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Shadow-Eagle Blog

Another Great Game

Since I've picked up Final Fantasy XII, I've been enjoying every second of it. I'm really really enjoying the new combat system, since it's reminiscent of MMORPG's combat systems, so now I never get bored of getting into combat. In previous Final Fantasy games, one of my biggest gripes about them were the random occurrences of battle, while heading somewhere. Topping that off with longer than desired loading times, and special powers (For instance, GF's from Final Fantasy VIII) repeating the same tedious scene over and over every time I used it, really turned me away from the previous combat system. Now that it's all done in real-time, I can enjoy every moment in it.

On the PC side of things, I've recently picked up The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Knights of the Nine. Haven't been able to try out the new quests yet though, with Final Fantasy XII taking up my time. Looks like I'll be getting one more game for my PC before ending the 2006 year, although it's still pending... Rainbow Six: Las Vegas. I've never tried playing tactical shooters, but it seems pretty interesting, as I like to dabble with shooters that have an interesting premise/system. 2006 hasn't been the greatest year for PC Gamers, but in 2007, it looks like one hell of a year, with Hellgate: London, Spore, Silverfall, Half Life 2: Episode Two, Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom, and more that don't seem to be on the top of my head, I'm really looking forward to it. I'm especially curious as to how well my new Video Card (nVidia 7900 Geforce GS) will hold up against these games, and DirectX 10 for that matter.

Wii!... Still looking forward to getting one... =D

Wow, can't believe you read this far ;P Or maybe you didn't and you just went straight to my last paragraph ;O. Anyways, yea yea no ones gonna read this, I get it.

Shadow Eagle's Currently Most Anticipated Games:

  • Hellgate: London (PC)
  • Half Life 2: Episode Two (PC)
  • Spore (PC)
  • Silverfall (PC)
  • Rainbow Six: Las Vegas (PC)
  • Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom (PC)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess(Wii)

More To The Collection!

Add-On: Max Payne - Completed 2:17 am 11/19/2006

Like the title says, I'm about to add 'More To The Collection'. Tomorrow, or today I guess, I'll be getting Final Fantasy XII, which I've been waiting for a long time to play. The new combat system, as well as the new leveling system, seems pretty interesting, as well as the long amount of gameplay there is. I'm sure I'll be playing it as long, if not longer, as I did with Final Fantasy VIII.

Add-On 2: Here I go, starting Final Fantasy XII =D

Before Final Fantasy XII, I've been playing MapleStory. I use to play this for about a week, then I just couldn't handle the grind. Now that I've aged a bit more, I can handle this big grind, and appreciate it a bit more. It's only fun in small doses though. I can't handle playing it for more than 2 hours.

I'm still playing Neverwinter Nights 2 and Oblivion when I've got a lot of time to spend playing. Gothic III is way too buggy right now for me to enjoy, so I've really gotta wait for the upcoming patch. Nothing else is catching my eye this year, but 2007 seems like one hell of a year for PC Gamers. I just hope I don't regret buying my new graphics card. I doubt I will be though since I can now enjoy upcoming games Half Life 2: Episode Two, as well as Hellgate: London, Spore, and much more.

The Wii! I'm really hyped up to play this. I'm planning to get it between now and December 25th, or after I finish Final Fantasy XII, depending on how much I really enjoy it. The very first game I plan to get for me is the most obvious one, the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I can already sense that feeling of opening up a new zelda game from when I opened Ocarina of Time in 1998.

And that's pretty much it, I'm up to date with my blog posts now. Again, I know no one reads this, but I like to read it in the coming months.

Shadow Eagle's Currently Most Anticipated Games:

  • Half Life 2: Episode Two (PC)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twlight Princess(Wii)
  • Hellgate: London (PC)
  • Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
  • Spore (PC)

Suddenly Interested In The Wii?!

After skipping through some of the parts of the GameSpot Wii Marathon, all I gotta say is damn. I want one. =X The idea of the 'Wii-Mote' didn't exactly interest me at first, but after seeing it in use, I'm pretty impressed. But probably the biggest reason why I want a Wii so badly now is because after seeing The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess opening cutscene, it brought me back to the time when I was... 7? That I opened the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and I was so happy playing it. That theme song during the... I guess 'account-setup', especially brought me back. I remember being so excited playing a 3D Zelda game. Even though I never finished Ocarina of Time (probably because I was 7 at the time), I had a blast playing it for... however long I played it. It was great fun, even though I had a hell of a tough time getting through a lot of the puzzles.

So yea, I want a Wii now...

