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SgtHydra Blog

New Addiction// Iraq War// Politics// General Rant

Hi. My name is Michael. And I'm addicted to fanfictions.

Hi Michael.

It all started about a week ago... now I'm a complete addict. I can't stop reading them and its getting out of hand... especially when the writers don't update very often (for whatever reason, only the bad fanfiction writers update, while the good ones think they aren't good enough and stop writing.)

/that rant.

Anyway, The Iraq War.

Good things are happening. Like that Iraqi Civilian Protection unit standing their ground against and insurgent attack, some religious leaders calling for peace, and October's death count being the lowest in the entire war (I think).

Some bad stuff is happening too... like with Turkey (man... those Kurds need to get their heads together) and Iran.

/Iraq rant


FRED THOMPSON DROPS OUT!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

Oh, and Hillary recieves planted questions from CNN. Nice... real nice... :D

George Bush is as akward a public speaker as always... man... it be better if a machine read his speeches for him.

Speaking of which...


Song of the blog: A Hard Rain Is Gonna Fall by Bob Dylan

For Da Lulz of the blog: The Only Thing I learned in Chem 101



Veteren's Day

Its not Veteren's Day yet, but I...

I was afraid I might forget.We all sometimes forget what holidays mean. Like Christmas. Doesn't matter what you believe. Its not a day of consumerism or relaxation, its a day of thought, of prayer, and of family.

Veteren's Day is not a day for you to have a three day weekend. Its a day to remember those who came back... and those who didn't.

To all soldiers, to all of heroes, to all of the wounded, to all of theguys on their last tour, to all the FNGs,to all of the fallen, to all of themen and allof thewomen of all wars, past and future.

You have my undying respect and admiration. Thank you. (salutes)

Here is to the Veterens.


On a personal note, my Mom was overseas for a year in 2000. It was the hardest time of my life. I can't imagine what would of happened if...

... well... happy Veteren's Day.

Oh noez! Moar "4 da Lulz!"

That's right! My devious plot to get to lvl 7 is almost complete! (evil laugh)

Not as bad as the title makes it sound(Massive lalz at the end that almost suffocated me)

GI-Joe PSA 17

buttoo bad your arse got saaacked

Now for the proffesional lalz makers (language warning):

Chad Vader does Chocolate Rain!

Napster Bad!

On a personal note:

Check out this guy's accent. He's my teacher. (I may or may not be in the video).

Honestly, don't ask about the context of that video... just laugh at his accent...

hehe... "evedence" "Michael... why do you say such thing?" "Keeenneedee wasn't killed by Oswald. He is actually still alive, and plotted 911." (he actually said those things)

Turn your sound down for the next one (Language warning and fire alarm warning):

More stupid people from my school (no chance of me in this one


Now for the climax!

Here's to two years of retarded internets movies!

That's it for "4 Da Lulz." (or at leastuntil I find a **** load of hilarious videos to show you guys)


B*tchs know nothing bout my additional pylons!!!!

4 Da Lalz: Bigger, Longer, Uncut!

You require more vespine gas!

(warning: may give nightmares. Not joking)

The most distrubing thing ever:

(warning ends)

Laughable propaganda film about Mormanism (I am not Morman or anti-Mormon): link

Chewbacca Defense:

Obama Sign-Alomg:

No moar skool 4 u young man!!one:

Mikiel just got da Orange Box!! SOOOO happy!:

The Cake is a lie:

Why I don't have a PS3:

Another reason:

Funny Pics from DA:

Halo 2 for Noobz: link

This is a cauton sign!: link

Hungry, Hungry Hippie: moar links

Poor sissy Zuko...: linkapalooza

What I got from my teach yesterday: Icantbelieveitsnotlinked

I will only stop making these blogswhen I finally grow up, or when the internet stops being funny.

Doubt either will happen. :P


Edit: B*tches don't know bout my boot 2 da head!

When will this blog die?

About... now *gunshot*

The unholy lulz commanded me to do it

Nothing but videos this time!

