@Jinzo_111887 I may skip out on the PS4 and 720 out of spite depending on what they do when they come out, but i still won't be buying a Wii-U if I do.
@Melchior111 @Longini More or less this. It isn't really that I disliked what they did with 3, or thought it was too over-the-top (though, I don't know where they pulled out the idea SR was about being over-the-top, 2 was no more over-the-top than GTA:VC or GTA:SA), but what I did not like about 3 and feel puts it behind 2 is how they more or less castrated the content found in 2. So much less of, pretty much everything to be found in 3, fewer story missions, fewer unique or original story missions, fewer types of side missions, fewer weapons, less car customization, less crib customization, less freedom in character customization, less clothing options for the character, fewer cheats (even charging money for cheats from SR2 as DLC in SR3), etc.
Ok, I'm going to give you all a very REAL explanation of why this isn't coming to the WiiU.
~Volition develops Enter the Dominatrix expansion for Saint's Row: The Third. ~THQ cancels the expansion and has Volition make Saint's Row 4 using the expansion as the base. ~Deep Silver buys Volition after THQ goes under, has work on SR4 continue.
Basically, the game already had its engine completed (Saint's Row: The Third) and the entire infustructure of the game, if not most the game itself (will have to see how fleshed out it became when it releases) already completed before SR4 was even officially in development due to it coming from the Enter the Dominatrix expansion. Neither SR: The Third or its expansion were on, or slated for the Wii or WiiU. So, to put the game on 360 or PS3 requires next to no development time or resources. Putting it on the WiiU would actually require developing a whole new game from the ground up.
Is it a viable reason? Well, that's in the eye of the beholder. But that is the reason.
Well, Microsoft bought the console-manufacturing branch of Sega during the Dreamcast days. That is why MS was able to get such a good footing in console gaming the next generation, and why Sega decided they'd be no longer making any more systems. Firstly, they couldn't, because MS owned their entire hardware company, and secondly, even if they tried, due to the contract, MS would still own it. All they could make for themselves was software, so that's what they did.
Scynt's comments