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Scorpion13497 Blog

Birthday Coming Up :D

My birthday is in 4 days (April 14) so I figured I should make a blog about it, kinda because I don't have a hella lot else to do.

Well for starters, my mom got tired of me trying to figure out what I got so today she gave me Rock Band for the PS2. I'm really loving the drums, even though I can't play hard on them yet. Also a few days ago I bought Prey off of Steam. I was pleasently surprised, first game I've completed in a long time. They could have messed witht he portals and the gravity a bit more, but overall a good game. Also, earlier today I bought Rainbow Six: Vegas for PC, waiting for it to finish downloading., at 40% right now. I've played it over at a friend's house (Clangeddin here on GS), and loved it, got about 1/2 through the game, a little under and really liked it. So I bought it.

Other than that not much is going on. I'm still hoping my parents will get me Assasian's Creed, if not I'll just have to buy it myself. Made it to mission 6 in 1 night at another friend's place, and loved every minute of it. So that's all for now, see ya all later.

The "Mandatory" Christmas Blog

Well Christmas was a few weeks ago so I feel necessary every year to make a Christmas Blog. Dunno why just do :? .

Anyways, I got Crysis for the computer. IT's not a bad game, however my computer is a little dated now so I have to run everything at the lowest settings, and it still lags quite a bit if I get in a big battle. I think it's the game's way of telling me I need to be more stealthy, you shoot you lag lol.

Also got Call of Duty 4 for PC. The single player is good, not as great as the original or the expansion (haven't played 2 or the console ones). However I'm LOVING the multiplayer. Normally I'm not into multi, usually I get owned too badly from people who have been playing past games in the series for years so when a newbie like me tries to play, I can't learn anything cause I'm always dead... Anyways I'm a Master Sergent II, level 19. I'm L1GHTN1N if you happen to play it and run into me. I'm not bad, not good either though.

Then my older bro got Guitar Hero III. Fun game, can't beat the last 2 songs (Raining Blood by Slayer and One by Metallica). Can do everything but the solos, stairways are hard for me. A week ago a friend came over and did Dragonforce's Through the Fire and Flames on Expert with 80%. If you haven't seen that yet they have a video on YouTube, it's pretty insane.

And my Older Brother also got Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer. He just beat it yesterday, he's been on all last week playing through Neverwinter Nights 2 again then Mask of the Betrayer. Took him 80 hours for both. Not my kind of game, can't really get into the story.

Also got a new wireless mouse and keyboard. Old one the left mouse button didn't work well, had to push at the bottom of the scrollwheel for it to work. This one also has the two buttons that work like the back and foward buttons for the internet that was pretty nice. Keyboard is good, nothing special besides the fact it's not all sticky :P .

And finally, I got Kane and Lynch: Dead Men. I was actually quite impressed with the game, despite all the negitive reviews it has been getting. Best way to describe it is a poor man's Gears of Wars, kinda like what Arcanum was to Fallout for those of you who have played both. Shooting is nice, cover system is kinda odd though. You have to walk up to a wall you want to get up against, facing foward. Then you have to turn to look around the corner, and Kane (or Lynch if playing Co-Op) will snap onto the wall. It's not terrible, just takes some getting used to. After doing it 10 or so times you'll do it second-nature. And of course LOTS of F'Bombs. There's one in just about every sentence, maybe every other. I'm not exaggerating either, literally EVERY OTHER SENTENCE has one. Kinda annoying but I drop about as many around friends so not too big of deal. The Multiplayer is fun, if you can get a game. I hate having the use the Xbox Live system on multi, same with Gears of War. Half the time I can't get into a game (once find a game [good luck with that >_>] I get an error after a minute or two), and if I do it freezes. IF you get it it's fun, don't know who's going to kill you and take all the money for himself most of the time. Makes being paranoid a good thing :)

Didn't get what I really wanted though. I asked for Rock Band for PS2. They were sold out everywhere though. Can't complain too much though, still got plenty of goodies. And last week a friend got it for360, which is thebetter version anyways. Hoping totry it out tomorrow :) .Since Rock Band is $200, my parents said if I pitch in $100, they'll get me a Xbox 360 instead, and Assasains Creed. Hoping to do that some time this month, need to get some extra cash from chores and stuff 1st.

