Scumty's forum posts
I thought the Wii U was come out in June 2012 sometime? at least around that period. Im hyped for the PS4, knowing Sony, theyll deliver the best console but nintendo and microsoft will end up copying sony some how, be it games, hardware or features, like they always do. isnt a major sony dev already focusing on the ps4, and they also said that that dev also had a hand in the graphics technology behind the ps4, so we should see something amazing and knowing sony we willIn the west, Consoles seem to hit at the end of the year. I'm sure the Wii U will follow that trend and release next xmas.
I'm not interested right now for the PS4, maybe later when I actually know a thing or two, same for the 720.
[QUOTE="Scumty"]We all know PC has the potential, but that just wont happen because, of pirates, and the API and all you have to program for multiple different setups on pc, on 360 is direct to metal. So even a 5770 can give you the same graphics as a GTX 580 if its programmed for direct to metalpcps360
delusional, let's say we are in a world without consoles, PC gaming development never had, won't and never will optimizing for the best hardware out there, PC exclusive developers lets say blizzard, their games all have one thing in common, every PC can play their games, and none of their games ever looked jaw dropping on max setting, like wise with old world PC gaming, in fact the excerptionally powerful next gen consoles(360)b ack in 2007 helped PC pushed it's boundary from optimizing low-med end to med-high end. gaming companies make games to make a profit, and to max market interest, is their job to make sure majority gamers will have good access to their games. steam surive suggested only 5% pc gamers have high end system, and the rest are med end to low end, so what chance do developers want 5% instead of 95%?
A console is like a high end PC, you get to play the game with all its bells and whistles, those 95% of gamers should try playing on a console where you can play the game with good graphics on the cheap, instead of being dumb and playing it on a pc you paid so much for. if devs want everyone to play their games just make it for console, consoles are the only gaming venue thats relevent at this juncture and it will be for another generation before smart phones take over get real pc gaming is dead you just get junk multi plats[QUOTE="Scumty"]LMAo, dont get a PC, thats a dumb move bro. Get a PS Vita better games, better graphics, better support, and its portable :D! PCs on the other hand, expensive, good graphics, stationery youll be changed 2 ur desk, too electricty hungry lack of games.tenaka2
What does changed to you desk mean dumbass?
Lack of games? PC has more games than any other platform.
It means youll have to sit and be stuck at your un comfy desk to play games. Woops what i was meant to say was.....lack of GOOD games.....true pc does have more games than any other platform but its also true they are bad games.
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