PS3 really isn't interesting me just because there aren't any games that I look like I'm going to enjoy a whole lot, pretty much the reason why I'm not saying much about it. Final Fantasy 13 caught my eye, but for one game... Not worth 650$+ (Canadian)

Speaking of only wanting one game... The only dilema I'm facing right now is what other games I want to get after finishing Twlight Princess.  A lot of my current-gen, or I guess previous-gen, consles are sitting there collecting dust. Usually I'll jump on my PS2 and play Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, but my Xbox and Gamecube just sit there. I don't want to spend more money on another consle just to let it collect dust... Sigh.. But I don't think I'll have to patience to wait for the Twlight Princess Gamecube version... Oh well, only time will tell... Christmas is just coming around the corner... And my brother has been looking into begging for one for christmas... Maybe I'll join him!... Just not the begging part... Maybe just fuel his gas for begging xD... Anyways, enough ranting.

Shadow Eagle's Currently Most Anticipated Games:

  • The Legend of Zelda: Twlight Princess (Wii)
  • Red Steel (Wii)
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3 (PC - Not confirmed)
  • Half Life: Episode Two (PC)
  • Viva Pinata (Xbox 360)
  • Final Fantasy XII (PS2)

The Long Awaited Upgrade!

After many months of patient waiting, I've finally gotten what I wanted... A new video card!... At the cost of 500mb of RAM. >_> My 500mb RAM Stick somehow got corrupted during the installation of my new Graphics Card, NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS. I'm now down to 1gb of RAM, and my computer is very noticeably slower at loading. During the start up of my computer, it takes a minute or two until it's finished loading. No biggie though, I can live without a bit of ram for awhile. My games are looking great as ever with all the settings set at high, and my framerate is surprisingly holding up steadily. Here's a Screenshot of the big difference!

I love how I can run all my games with maxed settings and still hold a steady framerate. I can finally play Oblivion and Neverwinter Nights 2 enjoyably without grinning when I saw ugly textures.I know, not very surprising, a lot of people have better computers. Meh. This is a blog, and you're reading it! Like I said, I know many people aren't going to read this, but I like reading back on these after 3-4 months.

In addition to my Video Card, it came with a copy of Hitman Blood Money which in my opinion is an alright game, and to add to the collection, I got a copy of FarCry from a friend of mine who was done with it, now that I can run it properly with maxed settings. It'll be fun to play another Single-Player First Person shooter. Speaking of which, I'm really looking foward to Half Life 2: Episode Two. The 'ending' in that game really bugged me... As the same with KOTOR 2 >_>. It's been awhile since KOTOR 2, and no announcement of KOTOR 3 has come out yet. Not that I know of at least. I hope they didn't decide to move on with other games...

Enough ranting though, looks like that's all for today. Time to get back to my games and playing guitar before more piles of homework get thrown on me. The past week has been days after days of homework. Not use to this kind of pacing, but if I want to succeed, I gotta do it... Anyways, Until next time!

Shadow-Eagle's currently Most Anticipated Games:

  • Half Life 2: Episode Two (PC)
  • BioShock (PC)
  • Legend of Zelda: Twlight Princess (GC)
  • Gears of Wars (PC - Not confirmed)
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3 (PC-Not confirmed)

My last game for awhile...

Spending so much money on new games recently, I decided to stop after one more (xD). I decided to go with Neverwinter Nights 2, seeing as I really enjoy RPG games. My reaction once I started playing: "Damn...".

I checked on System Requirements Lab, saying it was over minimum specs. 'Whatever, I'll just set everything on low' I thought, which I don't really mind doing as long as I get a good gaming experience, thinking I was going to be able to play it smoothly and have fun. Boy was I wrong.

My computer specs:

Pentium 4 - 3.00 Ghz

1.5 Gigs of Ram

Nvidia Geforce 6200 Turbocache

Pretty much what's causing NWN2 to run at 10-15 FPS is my old Graphics Card, and to add to the frustration, the distance textures are REALLY bugged out, making me play from a top down vie - Wait, what am I talking about. The games FPS is so low its unplayable... Here's a screenshot of the annoyance!

Oh well, not like I'm not a patient guy. I can wait until I've got the money again so I can grab a new graphics card. Even if I did have the graphics card to play Neverwinter Nights 2, I wouldn't have much time, due to the crazy amount of homework being piled on top of me each day. Looks like I won't be able to play games consistantly for awhile. Oh well, Life > Games.

As time goes on

I'm still having a lot of funs with these games, and with the recent release of Neverwinter Nights 2, Final Fantasy XII, Need For Speed: Carbon, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, I've got a feeling I'm not going to be bored for a long time.

I just picked up Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, and I'm having a blast with it. I find it much better than X-Men Legends 2, probably because I never really liked X-Men, and ended up letting it collect dust after the first level >_>. That's not the only reason why I bought Marvel: Ultimate Alliance though. I'm going to see how the Multiplayer holds up online, so I can play with some friends of mine. I just hope its not so laggy, like it was for me in X-Men Legends 2, which online in that game was unplayable. Constant disconnections, freezes, etc. etc.