So in case you can't tell I had a pretty good Christmas hope you guys did too. I'm already back in school (went back on the 2nd, who the hell starts school on a Wednsday?!) which is alright. End of the semester is on the 22nd (I get out of Cooking Class! Yay!). Oh, and they finally gave me my collector's emblem for getting over 200 games. Nice way of Gamespot telling me to get a life. So feel free to comment, and have a good day!

200 Games!!!

Long time no blog. Haven't felt like it for a while, and been busy with my hundreds of games. 200 to be exact! Yesterday I bought SWAT 4 and it's Expansion, The Stectchkova Incindent, giving me 200 games. Feels good to hit that, maybe I can get 300 by next year :P

Not much been going on for me lately. I'm unemployed again until April, schools fine execpt a teacher who's a word that rhymes with "witch". End of term test, one of the questions i put "apples". She marked it wrong, it was "apple Slices". She teachers cooking, we have tests and worksheets more than we cook.

Also tried Assasian's Creed for the 1st time last night, I was VERY impressed. I spent the night at a friends house, stayed up till 5 playing that (just started the 5th hit :) ). The combats fun, running through the city on roofs is amazing, the story... is weird? And the Leap of Faiths are awesome. That never gets old :P .

Got about 1/2 way through Gears of Wars on Computer, then Microsoft released a "patch" that erased everyone's campaign data that I've talked to that has it. Awesome game, buggy as hell though :( .

So that's about all. Sorry I'm a boring person :| , don't have much to talk about. Maybe will blog sometime around Christmas, hoping for Rock Band (i'm playing drum, need someone on mic, have bass and leads.) Me and a few friends are making a band, we're The Apothests, means "we don't care" i guess. Friend thought of it. So that's all, have a good day/night :)

Too many games, too little time.

I know it's been a while since I've updated, been playing too many games. A few weeks ago I bought Hitman: Codename 47, Deus Ex, and Company of Heroes, and Super Mario Strikers, and Scarface. Been trying to play those quite a bit. And been working, so haven't had time to blog :) .

Last week I also bought Doom 3, Doom3:Ressurection of Evil, Quake and Mission Pack 1&2, Quake 2 and Mission Pack 1&2, and Quake 3 and Team arena off Steam the other day. I'm plesently surprised by how fun Doom3 was. Just beat it yesterday, and RoE, and they were a hell of a lot more fun then I was expecting. Great atmosphere (or however that's spelt :P ), good fights, amazing graphics even now days, just overall awesome game. My only issue was it's too short, but I can just mod the hell outta it to get me another few hours =)

Really starting to like Quake, just beat Episode 1 on Quake 1, and I'm on Mission 6 on Quake II, and Tier 4 or 5 on Quake 3. Bought all the Quake games on Steam for $30.00 just for the sake of having them, didn't think I was going to play them too much. Luckily I was wrong =D.

Now the only problem is I have too many games to beat. All the Quake games I listed in the 2st paragraph, plus Scarface, Super Mario Strikers, Deus Ex, Company of heroes, Hitman 1, Bioshock (already pre-ordered it), and proberly Super Metroid and Metroid Prime 3 when I buy those. But that just means I'll have plenty to do during the summer :) . Also going to buy Assasion's Creed, Gears of War (PC), and Super Smash Bros. Brawl if I have the money.

Also picked up a mic. for my comp to talk to a friend on Xfire. Been playing FEAR Combat a lot with him, got 12 hours w/ him this week (I own every time :P ). Since I got Xfire i've been taking some screenshots of FEAR and Doom 3, and adding some captions. I thought most of the 1's I've put were pretty funny. If you want to check them out, username is same as is here on Gamespot. So that's all that's been going on in my gaming world.

Also saw The Simpson's Movie on Opening day, then again last week with some friends. It was pretty good, I was laughing for a good part of it. If you're a fan of the show then you'll love it. If not, it's still worth checking out. Also saw Live Free or Die Hard again w/ friends, that was pretty cool. Remember more bodies the last time I saw it though..... :?

Can't wait until the 29th, school starts for me! Normally that would be a bad thing, but school means I get to talk to friends on a regually basis, I've only talked to friends 4-5 times over the past 3 1/2 or so months. It also means that after school is out for the day I'll have time to beat a few of those games :) .The only downside (or another upside depending on how u look at it) is I get less hours since Lagoon (where I work) will only be opened on Weekends. So that means less $$ for those games.