One boot to the head: see)

Pheonix Wrong, AMAV hellst.yle

(language warning)

Dave Chapelle, Pheonix Wrongsty.le

Samuel Jackson remixed:

Rick James, remixed:

"Nudge Nudge" Monty Python:

The lumberjack song:

(language warning ends)

Construct moar pylons! (inane starcraft joke):

And the lulz is satisfied.

For now...


Because the lulz demanded it

"Still Alive" from Portal:

Oh noez! Moar Portal lalz: at first, you must see the end)

Something almost as good as Red Vs. Blue:


Finally, a spokesman for the little guy:

Might add more later, too lazy right now.


Song of the blog: Chantilly Lace by The Big Bopper (really old song)

Pic of da day: Shoot da Boom by BooterFreak

And for those of you wondering where I was the last 5 weeks: most addictive flash ever


A Collection of Avatar Spoilers, Videos, And Rants (warning: spoilers)

Avatar Spoilers:

I did it for the lulz:

"-Aang goes to school in the fire nation for one episode and Katara and Sokka have to pretend to be his parents, which is hilarious

- There's a huge amount of kissing and lovey dovey stuff with Mai and Zuko- and their relationship is hysterical (based on mutual hate). Because it's already in full bloom and played for comedy, I assume it won't last. Mai is just so evil-- but it's really funny.

- Katara goes all Al Gore for one episode and becomes and evironmentalist, trying to save a polluted town

- There's a lot of 'ship with Katara and Aang. Surprisingly, most of it is Katara crushing on him!! He's busy hitting on fire nation girls.

-There's a little Toph/Sokka but very light.

- There is a part where(Zuko) goes into his father's throne room and we get to see Ozai's face. He's much younger and more handsome than you would expect. And clean shaven.

- Katara gets kind of hot and bothered watching Aang dance-- like really red faced. She also kisses him on the cheek (I think later in the same ep.) There were other instances, but I'm kind of forgetting them now. I watched all four eps back to back and I was so overwhelmed I couldn't retain all the info. They kind of blended into each other.

- The new bad guy is that dude from the really cool poster. I just went back to check and realized this. Come to think of it, that makes me look like I'm bluffing. He seriously only had ONE SHOT and no dialog. He's an assassin/bounty hunter. I originally thought this guy was gonna be Ozai when I saw the poster. I was wrong.

- They explain that the Earth King has gone on a spiritual journey w/ Bosco. Sokka and Toph are with Aang and Katara, on a Fire Nation ship

- Yeah, we get an eye full of Ozai-- I like I said, he's more youthful and handsome than you would expect. I predict they're will be a weird faction of girls that actually develop a crush on Ozai

- The bending is awesome. Katara has gotten so insanely powerful it's a joke. Katara and Aang do a lot of combo bending in one episode to great effect

- Zuko hires an assassin because of a growing doubt that the Avatar is really dead. Azula puts the bug in his ear- basically she gave him full credit for killing the Avatar- so if the Avatar is still alive-- he's 100% to blame. So he hires the assassin as insurance. One could say he maybe has some kind of psychic instinct that Aang is still alive. Yes, they're still ruling in S3. Ba Sing Se is defeated.

Iroh is in Fire Nation Prison- in a tower. Zuko isn't officially allowed to see him, but he sneaks out. I don't know who Gred Baldwin is. Iroh hasn't spoken so far- he acts catatonic half the time.

Sokka sees an awesome sword in town and that leads him to the Master. The Iroh connection doesn't come out til the end. It's just the white lotus connection- Iroh isn't mentioned specifically. There is a hint during the ep, Sokka trains on a patio- with a white lotus design.

The fire nation looks like Imperial Japan mixed with Mordor and Hawaii. It's tropical and volcanic, with palm trees. The propaganda they use is about ethnic superiority, even against their own colonies. They aren't allowed to dance, or speak out against Lord Ozai. Manners are stressed.

