Even after all this additional content i cant bring myself to buy a remaster....especially if its for an excellent story driven title like gta v....also because gta v is relitively new.
Story driven titles like gta and last of us should be completed in one fell sweep and be left alone in our memories.
Ah sh1t there goes my monthly savings on Wii U......and this would honestly be the only game ill play on the Wii U....i now understand why some people hate exclusives.....specially the ones that dont hav the platform for it....
This is Borderlands 2.5 so i wasnt expecting much from it anyways....its not even developed by the same people who worked on Borderlands 2.......think of this as Batman Arkham Origins.....these kinda games usually happen when the next main numbered title is taking a bit long and the publishers dont want people to forget the franchise, also they want to milk the consumers.....I still think that even the DLCs that theyll launch for this game would have more content than Destiny.....
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