@aryanbrar BC had almost nothing to do with cost of the PS3. They included that as part of what increased the cost so they could get rid of it and re-charge people for games they already owned from the PS2, Plain and simple.
@Lost-to-Apathy @Scynt Good for you. Just cause two systems they made haven't broken YET means absolutely nothing. And no one should have to shell out for a "newer model" because Sony is too incompetent to get it right the first time.
You're right, with brilliant manufacturing like this from Sony, I'm sure holding on to PS3's will be a viable solution, not like they'll ever possibly break, not with Sony's amazing quality record.
@gobberpooper That contains both swearing and racist/biggoted speech, so that's a bad example. If people were banned just cause they used the S word or the F word on there own without anything racist in a sentence, that's retarded.
@gauntlets_of_fi That isn't a duty, however, people tend to forget that private property and privately owned space (such as a company's online servers) does not constitute America, and therefore, the Constitution and its various rights like Freedom of Speech do not need to be observed by the owners for whomever they allow in.
Scynt's comments