. plus at the time PS2 was really slow to get some really good exclusives except for Tekken Tag and Ridge Racer at launch... while PS2 gamers were waiting for MGS4,GT 2000 (changed to GT3), and FF 10, Dreamcast owners were enjoying the best exclusive gaming lineup around... people like me hype it to the moon for a reason.
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