@Tiwill44: That's why you compromise when you make a realistic game, you are heavily limited in terms of design. Fantasy games however, have the sky as the limit. There's no reason why half of Paladins roster looks/behave more like Overwatch characters than the apparent games they were inspired from. Yes, games are inspired by other games, but when designing it, you add your own flare to it that will set it apart from the source of inspiration. That's why Overwatch doesn't feel or look like TF2. That's why Global Agenda doesn't feel or look like TF2. Even Battleborn, who was heavily compared to Overwatch, was very much its own thing. Paladins however, screams, radiates, and oozes Overwatch.
@captainwonton: So developers/publishers shouldn't create an additional source of revenue when creating said product was already so expensive to begin with? How naive.
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