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A catchy tune in my head...

... That's been jumping around for months, is finally being released as a full song!

In-case you haven't heard it, here it is.

Warning: A very catchy song.

Watch for it July 31st, iTunes Canada. Major Maker - Rollercoaster

Puzzle Quest: Callenge of the Warlords for the PC!

Puzzle Quest: Callenge of the Warlords for the PC!

I've always had an interest in Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords, ever since I heard about the concept. Having only tried it once on a friends DS, I've been even more interested to go get my own copy. I had plans to pick it up soon, but since its coming out for the PC in higher resolution, I've decided to hold off and just wait, even if it won't be out until 2008. I've already got a lot of DS games I need to finish playing, and a few others coming out this year I plan to buy. Seeing as I rarely play my DS when I'm at home, I figured I've already got my hands full on the DS. Besides, I was always irked a bit whenever I saw the rough look on the DS version of Puzzle Quest.

Post E3 '07 Thoughts

These 3 days seemed to pass by pretty quickly, but it was cool to see all the news flying in, and all the Live Demos. This is oddly enough my first time really focusing on E3. I never acknowledged previous E3s as much as I did this year, because I didn't realize how much news, announcements, demos, etc. get shown off here. All around, it was an enjoyable show, I got to see more of the games I was really interested in, became more excited for most of the games that I got to see, and became interested in some I just waved off before. I'll be patiently waiting for E3 '08 to roll around, since E3 didn't really blow me off my seat, rather than just getting me more excited for upcoming games.

And speaking of upcoming games, I'm really excited for the coming months to come around. So many games were shown off at E3 that I can barely keep track of all of them. Here's my updated list of 2007 games to get now that E3's done, in no particular order: (Some of them may not have been shown at E3)

  • Crysis (PC)
  • Bioshock (PC)
  • Unreal Tournament III (PC)
  • Turning Point: Fall of Liberty (PC)
  • Gears of War (PC)
  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC)
  • BlackSite: Area 51 (PC)
  • Half Life 2: The Orange Box (PC)
  • Kane and Lynch: Dead Men(PC)
  • Mercenaries 2 World in Flames (PC)
  • Stranglehold (PC)
  • Assassin's Creed (PC)
  • Devil May Cry 4 (PC)
  • The Witcher (PC)
  • Hellgate: London (PC)
  • Loki (PC)
  • Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom (PC)
  • Viva Pinata (PC)
  • Supreme Commander (PC)
  • Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance (PC)
  • World In Conflict (PC)
  • Street Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD(PC)
  • Luminous Arc (DS)
  • Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (DS)
  • Guitar Hero III (PS2)

My wallet is already trembling. Yea I'm a big PC guy, but I don't have any current-gen consoles on me, so that rules out a lot of games I want to check out on the console side of things, such as:

  • Rock Band (Xbox 360)
  • Dead or Alive 4 (Xbox 360)
  • Mass Effect (Xbox 360)
  • Lost Odyssey (Xbox 360)
  • Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords (Xbox 360)
  • Fable 2 (Xbox 360)
  • Grand Theft Auto IV (Xbox 360)
  • Eternal Sonata (Xbox 360)
  • LittleBigPlanet (Playstation 3)
  • Heavenly Sword (Playstation 3)
  • Ninja Gaiden: Sigma (Playstation 3)
  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
  • Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
  • Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii)
  • Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (Wii)

I'm probably missing a few, and I've probably got a few in there that aren't out until 2008, but you get the picture. And I realize I'm missing a few big titles, such as Halo 3 and Killzone 2, but with so many First-Person-Shooters on the PC that I plan to play, I've really no interest in playing more, especially since I'm not fond of console First-Person-Shooters.

