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#1 Serithil
Member since 2009 • 73 Posts


Yeah I know that's bloody amazing, he must be pretty skilled or have a lot of spare time, I'd like to go with the first. But yeah I guess the multiplayer achievements are rather useless anyways, well at least now I can stop gasping over someone having less than a thousand... Ugh but that zero Gamerscore still haunts my nightmares.


I have noticed that people in clans also have a really low gamerscore. They obviously just play that game and a few others but mostly that one. If you ever go to a clan you will see a whole lot of 5,000 and under gamerscores.

Hmm Interesting, then again I prefer Cult's. Their just simply cooler.

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#2 Serithil
Member since 2009 • 73 Posts

[QUOTE="sourcerah"]There's a whole lot of people who could care less about achievements. Especially since there's no reward for actually achieving them... I only go for achievments when I'm trying to find some extra replay value with the game. Me nor any of my friends actually try to get achievements. If we get them, we get them... if not, then who cares. Quite honestly I don't see why so many people like them. RAMRODtheMASTER
It gives them the feeling that they matter, all while Bill Gates is laughing and counting his money in his giant underground safe.

Okay that's actually quite humorous, but the reason I like to get Gamerscore is simply because I stumble upon it.. Honestly most of the time I'm not going for the Achievements I'm just used to the good old days when knowing every small secret counted to somebody. Like back in Super Mario World, I knew everything about that game.. Every small secret I'd found. Then I tried the same with Assassin's Creed by getting all the flags... It's just not the same feeling, I guess I'm just part of a dieing breed, the ones who still love SMW and Battletoads, not to mention Doom (I'm talking Classic Doom, not this new Doom stuff we got now).

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#3 Serithil
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I am aware there are people who can't play 24/7.. Actually I'm pretty sure that is actually impossible. Nor are games addicting, just something fun to pass the time with. plus I mostly only get maybe two hours a day if I'm lucky in, but somehow I've still managed to get a decent Gamerscore.


2 hours a day is quite a bit of gaming. At that rate you would spend about 30 and a half days every year on your 360. I am not going to scold you for it, but that's just not desirable/reasonable for most people.

Coming from a guy with almost 13,000 posts on a video game forum? Really? How much time do you spend watching tv? Doing something for 2 hours a day is not that much.

Thank you Chipie for backing me up on this one, I mean hell I spend at least double that time (Four hours for those who can't count or perform simple math) just tanning, now I'm POSITIVE that is not healthy for you. But still I'm Norse born so I'm damn lucky I can even tan.

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#4 Serithil
Member since 2009 • 73 Posts

Yeah I know that's bloody amazing, he must be pretty skilled or have a lot of spare time, I'd like to go with the first. But yeah I guess the multiplayer achievements are rather useless anyways, well at least now I can stop gasping over someone having less than a thousand... Ugh but that zero Gamerscore still haunts my nightmares.

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#5 Serithil
Member since 2009 • 73 Posts

Obviously you had put your words into the wrong context as you warned anyone who read the topic that you didn't want any 12 year olds playing with you. If you were talking about only the xbox live community, then there would have been no point in saying you didn't want to play with 12 year olds, either that or you just like to whine.


Hmm sadly another person who has gone an mistaken the words written down, I am simply saying that since with the Xbox Live community there has to be some of them who do use this Forum, now in seeing that those people would include the Xbox live community and thus implying on the fact that they are twelve year old twits who annoy me. Now if they are not annoying twits like I have so come to believe from a multiple of tests then enlighten me oh holy one. Because if they aren't annoying twits then PROPS!, congratulations call it what you will. If they're good then come and play with us I'm ready to greet them with open arms and an embracing hug. I just really don't want people who just continuously whine into the mic or make extremely annoying noises for abnormally long amounts of time into the microphone while my friend and I are trying to help coordinate the team for survival.
Now if you want a laugh think all of that with an Australian accent.

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#6 Serithil
Member since 2009 • 73 Posts

mine is 28,000

i started of getting 10,000 within like the first week of launch, but since then they have made the achievements pretty tedious to get and i only go for the ones on games that i really like

i have a friend though that has 140,000


Holy crap "140,000" That's insane props to your friend. And well I guess overall my question has been answered, Multiplayer dominates. That's why Gamerscores are so low, hmm then again what about games that offer Multiplayer achievements, like Shadowrun an all Multiplayer game from what I remember.

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#7 Serithil
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Not everyone plays games 24/7 and can afford to get all the new games that come out. I don't play non stop and I don't go through games like crazy, but I did just get 10000 about a month ago. Not everyone who plays games is completely addicted to them.


I am aware there are people who can't play 24/7.. Actually I'm pretty sure that is actually impossible. Nor are games addicting, just something fun to pass the time with. plus I mostly only get maybe two hours a day if I'm lucky in, but somehow I've still managed to get a decent Gamerscore.

2 hours a day is quite a bit of gaming. At that rate you would spend about 30 and a half days every year on your 360. I am not going to scold you for it, but that's just not desirable/reasonable for most people.

Not really, back when I was a youngin' I probably gamed around six hours a day, and may I ask you to explain by your meaning of "but that's just not desirable/reasonable for most people." because from what I gather it simply just means that people just wouldn't want to game for such a short period of time nor does it have any good outcomes. Also I'd like to point out Thirty days out of 365 days doesn't really seem that bad, especially when the rest of the time is spent tanning!. xD

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#8 Serithil
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that's a must be that 12 year old he was speaking of


Well most of the twelve year olds are British xD, but I am quite pissed at the fact of how many people with pathetic gamerscores there are as well. Not to mention the amount of twelve year olds! ugh. Also Modernjeans I'll add you on Xbox live in a bit.

I'm 12 and a half for your information, and I've recently just got an elite, will be moving my 14,890 GS character over to this one in a bit. But, yes, the fact that you had to mention 12 year old kids in your post means how stupid you are. There are no 12 year olds in the Xbox portion of the gamespot forums, I'd say the youngest would be around 14.

You'd only have to make that mention in the Wii forums ;)

I believe you didn't understand what I had said, nor the context it was put into. I'm saying the Xbox Live community, not the Gamespot community. If you even try to play a game online on Xbox live for ten minutes you have some annoying twelve year old twit whining in your ear about something. Now if you aren't one of those annoying kids then I'm sorry if I had offended you, but I've just come to expect almost 64% of the Xbox Live community to be twelve year old annoying kids. Plus if you aren't one of those annoying kids than props to you. Also one tip for the future and remember these words "Context Sensitive" they'll get you through life easily if you understand and obey them. And don't try to under-mind someones intelligence if you yourself haven't done your homework.

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#9 Serithil
Member since 2009 • 73 Posts

Not everyone plays games 24/7 and can afford to get all the new games that come out. I don't play non stop and I don't go through games like crazy, but I did just get 10000 about a month ago. Not everyone who plays games is completely addicted to them.


I am aware there are people who can't play 24/7.. Actually I'm pretty sure that is actually impossible. Nor are games addicting, just something fun to pass the time with. plus I mostly only get maybe two hours a day if I'm lucky in, but somehow I've still managed to get a decent Gamerscore.

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#10 Serithil
Member since 2009 • 73 Posts

Crap, Umm Gamespot went loopy when I made this. It appears it copied it... Go here ""

Also if a Gamespot moderater or someone up there sees this delete it please, but not the new one with comments.