Of course I'm still playing Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. I thought I would've gotten sick of it after 3-4 weeks, but I guess I'm still enjoying it because of the Kreate-A-Fighter mode, switching my characters fighting style/special moves every few days really freshens up the game. Not to mention I've barely touched any of the other 62 characters yet. xD

Then of course I've got the other games I'm simply jumping into from time to time when I'm taking a break from Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, and Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. Being an RPG fan, I went back to finish Golden Sun, which I got lazy to finish when I was younger. Speaking of RPGs, I'm really looking foward to picking up Final Fantasy XII, as well as Neverwinter Nights 2. I never played Neverwinter Nights, but I've heard good things about it. With Final Fantasy, I've played VIII to X. I enjoyed all of them, except for X, which I mentioned in my previous post, because of its supperrr long cutscenes. With Final Fantasy XII out, and a new combat system, I'm really looking foward to picking it up... Only problem is, my wallet is feeling a bit empty... >_>

Catching up with the times.

Looks like I've been missing out some good Action Adventure games while playing World of Warcraft. Recently, I was thinking of jumping into a new genre, and stumbled upon Devil May Cry 3 for the PC (Which I had no idea was out already.) as well as Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, and I'm having a blast with them. Playing with the keyboard takes some getting use to, and even then it can cause some pretty embarrassing mistakes. I've already spent a lot of money buying these games, but I don't think shelling out another 30$ for a controller shouldn't be a problem. ;( Of course from time to time I'm still jumping into Mortal Kombat: Armageddon and The Sims 2, which are still surprisingly entertaining me.

On the other hand, once I'm done with all of my current games, I'm really looking foward to Final Fantasy 12. I really hated Final Fantasy 10 because of the super longggg cutscenes, and I've really been looking foward to a new Final Fantasy game. So finally, with FF: 12 coming out soon in US/Canada, I hope it turns out to be a really enjoyable experience, with less cutscenes. Plus, I'm looking foward to trying out the new combat system.

I don't know what else I'm going to do after I finish FF: 12, and possibly Neverwinter Nights 2. Next-Gen consles are way out of my league for pricing. Looks like I'll just have to wait until next year and hope good PC games come out.

Spell 'Bored' has been cured!

Finally. The time of boredom has come to a complete stop. I've got Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, The Sims 2: Pets, and Need for Speed Most Wanted to keep me 'alive'. Yea that may have sounded pretty nerdy, but meh. Haven't opened up The Sims 2: Pets or Need for Speed Most Wanted yet because I want to wait until I've got the time to play consistantly, instead of having to stop half way when I'm having fun because of homework.

You're probably wondering "Why are you getting Most Wanted.? NFS Carbon is coming out soon." Yea it is, but I felt like playing a new racing game, and NFS: Underground 1 and 2 just weren't doing it for me. Plus, I wanted to check out the Storyline in Most Wanted.

Always been a Sims fan since I played the first Sims, so I could never pass up on an Expansion Pack. I just hope I get a better kick out of it than I did with University.

Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. Can't say I'm not impressed. On the other hand, I can't say I am impressed. Its a great game and all, but with a short Konquest mode, some-what shallow fighitng system, and an average 'Kreate'-a-Fighter mode, it doesn't shine through the dark light. Nonetheless, it is still a great game that I will be playing for a long time.

Looks like thats it folks. Stay tuned. xD

Mortal Kombat.!?

Been pretty bored still after quitting World of Warcraft, basically playing parts of old games to keep myself from going completely bored. Games such as Duke Nukem 3D, Kingdom Hearts 2, Soul Calibur 2, and Dead or Alive: Ultimate. None of them tremendously amusing me again, but what can you do.

Now, with Mortal Kombat: Armageddon coming out, tomorrow or Tuesday, I'll be able to get that feeling of a new fresh game again, especially with the new "Kreate-A-Fighter" feature. I've never 'kreated' my own fighter in a fighting game before, so I am very very excited. I've only played Mortal Kombat a couple of times, jumping in and out of the series.

While Mortal Kombat is one of the games I'm looking foward to, I've also been keeping my eyes on other games, such as God Hand, The Sims 2: Pets, and more that I am too lazy to mention. September was a pretty boring month for me, probably because I've been focusing more on school now, and getting back with my friends after moving back to the school closer to me.

Yeah probably no one will read this, but hey, I love reading back on these in the future, like I did a few months back when I had 4-5 longgg paragraph blogs. I regret I didn't save them into my computer before they got wiped T_T

Yawn. So Bored.

After playing World of Warcraft for about 16 months, I've finally quit, accomplishing what I wanted before quitting. The goals being completing my Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, collect some Tier 2 pieces, and have a lot of fun in the process. Sadly, with school now started, I don't have the time to play WoW anymore. I was invited to join one of the top guilds many times, but still turned all invitations down.

Now, I find myself sitting in my chair, staring at the monitor screen with nothing to do. After playing all the recent games in my possession so much (Titan Quest, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Call of Duty 2, Age of Empires 3, The Sims 2; the list goes on.), I've grown tired of each and every one. Nothing to do now but wait for October to roll around. Hopefully I can get my hands on a copy of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon the day it comes out.

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