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Sedg87 Blog

New Purchases

I've been out today and bought some new games and pre-ordered some new hardware! Firstly I pre-ordered the limited Halo 3 360 console along with Halo 3. Whilst in my local GAME store I went and browsed some of the older games. I picked myself up a copy of Ninja Gaiden, which I previously owned but later lost my copy. I also went and bought another version of Final Fantasy XII. After dropping my PS2 my copy of FFXII no longer seemed to work. Well it did, but the load times became horrendous. I came very close to buying Stranglehold but I decided against it. Think I'll need my money after said Halo 3 purchases ;)

I also came very close to buying God of War 2, but I thought I'd try it out at a friends first before buying that.

Lastly I checked out the PSP games before heading out of the store. GAME had sadly run out of copies of Breath of fire 3 which was the game I was only interested in buying for the PSP. My PSP has been collecting a little dust recently. I've only actually got the one game (Wipeout) so I'm definately gonna need to add to that collection sooner or later.

Spicing Up My Profile and Halo 3 Design

I was getting a little bored of how my Profile looked, so I decided to spice it up with a few new images. I wasn't sure which games I could base my new banner(s) on, but I've been playing some Gears of War recently so I went ahead and stuck with that. I like to dabble with various things in Photoshop. I'll probably make something Halo related when that's released.

On a graphic related note... I was bored and made a Halo 3 design in Photoshop. I made it to my fit my resolution/monitor so it may be a bit too big, clunky and bright/dark for you guys. There's a few problems with the layout. The Halo character behind the left nav menu and the pixelated text. The link is below anyway.

P.S Can't seem to post links properly. I blame my errr Goldfish!

Quotes/Phrases Of The Week

Quotes Of the Week

I've heard some really amusing and dodgy stuff so far this week and it's only Tuesday! These below are actual things my family have said within the last seven days or so.

1.) "I can't find my car keys" - "Have you looked properly?"

Erm... no. I've been wandering around the house with a bag over my hand whilst randomly breaking into a river dance.

2.) "If I don't get an invite I'm not gonna bother going"

My friend Neil in regards to Danny's wedding. He's a sharp one.

3.) "Don't turn around, but look who's behind you"

My sister asking me to do the impossible. Another sharp one.

4.) "Funny how your keys are always in the last place you look"

Well jeez. I wouldn't find them, then keep bloody looking!

5.) "A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down"

My cousin Kev on informing me on the best way to take my Diabetes tablets.

6.) "You'll never guess what!"

Well since I'll never guess you might aswell go ahead and bloody tell me. But no, they insist I guess. Priceless.

7.) "Do you want me to hit you?"

Priceless from my sister. Just let me think... do I want you to hit me? I think I'll pass. Thanks though.

8.) There's no such word as can't.

Well obviously there is since you just mentioned it in your sentance or did you randomly make it up?

RE Insider (Website Preview) (Design Stage)

I've got a preview of the first design for you guys. It's pretty simple, but I like it. I decidedto also make it on a much bigger canvas than I originally intended too. Note: I'll probably do a few more designs! The final design will be around the size of the main gamespot design... in width and height, not content obviously :P

Full size preview can be found at;


Resident Evil Website - Need Your Help

I've been so very bored lately so, I opened up Photoshop and started to make a Resident Evil website just for fun and to ease the boredom. I'll probably finish the design, get bored, re-design it and then forget about it :P

Anyway, I need a little help from you guys. If you aren't too busy, what would you like to see on a Resident Evil website? Answer these questions.

A.) What resolution do you use? (800x600 etc...)

B.) What kinda content would you like on the website?

C.) What would interest you most when visiting a RE website... news, old game content (characters, walkthroughs), media etc..?

thanks :)

Urge For RPGs Has Returned!

I haven't really played many RPGs lately. The last I played was FFXII a few month ago. I had to stop playing, because, sadly the game disc has become unreadbale :(. Think I'll go pickup another copy! Anyway, I'm trying to browse around and find some RPGs that will keep me occupied for a while. I've read several reviews for Blue Dragon and the reviews weren't actually very generous toward the game. Eternal Sonata looks pretty good and Lost Odyssey is quite a while away as are the FFXIII titles.

