@ javman05:
The problem is, that many games are underrated or just unknown. The Wii has some really great titles even the 3rd party games are great. Thanks to my Wiikey I can test every game and afterwards decide if I want to buy it (can't rent games in Germany -.-'). But to be honest, if I wanted to buy every single game that rocks... I'd be broke ;) Still have to feed my 360 o0
Right now I'm playing Prince of Persia: Rival Swords (haven't played this part of the series before) and it's awesome. Never heard of it's release though, same with Scarface. The only ads in TV are about Wii Sports (still present), Super Mario Galaxy, Mario and Sonic Gaylympics or Boogie :( The Wii is a console for kids in Germany.
@ Ernieboii: Forget about Star Wars unless you own a 360. Wii gamers will get the PS2 Version -> different game! - Red Steel isn't that great. It looks cool, can't argue that. But it's nothing I'd buy. The multiplayer isn't good either. Rather go out and buy Medal of Honor Heroes 2! Great online multiplayer and really nice singleplayer + on rails shooter =)
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