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Saul is Dead

Image:Tigh Season 3.jpg

In loving memory of Saul Tigh.

Husband, Soldier, Drunk, Fleet Idiot, and above all else, A Space Pirate.

Your one-eyed drunken adventures will be remembered for all time.

Goodbye Saul, you salty space-dog you. May the Lords of Kobal look kindly upon your soul.

I cants believe you iz a cylon now!


Baltar, on the other hand, is not dead.

In fact, he has been resurrected. He has transcended death itself. He has become DA PIMPMASTA!

All Glory to The One True Pimp.

I know what your thinkin. U see him rollin, u hatin. You trying to catch him ridin dirty.

But you can't. He laughs at you cause you iz noob and he iz da pwner. He's awesome that way.

Shun all who do not follow the path of Origin... I mean... Baltigin...



BSG is awesome. May all who say otherwise be declared funny looking.


My Internets Have Begun to Fail!!!! Oh Noez!!!

I can't get into many sites, including ones that could never ban me even if they wanted to.


I have a ping of 840. Nice.

Indeedless to say, I might not be on much until this gets sorted out...

I hope this gets posted... it didn't last time...

I hope to see you all sometime... soon...

Just... don... do...



lol, UPDATE!

I waz betterz this morningz... maybe its over? Maybe not... Hopefully my republican pessimism is wrong...

News Update on Forum Ongoings (Week 1)

The Weekly Avatard

Hello Comrades.

Big news bullitans have just come in.

Front Page:

Avatar motherfrakking wins big in KCA!!!! The Devil Sponge followers are in full retreat and in their confusion, we have slowly begun to take over their forums.

A reminder:

Remain curtious to the SB fans for the time being. Bragging is a vice, if not an outright sin, so be their better! Act with calm dignity when announcing the victory of avatar to a SB fan lest ye suffer the wrath of an unforgiving God!

Metro: (Local News)

I am plz to announce the return of a particular forum member, who'se name has been altered for his/her/pedobear's protection. I believe you all know who I am talking about. Yes, our great and noble friend, White Kobbra, returneth.

Lol, just kidding on that last part.

Srsly, I can't say who it is... but he's back...

In a related news story, epic lulz was detected today in the avatar forums, after the glorious victory mentioned above. Posters swarmed in with links, gifs, and altered screenshots in mass celebration of the victory. Continued celebrations are expected tommorrow and perhaps continuing into Monday.


Afternoon prayers in the SB forums were suddenly interrupted by the news of SB's loss at KCA. Little is know what followed, due to our reporter rushing over to the avatar forums to see if the information was true. When he returned to the SB forum for a moment, only to find a ghost town with little activity at all. However, our reporter checked back to the forum and found it to be a malstorm of conspiracy theories surronding their failure to capture the KCA Best Cartoon crown for the SIXTH year in a row (after six years, I'd expect any show to get tiresome).

This has been your loyal and trustworthy Propaganda Minister.

Good Night.

And a safe tommorrow.


I Have Returned


But all objectives have been successfully laid... err... completed...

I do have an extremely dirty comment to make, but I doubt it'll improve my popularity here, so it will remain unsaid.

I leave you with this: link


I am an idiot...

How could I be so motherfu,,cking stupid!


Now I can't get her outta my head!

Video games, music, TV, doesn't matter. I can't get her out of my head!

Now I can't sleep and I don't want to eat.

I really hate women right now....

-A very angry Mikiel

PS. Motherfu,,cking motherless son of a b.itch!

40k Diary: Day 1, Planet K4

Dear Chaos Diary,

We slaughtered many Guardsmen today. They attempted to fire upon us with their "flashlights" (Lasguns: worthless weapons for the followers of a worthless Emperor), but we showed them real firepower with our heavy bolters. A small Dark Eldar scouting party was, what else, scouting our eastern flank and escaped before we could annihilate them and feast upon their souls. Regardless of this slight incursion, the battle was won and the Aspiring Champion (Sergent, for those in the Imperium) ordered pizza in celebration for our efforts towards the expansion of the Ruinous Powers. The pizza boy became a sacrifice to NurgleBob PlaguePants and the anchovy pizza he came with was most delicious.

I am still most concerned about those Dark Eldar. Despite being weak and as breakable as crackers, I've heard their methods of tourture are... cruel and unusual, even to a worshiper of Chaos such as myself. The Aspiring Champion assures us that they would never attack us directly, only prey on those who are separated for the main group. I can only hope otherwise. I wish to meet these Dark Eldar in battle, if only to see if the rumors about them are true. Never wish to never meet a worthy adversary.

-Private First Cl.ass Mikiel, 2nd Company, Alpha Legion


Something I did for the hell of it.

Reflect The Storm banned.

Yup, he's been banned.

Sent an email confirming it.

His loss will be widely felt...

Right now there is a FMA102 sized hole in the internets... never to be filled...



Bummed about FMA ending

I watch the entire series of Fullmetal Alchemist plus the movie, and what a friggin cliffhanger!

Why don't they end the damn thing! I want an ending! A proper ending! A good old fashion "The End." Not a "Well... let's go find that uranium bomb!"

I hope avatar doesn't end like that.... that's suck.

Ooooooo... Lost is on... gotta run!

