- Halo Reach (MCC)
- The Witcher 2
- Hades (excellent so far)
- Doom Eternal
- Super Mario Bros. 35
Seabas989's forum posts
Ring Fit Adventure. I haven't played it yet but I recently bought it. I also recently bought some Steam games like Doom Eternal.
I haven't played Ghost of Tsushima, Hades and TLOU2 yet:
- I started Doom Eternal. So far it's pretty good. Not sure if I'll like it more than Doom 2016.
- Animal Crossing NH was my first AC and it's a lot of fun. I put nearly 200 hours.
- FF7: R was okay but way too much filler (game should of been shorter) and the combat needs some improvement.
In the old days of SWs: decimal points were hilarious.
Outside of that: written reviews and/or YouTube videos with no number or grading system.
I say yes although it took me a second chance to enjoy it. It's one of those games where I felt choice was done pretty well.
Most video game stories are garbage but there are some that stood out (not necessarily good but they stood out):
- Ico
- Knights of the Old Republic (mainly for the twist)
- Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time (just the first one in the trilogy)
- Odin Sphere (this might be my favorite story in video games)
- Nier: Automata
- Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (mainly for the lore)
- Chrono Trigger
- Eternal Darkness
FFVI would of been up there but I feel there are too many characters.
Hard to leave FFIX out but I wasn't a fan of that "other" final boss.
Either Fatal Frame II or Eternal Darkness.
REmake is also great.
Franchises I haven't played due to lack of interest:
- Dragon Quest (I may try XI if it's on sale)
- Ratchet and Clank
- Fable
- Fortnite
- Ys
- Baldurs Gate
- Dragon Age
- Luigi's Mansion
- Yakuza
- Shenmue
- MS Flight Simulator
- League of Legends
Franchises I tried but couldn't get into:
- Elder Scrolls
- Fallout
- StarCraft
- Metro
- Bioshock
- Thief
- Monster Hunter
- Hotlline Miami
- Phantasy Star
- Gran Turismo
- Dead or Alive
- Advance Wars
- Gears of War
- Star Fox
- Red Dead Redemption
- Souls games/series
- Assassins Creed
Maybe if a game has multiple endings and I didn't care for the game.
- Mario: Super Mario Sunshine
- Metroid: Metroid Other M
- Zelda: Skyward Sword
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Burnout: Burnout Paradise
- Arkham series: Batman Arkham Knight
- Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
- Metal Gear: Metal Gear Solid 4
- Persona franchise: Persona 3 FES
- Mario Kart: Mario Kart 7
- Sonic 1 (2D Sonic)
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