So once I've finished my current games (Fallout 2, World of Warcraft), and I've upgraded my processor (I'm looking at you Q6600 @ July 22nd!) the end of Summer should be rolling around, which should start (what I consider) the second half the year, rolling around with Loki and Bioshock, which I'm sure will hold me long enough until Crysis comes out in, here's hoping, September. I can keep going on about what's coming up in the coming months, but you get the picture. I should have my hands full for the rest of the year, and probably even after 2008 with so many games to play.

Viva Pinata and Gears of Wars coming to the PC!

Viva Pinata and Gears of Wars are coming to the PC!

Seeing Viva Pinata being announced for the PC was very unexpected. It was one of the Xbox 360 exclusives I was interested in, since there's something that always interests me in"Playing God" type games,so I'm happy to see it come to my preferred platform, since I currently have no plans to purchase an Xbox 360. The reason I don't plan on purchasing an Xbox 360, is not because I'm a "hermit", since I happen to like all the systems, but rather because I already have plans to upgrade my PC, and purchasing many of the exciting titles coming to the PC.

Seeing Gears of War being announced at the Microsoft Press Confrence was not unexpected, because a small clip had already been leaked prior to the press confrence. I'm happy to see they're adding a new multiplayer mode, new multiplayer maps, 5 new chapters, including a new boss, a map editor, and still retaining co-op mode over Live. It'll be nice to experience Gears of War for the first time on my preferred platform.

So, I guess another, small, sign that PC gaming isn't dying. Two more games to add to the already large batch of games coming this year to the PC.

Tomb Raider: Anniversary - Completed

After a bunch of jumping, shooting, and more jumping, I finally completed Tomb Raider Anniversary. Like Legends,I've got a few minor gripes about the game, such as the puzzles becoming repetitive after awhile, and the combat still isn't very exciting, although it is still satisfying to watch the Bullet-Time animations. Overall, the game looks great, the soundtrack fits the tone, decent voiceacting, and a fun lengthy adventure that kept me until the end, though the end was pretty disappointing to watch as it was some-what of a cliffhanger.

As well as recently just finishing the GDI campaign in Command and Conquer 3, I've decided to wait awhile until starting the NOD campaign, as I basically dragged myself through the end of the GDI campaign. To fill my RTS crave, I've been continuing my weekly matches of StarCraft with a few friends and cousins. I never realized why StarCraft was considered one of the best RTS ever, until I actually went back and played it again. I was pretty young when it first came out, so I didn't really get into it at the time.

Since I've cleared some room for new games, I'm anxiously waiting for tomorrow, as Overlord and Lost Planet: Extreme Conditionare due out then, though I'm probably going to let the reviews base most of mydecision and not go on impulse and buy them right away.

Guess there's not much else to do now but play some more World of Warcraft.

Unexpectedly Stepping Back Into Handheld Gaming

I recently found out I could trade my brothers old DS-"phat" for a DS Lite only for 65$(CDN). 1/2 the price for a new DS? Why not! Looks like I'll be able to explore the DS games I wanted to check out, like Phoenix Wright, Metroid Prime, Brothers In Arms, Final Fantasy III, Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords, Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword, Elite Beat Agents, Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan!, and a lot more. Of course, this won't turn into my main platform, but I haven't touched a handheld in awhile, since I finished all my GBA games, so it'll be nice to bring something around to play with while I'm out or on the bus.

[UPDATE - 06/22/2007] Looks like I could only trade it in for the same model. Oh well, 1/2 price is still 1/2 price. I don't plan on buying any new games any time soon since I still gotta save up for my new Motherboard/Processor/Ram, but my brother gave me all the games he doesn't play anymore, so at least I'll have something to play around with.

Where is Kotor 3?!?!