I'm currently re-playing FFVII (My favourite RPG ever made!) and I'm enjoying it a lot! I guess this will have to keep me occupied till a newer RPG hits the shelves. Anyone got any RPG reccomendations?

Still waiting for my copy of Bioshock to arrive too :)

Counting Down The Days

Eagerly waiting for the new World Of Warcraft expansion I decided to count the amount of days that I've actually played WOW. I wasn't too surprised at the actual number since I do play it hell of a lot. The total number came up to 317 days played time, which isn't too far off from a full years worth of playing World Of Warcraft.

On an unrelated note I bought myself a Playstation 3. I'm currently busy setting it up :).

Random Ramblings?

I've been a huge Sony and more importantly a Playstation fan ever since I got the original Playstation as a christmas gift. The console delivered many memorable experiences such as Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Silent Hill and many more. The Playstation 2 was arguebly the strongest console of last generation too, but has the Playstation 3 failed to build on previous successes?

Consoles of the last generation had many games that distinguised themselves from each other, but this seems to be no longer the case. While the Playstation 2 had Resident Evil and Grand Theft Auto and the X-box had Fable and Halo, both were very strong consoles. However, this generation sees many once exclusive games go multiplatform. While it's widely accepted that this actually is a good thing for games overally I can't help thinking-- is it a good thing for the actual consoles? This generation sees numerous games including Resident Evil 5, Devil May Cry 4 and Grand Theft Auto IV all jump ship and become multiplatform. Whilst the X-box 360 retains its top dogs such as Halo 3, Fable 2 whilst pumping out top unique titles such as Bioshock, Mass effect, Gears of war and several others. I'm starting to think that the Playstation is losing ground, which isn't a good thing for Sony.

Online Gaming The Future

Is online gaming the future? These days most people around game websites do nothing but talk about their amazing high gamerscore or their achievements and what not. They relish the challenge of playing like minded players from across the globe, but does everyone feel like this? THere's nothing I like more than to kick back and relax and take my time through my own game at my own pace and leisure. I'm not the biggest fan of online games if the truth is known.

I've come across people that are more than rude. The majority of communites that I've stumbled across happen to be aggrogant, rude and not very forthcoming. You ask the simplest of questions and you're branded an idiot. I'm not saying all online gaming communites are like this, because I spend the vast majority of my time playing World Of Warcraft, which has a big share of its idiots, however my server is very homely, generous and genuinely happy to be playing that game. What does everyone think?

Gaming Is The New Holywood!?

Every game I come across has antics that scream HOLLYWOOD in my face. Games that implement every single Hollywood action film known to man. If anyones seen the Final Fantasy XIII trailer then you'll most likely know what I'm babbling about. Over the top spinning of camera angles, awkward zooming, bulletime, impossible fighting manoveurs and everything else you'd expect from a Matrix film. There's a time when these effects can slip into the odd game and work well, but most of the time it's purely over the top and un-called for.

I'm rambling... it's late and my spelling amongst other things is awefull. Time to call it a night.

Busy as a bee!

I haven't really browsed Gamespot for a few days. I've been busy with a few web projects (I'm not a professional... just do it as a hobby) mainly game websites, and I've also been planning for my birthday, which is August the 17th. I'm hovering between two options currently, one of which is a PS3 and the other being a very short vacation. I'll probably treat myself to the PS3 though.

I've also been making plans to attend next years Blizzcon. That will be a hell of a trip if it happens.

Resident Evil 5 Extended Trailer!

Yes. I keep banging on about how much I really adore Resident Evil 5. It looks fantastic, amazing and all that jazz. I can't help myself from watching the extrended 360 trailer. I just cannot believe how good the game looks. I think I must be close to watching it over one hundred times already. I've even added alot of Resident Evil 5 images around my profile. Yeah.. I am looking forward to it that much.The release date is currently rumoured to be 2009, which is hopefully wrong as I'm hoping for a 2008 release. One can dream 'tho.

If you haven't seen the extended trailer yet I highly reccomend that you do. Prepared to be blown away. You can find it on Adamstir's profile, go view the extended trailer on his page. He's probably as excited as I am ;).

Extended Resident Evil 5 Trailer

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