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Shadow-Elite Blog

So What's Next? Persona 3 or Digital Devil Saga?

Alright, (Dot) .Hack G.U//Vol 3 has been completed, Ultimately an okay to a good series. The story fails to take itself seriously and gameplay is a bit of a button masher. I give it a 7/10 but if I were to review it I probably give it a 6 to a 6.5/10. I want to review it but knowing me I'll probably never get around to it :lol: (Maybe I should watch the anime? )

(P.S: As awesome as Haseo is, his awesomeness could not save the mediocrity of this series)

I have removed Mana Khemia 2 from the list because tbh, I'm not going to get to it and I probably wont play it at all next year so there's no point. I'll just wait for the inevitable release of the U.S PSP version.

So with Mana Khemia 2 taken off that leaves three games… Three Shin Megami Tensei games. :D

Okay, I know I'll beat Persona 1. But I don't think I'll be able to get to both Persona 3 and Digital Devil Saga. So its only one of them I'll get to…

So I'll let YOU be the judge. Which shall I play next?

Persona 3: FES (The Answer story) or Digital Devil Saga

-My feelings on each-

Persona 3: I liked the main story and the characters but the game was HARD (DAMN YOU NYX!) Now moving on to The Answer story I have read some things and see that it is even more hard :?

Digital Devil Saga: Tbh, I didn't really like it at first but now I feel as though I can get through it. Hopefully the story is as engaging as I've heard.

So you pick/vote! But please hurry! I need all the time I can get :lol:

MagnaCarta 2 Review and RPG Rant

First off here's my MagnaCarta 2 review

Overall: MagnaCarta 2 is an average game with your everyday RPG elements packed into it. What makes it even more average is that its story just about takes everyday clichés and just puts them in. There is absolutely NOTHING original about its story or characters and it just seem like that game didn't even want to try at all. If you played a handful of RPGs you've seen this story happen already.

Ultimately, MagnaCarta 2 is nothing good or nothing bad just a very average RPG on a next gen console and that's what probably makes it more bad than good.

Now then on to the rant

My expectations of MangaCarta were no where near high. Hell, I read some reviews before it came out and was already convinced that it was an average game but I wanted to play the game myself to see if it was true.

And sure enough the few reviews that where out before the game was released where 100% right.

It just shocks me how MagnaCarta 2 just didnt try at all.

Its like developers said "We need a new RPG to put out lets just make one and put it out there. No matter how cookie cutter and cliche its story is."

I mean seriously even without its Story & Characters MagnaCarta 2 just breaths averageness.

I have two major complaints about this game:

First, is its cutscenes that are SKITS.a You know skits like these:

(Ar Tonelico 2)

(Mana Khemia)

(Enchanted Arms)

And MagnaCarta 2:

(Magna Carta 2)

The whole game plays out like this and my question is why? On 2 discs?? On an Xbox 360?? Now on the first disc maybe this is understandable but on the second disc where its not nearly as full as the 1st disc and still have most of it in these skits? Come on that's just stupid...

I know this was a low budget game but this simply shouldnt be acceptable on a CONSOLE at all. On a DS or PSP fine but on a next gen console? No. Just no. If this was a PS3 exclusive I be even more dissapointed with it. (then again if it was it wouldnt have 2 discs :P )

Second, story and characters.

I mean seriously, no lie. If you played at least 10 RPGs (hell, even watched some anime) you've seen this story already done and its sad how nothing about it tries to be different.

Let's see:

Main character loses his memory? Check.
A Princess that lost her kingdom and is now fighting on the frontlines? Check.
Big. strong, burly ally? Check.
Side kick character that gets into fights with the main character? Check.
(SPOILERS) Main character past turns out to be one filled with bloodshed that he caused? Check.
Bad guy wants to harm the world more than he is saving it (anti-hero but not really a bad guy) Check.

Really this list can go on.

It just astounds me how unorginal this game is... Espcially the ending. Its just sad that an RPG can be put out like this.


That's pretty much the end of my rant.

In my OPINION we have yet to see a TRULY,SIMPLY INCREDIBLE RPG this gen. (not western)

The RPG front on gaming this gen is failing me so far. Sure I've played some good DS and PSP RPGs but I wanna see some at least more great ones on a console.