Its been awhile since I've played a really good RPG. I've been craving one for awhile now with an engaging storyline, and lots of character customization. I tried playing Neverwinter Nights 2 again, but the lawful/chaotic choices in that game don't seem to make much of an impact on the story, and the storyline itself is pretty bland. Then I tried playing Jade Empire. The setting is very interesting, and the character interactions are very well done, but the combat feels completely mundane and tedious to the point where I can't play it. I would've been satisfied if they just put on the turn-based combat Knights of the Old Republic had, at which point I'd sure as hell play Jade Empire to the end. But since that isn't the case, I've given up on trying to work up the willpower to enjoy that game. Fallout sort of has what I need, with a good combat system, and interesting storyline, but the character interaction in the game almost feels non-existent. Other than that though, its still a very good game, which I intend to finish. So, having the craving to play an RPG that has the4 points ofEngagingStoryline, Turn-Based Combat, Great character interaction, and Storyline changing decisions, I've decided to go play the Kotor series for the 3rd time.

Kotor 1 and 2 are some of the Best Games of All Time in my book. Great and engaging storyline, the decisions you had to make in the game actually felt like it shifted the storyline, great character interactions, and it used the Star Wars liscense very well, as I'm not much of a fan of the movies. The one and onlymajor gripe I had about it was the ending of Kotor 2. Out of no where, this cliffhanger ending just pops into your face and its over. I've been checking in with the Restoration Projectevery now and then, but at this point, I don't think it'll be completely finished until sometime next year. As I was playing Kotor this evening, I kept remembering the feeling of the first time you meet and rescue Bastila, or the first time you craft your own lightsaber, or the revelation point at which you find out who you really are. These key and reallyexciting points in the game were what made it so fun in the first place. Playing them over again doesn't completely settle my craving, but at least it pushes it back a bit.

The only thing will settle my craving is a new Kotor game, with the same key points that what made the game so fun. Its been 2 years since Knights of the Old Republic 2, and since it had such a horrendous ending, you would think they would announce a sequel by now. An announcement at this point would probably get me jumping up and down, more than when I heard about StarCraft 2. But I guess there's nothing I can do but be patient and wait, or go play Kotor, or try and settle my craving by doing some quests in World of Warcraft. Sigh... Maybe something will pop up at E3 2007 this year... Oh well, I can only wait and hope...

Jumpin' Back To The Past...

After watching the Fallout 3 Trailer today, I decided to look up on what I missed in 1997. After stumbling upon Gamespot's Greatest Games of All Time archive, I found Fallout's section, as well as a few interesting other games I missed, such as Baldur's Gate II, System Shock 2, PlaneScape: Torment, and a few others. Reading all the articles led me to gaining interest to play all these games, though it'll probably be awhile until I can get around to playing them all, since the end of June seems like it'll be interesting.

Tomb Raider: Anniversary Cover BoxStarCraft: Brood WarFarCry Title BoxFallout

Right now, I've got Tomb Raider: Anniversary, StarCraft: Brood War, FarCry, and Halo 2 to keep me busy, and of course, jumping into World of Warcraft, Guitar Hero II, and Command and Conquer 3 from time to time. I'm really focusing on Tomb Raider: Anniversary right now, because its the most interesting out of all. Seeing as I never finished the original Tomb Raider, its a really refreshing and fun experience, withchallenging puzzles, and decent fighting mechanics, albeit a bit mundane and easy. With StarCraft: Brood War, wellwith allthe StarCraft 2 excitement, I decided to try playing StarCraft, seeing as I never finished the original.I'm inching my way through the Single-Player campaign, and playing weekly matches with my cousins and friends, when we've got time. I decided to jump back into FarCry just because I only played it for a few days, then never really got into it. I decided to pick up Halo 2 just for the hell of finding out what happens in the Single-Player campaign. Not really into the multiplayer portion of it anymore, since I played a bit of it when it first released, with my friends. It was pretty good at the time for consoles, but by today's stantards, and by PC standards, doesn't really hold up quite well.

By the time I finish playing these, it should be around the end of June, which is when I'll be looking at getting Overlord, Lost Planet, DiRT, and GRAW 2. All my current games should keep me busy until these roll around, but there is one problem I'm facing before I can fully enjoy these games, and that's my outdated processor.

