I went to the New York anime frestival the other day and I was kinda dissappointed and liked it at the same time. Mostly because I forgot how Bleach, Naruto, Death Note, Suzumiya themed it was last year and it was the same this year... With a lack of One Piece... If you dont already know I'm a huge HUGE One Piece fan. I swear it was a rare occasion to find anything One Piece there. I was reminded how much 4kids sucked the life out of One Piece in America... :cry:
But other than that it was quite nice. Almost like last year in terms of setup. I did not go to any panels because the lines where so long and I would feel silly waiting on a long line by myself... My friends that I wanted to go couldnt go. One had to work, the other dropped off the face of the earth and the third one just said no :lol:
Igonrant Anime Fan
Bayonetta and Sands of Destruction
The Cosplay
The Stuff I got
Ignorant Anime Fan
Alright so as soon as I went in I saw a demo of Bayonetta. So I waited on the short line to play. As I was waiting I hear this one guy behind me say "One Piece SUCKS!" Of course like a reflex I turn my head and say "Excuse me?"
And this is how it went down
I'll call the fanboy baka
Baka: What?
Shadow: I thought I heard someone say One Piece sucks.
Baka: It does.
Shadow: Why does it suck I think its pretty awesome
Baka: The art sucks and a guy made of rubber.
Shadow: Ok yea the art isn't the best and –
Baka: And there's a guy named ZOLO with a sword in his mouth.
Shadow: Wait you say Zolo. So you watched in on T.V? Trust me watch it subbed and its even better
Baka: Dude, I already know about whole 4kids killed One Piece crap but its pretty much the same.
(ok at this point time just froze and I gave him a blank stare)
Shadow: When 60 something episodes get cut from an anime it is not the same! When guns are replaced with water guns it's not the same! when –
Baka: Whoa, they cut 60 epsidoes?
Shadow: YES! Ok man you haven't seen the real One Piece so I'm just stop right there and save you from owning yourself.
Baka: Whatever…
So yea this guy had the nerve to say One Piece sucks at the wrong place at the wrong time. :lol: I think he said it because he saw a person cosplaying Luffy.
Baynotta and Sands of Destruction
Alright, after I stopped that idiot fanboy from owning himself I continued to wait for Baynotta. After a 5 min or so wait. I finally get to play.
DMC gamplay with a hot chick? How could I say no?
This game is EXACTLY like Devil May Cry. I knew this before hand from watching trailers. But really, its everything like DMC just with a hot chick. The game offers nothing new and completely rips DMC. But that's not a bad thing. Since it plays like DMC it is fun to play and watch. But when the game comes out and it gets higher than an 8.5 from any review site they are idiots. Of course I'll get it when comes out. :lol: Come on, it's a hot chick kicking ass DMC sty1e how could I look at away :lol:
Sands of Destruction
After playing and being disappointed with Bayontta's gamplay I look off to the side and see an interesting RPG for DS coming out next year called Sands of Destruction.
Looks to be an interesting JRPG
Anime JRPG? No way I could pass this up. I didn't get to see the backstory or anything but the game play was pretty much standard JRPG stuff. It was turned based with basic JRPG elements with different terms and it had random battles. I believe in this genration of gaming random battles is a no-no, but I can still play them. Anyway, the graphics where a little of a let down as they where small sprites and not necessarly great. I will defiantly being playing it next year when it comes out.
The Cosplay
I'm gonna keep this short and sweet because with no pics its almost pointless. Anyway saw some good cosplay and saw some not good cosplay. The end. :lol: Next time I'll make sure to have my own camera.
The Stuff
Misa scroll, Strawhat Flag scroll, Tigers yin and yang scroll, Morrigan, Kallen, and Hinata pic
Had to get the Strawhat Flag no matter what :lol: Because I didnt get last time because it was sold out. When I got there this time I headed straight for it and it was the last one :lol: The Misa poster I got because its sexy. Tiger poster it looked cool. Hinata pic was sexy and the Kallen pic is awesome. And words cannot desribe the sheer epicness of the Morrigan pic. I freakin' LOVE IT!
Rainbow Mika - I had to get it :lol:
My Sword: Yabou
I wanted two swords but my money wouldnt allow it :lol: I named the sword Yabou. It means ambition. Unfortnately, Yabou may be leaving because my mom doesnt like a sword (weapon) in the house. So idk what I'm going to do with it... :? Maybe I'll put it in a safe in a bank...
So that's about it people. :lol: I now wish I had the camera but I couldnt bring it because my mom just said no for no reason (you know how moms can be)
I'm gonna buy my own camera pretty soon (next paycheck probably) and I'm going to start uploading videos on youtube about stuff that really pisses me off and anime reviews and other stuff. I think the first one I'll do is a review on Princess Lover. DONT WATCH PRINCESS LOVER!
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