@jayjay444 @Securator i know it won't be as revolutionary as people are expecting it to be.i mean t's nowhere near as good as gta v......but it seems like a decent game which is more than we can ask for nowadays.....we can't really judge a game by an hour long let's play session now,can we....i wish their was a demo of some sort....but that's asking too much nowadays i guess.
Whoa the online systems are just pulled offa dark souls....i was wondering when other games would do this......btw how come someone invaded their game..??....must be a reviewer like them with an early copy of the game.....
This is one of the games which felt truly next gen to me despite it having only passable graphics....because it gives you new ways to play....the gameplay here is very unique and in depth....
But unfortunately people will ignore this game because it's not 'AAA'....someone from EA or Activision will notice its excellent gameplay system and put it in their next gen title in 2015....everyone will then play that game and renounce how it's the best thing to happen to gaming after analogue sticks......then there'll be 50 other spinoffs of the same game but with zombies.....then in 2025 some hip journalist would 'find' blade of symphony and announce that this game started it all....then everyone will be like 'dude!...i need that game's torrent'...end of story...
Securator's comments