My Pentium 4 3.00 GHZ feels really outdated at this point. Playing recent games like Lost Planet, Command and Conquer 3, and others, I can feel a small, but noticeable, lag every time I'm turning really quickly, or scroll around across the map. It doesn't completely hinder my ability to play, but it gets really annoying. Once I leave the camera angle in one spot without moving, my FPS goes to its regular rate, so I doubt its my nVidia 7900 GS. I'm looking at purchasing the E6600, unless I canwork up the willpower to wait for the rumored price drop in proccesors in July.

So yea, basically it looks like the dry season is gone, for now. Even better, all the cloudy and rainy days have passed, and everyday I see sunshine here in Vancouver. Summer is here!Was never a fan of rain, always makes me feel down a bit. Whenever its sunny,my spirits are always up,as hot as it usually gets.

[06/12/07 - UPDATE] After a lot of researching, and a lot of benchmarks, I was going to buythe AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+, but after more researching, and more benchmarks, I've decided to hold out till July 22nd, when the price ofthe Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 will drop to around 300$ CDN. Unfortunately, I have to go through buying new sticks of ram, and a new motherboard, since neither of my current ones are compatible with the Core 2 Duo models. Oh well, I've had these for about 3 years now, and they did come relatively cheap, soits time for an upgrade.

Shadow Eagle's Currently Most Anticipated Games:

  • Fallout 1 (PC)
  • Fallout 2 (PC)
  • System Shock 2 (PC)
  • Baldur's Gate: II (PC)
  • Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (PC)
  • Ghost Advanced Recon Warfighter 2 (PC)
  • Overlord (PC)
  • Crysis (PC)
  • BioShock (PC)
  • Supreme Commander (PC)
  • StarCraft 2 (PC)
  • Unreal Tournament 3 (PC)
  • The Witcher (PC)
  • Guitar Hero Encore: Rock's the 80s (PS2)

Hell, It's About Time.

Yea. StarCraft 2... Almost 10 years now. I'm pretty excited for it... The funny thing is, I never finished StarCraft. I dabbled around with it, but I could never properly grasp it... Mostly because I was pretty young when it was released, and didn't really understand the RTS genre. But now, after playing a lot of Command and Conquer 3, Age of Empires II & III, Age of Mythology, and a lot more, I think I should go back in time and play StarCraft... Thing is, I've been looking around for my copy of both StarCraft and Brood War, and can't find it! T_T Ah well... I'm sure one of my relatives should have it hanging around... Time to go looking, and see what I missed for the past 9 years!

It Won't Be Long Now...

The end of May is almost coming, and that means Summer Holidays is almost here! Along with Summer Holidays, it looks like I'll be picking up Tomb Raider: Anniversary, mainly because I never found much interest in the original, and I really enjoyed Tomb Raider: Legends. After reading the recent preview, I'm pretty excited about it now, especially since it'll be using the same great engine Legends was running on. I thought it would be a bit dumbed down seeing as it wasn't being put on any of the current-gen consoles.

With what I'm currently playing, nothing much has really changed. I've really gotten in Command and Conquer 3 now, and still casually playing World of Warcraft. A bit of Guitar Hero II is still being thrown in at times, just to keep my skill up for the recent announcement the 80's Edition, which I hope to pick up alongside Tomb Raider: Anniversary. June 4th seems a bit to close, seeing as the announcement was so recent, but I'm not complaining! The closer the better.

So yea. Again, not much happening except for some waiting around.

Shadow Eagle's Currently Most Anticipated Games:

  • Hellgate: London (PC)
  • Supreme Commander (PC)
  • The Witcher (PC)
  • Crysis (PC)
  • Unreal Tournament 3 (PC)
  • Tomb Raider: Anniversary (PC)
  • Lost Planet (PC)
  • Guitar Hero III (PS2)
  • Guitar Hero: Rocks the 80's (PS2)
  • God of War II (PS2)
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