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I am so not coming back tommorrow...

Srsly, when will the noob assault end?

Good lord, when?

For the 2+ year vets that know me, was I ever as bad as this? Srsy...

I tried returning today, but noob after noob bombarded me with stupidity. I lost a total of 30 brain cells today. :)

I might be back next monday. I don't really know or care.

Watch the skies.


That is all.


Wake Me When We Get There (Leaving For A While)

Noobs, Noobs,

Gallons of the stuff,

Give them all that they can drink and it'll never be enough.

Noobs, noobs, noooooooooobbbbbssss...

Grab a glass cause there's going to be a flood.

I'm pretty much addicted to that song... this one too...

Anywho, I'm outta here till the noobs get bored of asking stupid questions. Not permenant at all. This all works out actually because I have a massive pile of work to get done. Also, I'm unemployed at the moment, so finding a job beats sitting here typing.

Have tons of fun without me so I'll be jealous as a MF when I get back.


A General Message to All


Noobs... they invade our privacy... they come on our forums... and do unspeakable things while there!

I enourage all new forum users to lurk moar, get a guist of how the forums operate, then start posting.


-Mikiel, who is annoyed right now

Any Good Music Out There?

I've long depended on this forum for new music to listen to.

So... any new tunes ppl been listening to?

PS. Does it seem like there are more noobs on the forum? Or it just me?

Hillary Wins in PA?

Seems the democrats can't quite decide a nominee.

As a republican, I immediately jumped for joy, but then I stopped and thought it out.

I believe that George Washington had the right idea when he said that political parties would drive America apart. Think about it. Obama and Hillary are almost copies of each other. Same politics, same liberal message, same views on Iraq, the economy, immegration, and dozens of other issues.

But they are driving the democratic party in two by this needless fighting. This is how wars start!

Maybe the dems will figure this out, maybe they won't, but either way... this won't end well...

Since I'm feeling particularly pessimistic today, all links will be end of the world songs.

99 LuftBalons by Nena

99 Red Balloons by Goldfinger

End of the World (And I Feel Fine) by George Bush

Mad World by Gary Jules

Hard Rain's Gonna Fall by Bob Dylan

The End Has Come by Ben Moody

Sunday Bloody Sunday by Pillar


OMG! *BSG spoilers*

Cally is dead! :cry:

Holy frak!

Evil final five! Evil final five! :shock:

In other news...


Is awesome.

Yup! I'm not just an avatard!

I'm in the Cult of Baltar, a member of the wannabe Final Five club, and a member of the Tom Zarek Cylon speculation club.

Man... these extra curricular just eat up most of my free time....


That is all. :P


PS. I cannot wait for the NYCC live coverage link thingy to start broadcasting!!!!

I'm Late for this one...

I can't believe I've been on for over a year.

I know I'm super late, but I just realized it.

Over a year at and at the same place that I was last year: waiting for S3 to come back.

Damn I hate waiting. :(

-Mikiel, who's feeling alittle old.

Yes, I'd say that I'm "Bitter"

Obamarama at one point had my vote, has now lost it.


"During a private fund-raiser last weekend in San Francisco, Obama said "the jobs have been gone now for 25 years" in a lot of small towns.

"They fell through the Clinton administration and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate. And they have not," Obama continued in the riff first reported by the Huffington Post Web site.

"And," he concluded, "it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." "

"Cling to guns and religion." Huh. Is that how you feel about religion, Obama? Is it?

I'm an agnostic, but anyone who disses anyone else's beliefs is an idiot. He is not just dissing the catholic faith I was raised with, but also every single other religion in existance!

And the "guns" ... I'm the proud owner of one. Thank you very much.

Obamarama has been added to my "Hate Forever" List (Hillary Clinton is already on it).

I hope Mike Gravel is the nomenee. Otherwise, the Republicans aren't going to have any party to run against in four years. They'll just reelect McCain (who is also on my "Hate Forever" List)

So... Mike Gravel '08.


And Ron Paul too.


RickRoll Obsolete?

link (News link! I swear on Steve Jobs's soul!)

Is Rickroll officially dead? Can a replacement be found? Shall "What is Love" replace the rickroll?

And what of the internets gods, the 4 chan Cabal? Have they been informed? And what are their thoughts?

These are troubling times, gentlemen. Long has the Rickroll ruled justly and wisely over all memes. Why must it now die?


link (click if you dare... not rickroll... Steve Jobs's Soul...)