Anyways that's all for now. Dunno when my next blog will be, maybe around the 29th or so. So that's all for now.

Tengo $$! w00t^6666!!!!

I just got my 1st paycheck today, $111.53! I got a savings account set up, and a checking so I can spend money on useless stuff I'll wish i didn't buy later :D . And, my dad put $100 in my Checking, and I put the $111 in savings.

As for what I'm going to do with the money, I'm going to 1st buy "Scarface: The World is Your's" from a friend of mine for $15. Then I'm going to buy a microphone for my computer, so I can talk to a friend or two and for other stuff. Then maybe Sam and Max: Part 2 (episodes 4,5,6), or maybe Half-Life 2: Episode 1 . Then if I have more I'll just save it for a while. Need to start saving for "Bioshock" and "Super Smash Bros. Brawl". Those games are going to be kick-@$$ :) .

However, I'm getting a little annoyed. I keep almost passing out at work :| . This is the 2nd time in the 2-3 weeks I've worked there. I went to adoctor today, he said I just need to drink more water and eat more food. Still it's getting annoying. I had to go home early because they were woried about me. Then the 1st time I had to do a bunch of simple cleaning stuff. This sounds cool, but I hate getting special attention. I can't stand be treated like I need specail care.

Not much else to say besides what I've said so far. Only I'm loving the $$. Because "First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the women". So that's all for now, I'm sure I'll have more to brag/whine about in my next blog :P .

World of Warcraft

I got WoW in 2005 for Christmas, but never activated the account until now. But I have 4-5 friends who play it, and the main reason I never got into it was I didn't know anybody. So, I'm Sicntired on Beloag (or something like that), and I'm a 6 warrior.

Also, borrowed Elite Beat Agents again, made it to Jumping Jack Flash (last song) on 3 stars(/4) diffuculty, and it's a pain in the @$$! Me and my friends have been trying for 2 weeks now, each of us for several hours with no success :( What's even worse, I made it almost to the end one time, but died 5 seconds before the song was over :cry: Anyways, just felt like posting this.

New updates.

About 5 minutes ago, My older brother just walked in and gave me Chrono Cross, one of Gamespot's only perfact 10's. It's prequal was also one of my favorite games on the SNES (Chrono Trigger). The only problem is that I don't have a PS1 memory card, so I'm not sure if I can save it...

Also, earlier this week I borrowed Elite Beat Agents from my friend for the DS, and it's one of the funnist, most addicting games I've ever played. So I might buy it this weekend :D . Then, on Monday, another friend is giving me 2 new System of a Down CD's, Toxicity and System of a Down. It's been a good day :)

Wii Internet

Well I justv typed this from my wii, It's pretty awesome! Anyways, just testing it out :) I can watch video's, have favorites, surf GS, etc. The only thing I don't like about it is it sometimes lags, and I'm a bit slow typing :( . I only typed the bolded from my wii

Also, I just got done playing Splinter Cell: Double Agent for the Wii, and don't understand all the whinning about the controls. It takes a little getting used to. but I'm at the very beginning, and I"m getting pretty good with them. They're a lttle unresponsive, but it's not so bad that it'll kill you in a fight. Anyways, I love my WII!!!!!!!!!!!

It's CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, it just hit about 8 here, so we just got done opening gifts. I got a nintendo Wii (YAAAAAAAAAY!), The Legend of Zelda: Twillight Princess, Excite Truck, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, clothes that are too big, and the final book in a series I'm reading. Then earlier last month, my older bro bought me Escape from Monkey Island and Thief II: The Metal Age.

My younger bro got some Star Wars models, my older bro got a i-Pod Nano, my mom got a new watch, and my older bro bought my dad a i-Pod video. But who cares, after I finish Okami (for PS2, it rocks!), I"m going to play it until my arms hurt :D

Anyways, Merry Christmas! Hope you had as good of one as me :) .

Got a Cellphone

Today I finally got me a cellphone, it's a Verizon LG (don't know anything else). The only problem at the moment is I don't have anyone to call or text or talk to :( Oh well, 2 of my friends might get one for X-mas, so it'll be all good :)