Blue Dragon (Average. Most people hated it)
Enchanted Arms (Crap and you know it)
Infinte Undiscovery (More bad than it was good)
Lost Odyssey (Old School but good BUT STILL OLD SCHOOL)
Star Ocean: The Last Hope (great battle system but plagued by horrible story and characters)
Tales of Vesperia (Probably the only one that's passable)
The Last Remnant (too many flaws and techincal issues)

I named all 360 RPGs because 360 has the most. Valkriyia Chorcles might be another one that's passable but its an SRPG.

There are only three chances that RPGs are going to change.

1) Some random game outta no where

2) Final Fantasy 13 (mostly likely)

3) Persona 5 (but the Persona series doesnt set out to redefine anything it just makes it better and makes it even more enjoyable to play)

Gaming Updates and what not

Well, since its gonna take me forever to beat Persona and quite some time to beat .Hack Vol 3 I thought I do a slight update on my gaming situation.

I beat Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days a couple of weeks ago. Pretty good game it just got annoying at the end. The constant need to level up a newly created members took quite some time. The ending left a lot to be desired. 8/10. I hope to get to Disgaea 3 as soon as I can.

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona.

This game is kinda getting on my nerves. Random encounters every two or three steps gets annoying and the enemies have annoying status inflicting moves. If my whole party gets charmed its pretty much game over. Tbh, I find the boss battles to be easier than normal battles but I'm still in the beginning. :P

.Hack Vol 3

I finally got Haseo's Xth form and its awesome. :D But up until then it felt like I was playing .Hack Vol 2.5. This series just limits itself with its online story because of that its hard to take it seriously sometimes... And the amount of button mashing is just crazy.

MagnaCarta 2

Not a good game and not a bad game at all. Its just average stuff. I'm at the final dungeon and should be done with it in a day or two. Doing a review very soon.

Dragon Age: Origins

I wasnt sure about getting this game but I'm glad I did. Its pretty interesting and the story looks to be epic. The game is like Mass Effect in its story telling but severely lacks the polish and touch-ups that Mass Effect has. The gameplay is plays like KOTOR series so its pretty solid.





You know I just realized something... I enjoyed KOTOR's gameplay when it came out and was addicted to it. I must have played KOTOR at least 10 times.

But KOTOR's gameplay is like an MMOs and yet I enjoyed it...

Here's my conundrum... If i liked KOTOR's MMO sty1e gameplay why didnt I like Final Fantasy 12???

(FF12's gamplay is similar to a MMO)

This question hit me while I was playing Dragon Age. And I've come up with some theories:

A) I'm just an hypocrite

B) My RPG taste have changed/developed since KOTOR.

C) There's something about Final Fantasy 12 I just didnt like.

I was leaning towards B. But I was thinking about A mostly. I mean maybe I just wasnt thinking about it or just didnt put two and two together.

Well, anyway I've decided. After I'm finish with these remaining RPGs I'm going to FORCE myself to play Final Fantasy 12.

That's all for now. ;)

2 More RPGs Down!

Two More RPGs Down! I'm progressing nicely... I think. :lol:

AR Tonelico 2


I clocked it about 50+ hours in this game and it was good/decent.

Short Review: The battle system was aright. Building song magic to unleash heavy damage was the jest of battle and made the whole game repetitive. Really no strategy required. Just build song magic > Unleash it > And if it doesn't kill the enemy do it again. That formula hold true throughout the entire game. The story was cliché with its poticial views. The story fell apart for me at the end because

[spoiler] It was to your typical bad guy wants to destroy the world in order to make it better ending [/spoiler]

The characters was probably what helped people get through the game.. The comsosphere allowed much character development and it made you more than likely get attached to the characters. I choose Cloche's path. The graphics where mediocre at best and this is yet another 2D JRPG that should've been on the PSP. The music was great and memorable. Unfortunately, the voice acting, while good, was almost non-existent. This game has A LOT of text to read (Think FF7, Xenogears, Legend of Dragoon, etc) and with about (I'm guessing) 35% voice acting for the English localization. Yes, I could have put the Japanese voices on but I'm in America, this game was localized. I want to hear English voices especially if they are good. So without much VA I was almost forced to skip meaningless conversations. Beware if you plan to play this game there is a boss freeze at the end of the game. At the third turn the battle a boss will use an attack that freezes the game. Its amazing how this freeze was overlooked for the localization. Just make sure your packing high level bombs and using the blue magic trick (a glitch)

Overall 7/10.

Mana Khemia: Student Alliance


I got this game in last year for PS2 but waited for the PSP port pretty much because of the 2D graphics.

