I originally signed up for GameSpot 10 years ago as of yesterday. When it started I was 10 years old, and found it completely by mistake. My older brother actually wanted me to sign up for Gamespy so we could play online through Gamespy arcade, but I misheard him and instead signed up for GameSpot. And it was one of the best mistakes I ever made. From there I started using it almost daily, checking out the latest reviews on the hottest games (and ones I had never heard of), posting in forums and reading up on all the gaming news. From the forums I eventually joined a Union called PC Gaming 4 Life (I believe that was what it was called?), and there I met some great people. Smartass, Arab_Prince, LightningSun, EntwineX, and many other awesome people. I came home from school on many days and went straight to GameSpot, to check on what my friends were up to, debate about whether Duke Nukem Forever was ever coming out, and watch some of the videos from the great editors there at the time.
After most of my friends began to leave/quit logging in around 2005, I began to grow bored of GameSpot. Shortly after 'Gerstmann-gate' happened, and with it I and many others left GameSpot for a while. This led me to branch out and discovering other game sites such as Joystiq, Kotaku, and my current site-of-choice Giant Bomb. Most of the people I met here have left, and I only pop on about once a week now, but GameSpot still has a special place in my heart. This is the site that got me interested in more than just playing games, but reading about games, learning about how and who makes the games I love, and more. Through my time here there have been several staff changes and at least 3 site redesigns I can think of (with the current one being the largest ever), but the core of GameSpot has stayed the same. I planned to write a lot more about my time here but unfortunately I'm quite tired and short on time, so I'll just say that GameSpot has had a huge impact on my life and hobbies, and hopefully they only get better for the next decade.
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