"It's not going to be an epic thing; it's going to be a film surrounded by these incredible things, but that follows this boy and his life."
Cmon man spider man is supposed to be Epic....nobody ever cared about Peter....and btw he's not a very relate-able character....a whiny ass geek who gets all the ass in new york from Gwen to Mj and still manages to blow it with em....cmon
The original trilogy had it right with epic fights and vfx....and Tobey was perfect as Peter...
Also stop rebooting it every damn year.....pain in the ass seeing peter bitten by spider again and again.
Hell just give us SUPERIOR SPIDERMAN in the movies.....much better than prepubescent peter at least.
Still aint buying it....just feck off with these lazy remasters yeah.i thought rockstar games was above this ugly practice of rereleasing stuff because what the heck it can still make money...and people still do buy them....wow stupidy isnt rare nowadays i guess.
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