Short Review: This game traded grinding/leveling for Farming (Farming is gathering items, money and for this game, AP) to make new items and equipment. Its kinda of long process but its fun but at times its just boring. The battle system was fun and fast. The animations on attacks were awesome to watch and they weren't too long. The game was HARD if you didn't do enough Farming for items and AP. The story was like anime ****school setting story telling. With school festivals, ghost stories,fillers AKA character quests, etc. It was entertaining but the story didn't pick up until the last few chapters. And the story wasn't as cliché as I thought it would be. The graphics IMO where fitted for the PSP and should have been on the PSP in the first place.

Overall I enjoyed my time with Mana Khemia (40+ hours) because of its charming characters (Muppy FTW) and anime school setting. 8/10.

Nikki's Song: Nee. Is stuck in my head :lol: (chorus is at 1:00)

Alright lets look at the chalkboard

6 more to go eh?

Anyway, next are:

929995_87509.jpg and 955515_124764.jpg

FINALLY, Disgaea 2! I cant wait to play. I had it for the PS2 since last year but heard about PSP port so I waited to play on here.

New York Anime Festival 2009

I went to the New York anime frestival the other day and I was kinda dissappointed and liked it at the same time. Mostly because I forgot how Bleach, Naruto, Death Note, Suzumiya themed it was last year and it was the same this year... With a lack of One Piece... If you dont already know I'm a huge HUGE One Piece fan. I swear it was a rare occasion to find anything One Piece there. I was reminded how much 4kids sucked the life out of One Piece in America... :cry:


But other than that it was quite nice. Almost like last year in terms of setup. I did not go to any panels because the lines where so long and I would feel silly waiting on a long line by myself... My friends that I wanted to go couldnt go. One had to work, the other dropped off the face of the earth and the third one just said no :lol:

Igonrant Anime Fan
Bayonetta and Sands of Destruction
The Cosplay
The Stuff I got

Ignorant Anime Fan

Alright so as soon as I went in I saw a demo of Bayonetta. So I waited on the short line to play. As I was waiting I hear this one guy behind me say "One Piece SUCKS!" Of course like a reflex I turn my head and say "Excuse me?"

And this is how it went down

I'll call the fanboy baka

Baka: What?

Shadow: I thought I heard someone say One Piece sucks.

Baka: It does.

Shadow: Why does it suck I think its pretty awesome

Baka: The art sucks and a guy made of rubber.

Shadow: Ok yea the art isn't the best and –

Baka: And there's a guy named ZOLO with a sword in his mouth.

Shadow: Wait you say Zolo. So you watched in on T.V? Trust me watch it subbed and its even better

Baka: Dude, I already know about whole 4kids killed One Piece crap but its pretty much the same.

(ok at this point time just froze and I gave him a blank stare)

Shadow: When 60 something episodes get cut from an anime it is not the same! When guns are replaced with water guns it's not the same! when –

Baka: Whoa, they cut 60 epsidoes?

Shadow: YES! Ok man you haven't seen the real One Piece so I'm just stop right there and save you from owning yourself.

Baka: Whatever…

So yea this guy had the nerve to say One Piece sucks at the wrong place at the wrong time. :lol: I think he said it because he saw a person cosplaying Luffy.

Baynotta and Sands of Destruction

Alright, after I stopped that idiot fanboy from owning himself I continued to wait for Baynotta. After a 5 min or so wait. I finally get to play.


DMC gamplay with a hot chick? How could I say no?

This game is EXACTLY like Devil May Cry. I knew this before hand from watching trailers. But really, its everything like DMC just with a hot chick. The game offers nothing new and completely rips DMC. But that's not a bad thing. Since it plays like DMC it is fun to play and watch. But when the game comes out and it gets higher than an 8.5 from any review site they are idiots. Of course I'll get it when comes out. :lol: Come on, it's a hot chick kicking ass DMC sty1e how could I look at away :lol:

Sands of Destruction

After playing and being disappointed with Bayontta's gamplay I look off to the side and see an interesting RPG for DS coming out next year called Sands of Destruction.

Looks to be an interesting JRPG

Anime JRPG? No way I could pass this up. I didn't get to see the backstory or anything but the game play was pretty much standard JRPG stuff. It was turned based with basic JRPG elements with different terms and it had random battles. I believe in this genration of gaming random battles is a no-no, but I can still play them. Anyway, the graphics where a little of a let down as they where small sprites and not necessarly great. I will defiantly being playing it next year when it comes out.

The Cosplay

I'm gonna keep this short and sweet because with no pics its almost pointless. Anyway saw some good cosplay and saw some not good cosplay. The end. :lol: Next time I'll make sure to have my own camera.