They lie about the history of the Fire Nation's defeat of the Air Nomads. They claim the Air Nomads had a standing army. Aang objects in and gets in trouble

- Aang tries to leave the gang - He got braver and tougher - Aang makes friend from the firenation school he goes to in the headband, a girl, but the girls BF hates aang. because he thinks Aang likes the girl and ensues a fight.

- Aang has minorly lost interest in Katara because of letting go of her, but the creators have changed the view to Katara lusting and crushing on Aang

- Katara gets an angrier personality

- FN clothes are at the end of episode 1 and beggining of episode 2

- Aang blushed when he see's Katara in her Fire nation clothes.

- There are bad issues between Katara and her Dad.

- The painted lady is a village superstition in a fishing village in a factory

- Let's just say katara didn't say "I will never turn my back on people who need me", to anyone in the gang- not zuko...

- The headband is about school and disquises.

- Aang and Katara dance together in the headband martial artified

- Aang is much darker this season

- won't spoil but there are lots of things from the spirit world in the first four episodes

- There's lots of Kataang, but again, 'shipping not my specialty so I don't know if I could describe it in depth. She has a healing scene with him and says she likes his hair. That feels kind of I don't know-- intimate. When they dress in FN garb, it's obvious he thinks she looks hot. She gets jealous when he dances with the cute girl from school. They dance together and get all red faced. She kisses him on the cheek (on Appa's back) really reminiscent of that other time (forget which ep but I think maybe Bato of the water tribe?)

- The only Maiko quote i can remember, I JUST CAN'T GIVE AWAY because it's one of the best lines of the new season. You'll know when you see it. It's not in the first ep. It's HYSTERICAL and goes back to what I said about their relationship being all Emo and Twisted.

-When Zuko sees Ozai, it goes better than expected.

- When the first ep starts, Mai and Zuko are already a couple. Maybe they'll have a flashback ep or something later.

- The first ep takes place about a month after the last ep of s2

- The guy cutting bamboo is sokka's master.

- Toph makes a metal sword for Sokka.

- Katara's bending is awesome.

- Aang flies on his glider to get from the ship to the FN. (me here... I think thats the last clip from the trailer) Okay These seem pretty legit to me... No one could lie this good. I believe this..."

Thanks to Merdok for the spoilers


New Sozin-Roku Confirintation video:

Awesome avatar parody (not abriged series) kinda AMVHellish:

Remember how long we've been waiting? Nine months right? Here is how long exactly:

Since before christmas? Holy ****!

We need a new hobby.


Chupacabra Found!

I am not lying. Read this:

Could it be the chupacabra? Could it be some ugly dog? Or... could it be both?

Read the article and believe. ElChupacabra is real! And we have a body to prove it :P

Take THAT National Geographic.


Oh, and for some interesting news, I just got an appointment with the DMV to take my Driver's Lisence test, and guess what.... ITS ON THE 21st!So I'm gonna get my driver's liscence and watch avatar ont the same day!


I did it for the lulz.>1=10357

Also for the lulz.

First Four Episode Spoilers:

OMG! Team Fortress 2 Videos! (Foam)

You must watch these: this one. Why? This is me when I play Call of Duty)

And from then on, when a bunch of animals met in one place ITS CALLED A ZOO! Unless its a farm!

(hugs soldier) I love his character design. Helmet covering head especially.

Both of those used in game graphics. Valve has out done itself this time...

I can't wait for this game... I have Team Fortress c.lassic. That game is old school fun. The graphics for TF2 are probably gonna fry my computer though...


Oh, and here is a compilation of a whole bunch of other trailers for TF2:

Onward Comrades! To Glory!

Propaganda Minister Mikiel Hydra here.

I just want you to know that the longer you fight, the sooner we win.

For FMA! For Lisa! For the martyrs and all who have fallen!


Today's Pic:

Today's video: This is how mods are created! First they are small and rule only a single website (or farm), then THE WORLD!

Down with the mods! Power to the people!

(The Hydra apologizes for any racism in his videos)