The Stuff

Misa scroll, Strawhat Flag scroll, Tigers yin and yang scroll, Morrigan, Kallen, and Hinata pic

Had to get the Strawhat Flag no matter what :lol: Because I didnt get last time because it was sold out. When I got there this time I headed straight for it and it was the last one :lol: The Misa poster I got because its sexy. Tiger poster it looked cool. Hinata pic was sexy and the Kallen pic is awesome. And words cannot desribe the sheer epicness of the Morrigan pic. I freakin' LOVE IT!

Rainbow Mika - I had to get it :lol:

My Sword: Yabou

I wanted two swords but my money wouldnt allow it :lol: I named the sword Yabou. It means ambition. Unfortnately, Yabou may be leaving because my mom doesnt like a sword (weapon) in the house. So idk what I'm going to do with it... :? Maybe I'll put it in a safe in a bank...

So that's about it people. :lol: I now wish I had the camera but I couldnt bring it because my mom just said no for no reason (you know how moms can be)

I'm gonna buy my own camera pretty soon (next paycheck probably) and I'm going to start uploading videos on youtube about stuff that really pisses me off and anime reviews and other stuff. I think the first one I'll do is a review on Princess Lover. DONT WATCH PRINCESS LOVER!

RPG Completed List 5 of 13 Done! The Real Battle Starts Here!

Alright 5 of the 13 RPGs that are needed to be completed by year's end are done. :D

928334_67393.jpgI forgot how incredibility original this game was. Ending was good but I couldnt get the full enjoyment out of since I stopped for awhile. So I forgot about the story a little bit :lol: I did some sidequests and defeated all the optional bosses. Overall great game 8/10

942210_99493.jpgThis game felt like a fan fic till the end (and it wasnt even that good of a fan fic). It just felt like the new characters and terms where just thrown in to make this game. The graphics where bad especially at the end (budget cut because of Tales of Vespiera perhaps?). But the VA was really good. All cutscences and skits where fully voice acted and it was surprisingly good. Overall, this game is what hardcore Tales of Symphonia fans needed to play, since I'm not, it was a waste of my time almost. 6/10

199365_28106.jpgThere's only one word that can describe this game and that's incredible. This game grabbed me by the collar and said "let's go motherf*cker where going for one hell of a ride." And it did not disappoint. The way the story was executed was purely anime inspired and it felt like I was playing one. The story itself was awesome yet very convoluted. I'm actually glad I didnt play this game when it first came out because I would have never understood it when I was 10 :lol: The story kinda dropped momentum in the second disc because of budget cut issues. (it took me 50 hours to get to the second disc and that's without doing any sidequest!) I almost gave up on the second disc because a boss battle kept causing the game to freeze (I was playing on PSP) but I got through it. Gameplay was solid but I didnt find anything particularly thrilling about it. I think this is one RPG that I perfered the story & characters over the gameplay. (I count gameplay very heavily) Overall, this game is a true RPG gem that should not be missed. 9/10


I got this game on my birthday last year and I'm just now beating it. Why you ask? I have no freaking idea! Maybe I'm just lazy, maybe I'm just an idiot or maybe I just forgot (highly doubt it was the latter :lol: ) The gameplay was excellent, it utilized the stylus to the fullest. (although I never got how use to controlling the top and bottom screen at the same time) The soundtrack was unfreakingbelieveable. The graphics/artwork where a pleasure to look at. And the story was meh IMO but who cares when you excel greatly at the other 3 areas! Simply put this game was awesome to play. 9/10

But tbh I think I know why I stopped playing it. IMO it wasnt really an RPG more like an Action Adventure game.

Favorite Songs:
Deja Vu
Emptiness And

954869_120241.jpgMy god this game was HARD! Mostly because of you, Belberith. **** YOU! Anyway, this RPG wasnt just grinding hard but it actually made you think hard and it was hard in the fact that it kept throwing waves of enemies at you just to make you mad. The gameplay was excellent, mixing RPG elements with Strategy RPG elements nicely. The sound was meh. No voice acting went into the game and battle themes were alright. The grapics werent very good but the artwork on the characters where great. The story was excellent and pretty much what you would expect from a Shin Megami Tensei game, death and religion. Overall 8.8/10

Alright 5 down 8 more to go!

This is where the real battle starts. Most of the games I've completed where in the middle or at the end. So it didnt really take me long to finish.

The games I'm moving on to havent really been even started. So its gonna take some time to complete

Time to step it up! 8)



Ok, I may have brought this upon myself but it wasnt my fault! :cry: :lol:

13 games... And they're all RPGs. So each of them needs quite some play time to beat. 30 Hours bare minimum for each game.

The list in order of Priority

1) Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days - Really wanna play this and complete it first. Had the PS2 version since last year and I've been dying to complete it. Couldnt complete it on PS2 because my memory card got corrupted. :(

2) .Hack G.U Series - Boy oh boy do I have mixed reactions about this game(s). The story is good but the setting just kills it. Really, I can't wait to review it. I'm gonna review all three games in one because they are all the same in gamplay just the story countunes in each game.

3) Xenogears - Almost done with the middle part of the game. Really cant wait to see the ending.

4)SMT: Devil Surivivor - At the last battles of the game. Just too lazy to fuse demons for the bosses.

5) Lost Obessey - For some reason I thought I was at the final dungeon. Turns out I left off at the beginning of the 4th disc (last disc). Its an easy game I'll try to get it done first.

6)Ar Tonelico 2 - Interesting game and I should have been at least halfway done with it but I'm at the end of beginning.

7)Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - Stopped playing because I probably got one of the above games and forgot about it. I should of have this done a long time ago. :(

8 ) Persona 3: FES - Did the main story a good while ago. Just need to play The Answer story. It seems to be coming out for the PSP soon, if its confrimed that The Answer story will be on there I'll drop it from the list and play it on PSP for next year.

9) Mana Khemia 1 - I got the 2nd game not too long ago and I really wanna complete this before I move on. But the sad part is I'm at the middle of the beginning of the game :lol:

10) Mana Khemia 2 - TBH, I pretty much got this just to have. Most games like this become rare before you know it. so I just like to have them. Its already been confimed that a PSP version is coming out. I like to play these types of games on the PSP because of the graphics. If its confirmed that the PSP verison is coming to the US I'll it drop off the list and play it laterr.

11) SMT: Persona - Seems to be a great game for the PSP and I can't wait to see how Persona series started.

12) The World Ends With You - Seriously, I should I have BEEN completed this game but just havent. Idk why...

13) SMT: Digital Devil Saga - I dont care for it much and tbh I probably wont have it done by the end of the year :(


So there you have, the hole I've put myself in and I can't even see the surface light :lol:

Good news is there is no other RPGs coming out the rest of this year that hold my attention so I shouldnt have to buy any others.

It will be a challenge for me to finish these games by the end of the year but I think I have enough time.

So really.

Be honset.

Do you really think that I can complete all these games by the end of year?

21 Is Where It All Begins

August 3, 1988

Yes sir people today is my Birthday and I'm finally at 21!

Really its been an interesting ride but I gotta say I feel unchanged for the most part. I dont feel any different from when I was 18. Life is going to start from here and the choices I've made are gonna show for the rest of my life. c

Can't wait for my pie later. That's right pie. I have pie for my birthday instead of cake :lol: :P


:D :D :D :D :D :D

Begin Operation: 151!

*Friends List Cut*

I've been getting a lot of random friend requests lately (odd considering I only post at the Toonami Union lol)

I dont mind it at all and welcome it actually but I think its time to clean up. So I'll be getting rid of some of you guys :P

If you recently sent me a request dont worry about it, If I commented your blog recently dont worry about it, if we go way back dont worry about it, and of course if you comment this blog dont worry about it.

So with out any further ado


Go though all 151 Friends and leave no stone unturned! Destory all useless friends! Show no mercy!I want a report of all the people you've eradicated.

*Gaming Updates*

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor

This game is kinda hard (as is all SMT games). I'm at the last boss(es) and decided to take a break because I'll have to do some fusions to get the right demons with the right skills. Should be rather easy but I'm just lazy. On Amane's route.


There's just one thing I have to say... Why the hell did I not get this game when it first came out!? :lol: This game is awesome and has almost the best story in an RPG I've seen so far. The way it's told is just epic, it truly feels like I'm playing and watching an anime.The battle system is pretty damn good too.I see now why this game can be almost better than Final Fantasy VII.

Gears of War 2

I haven't even completed the campagin yet (And I've had it since it came out :lol: ) Just been playing online and I'm quite good. Not to say that I'm sick but I will say that I can hold my own. Rank 22.

Anime Currently Watching

Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
One Piece
Princess Lover!
Queen's Blade
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
Yugioh 5Ds

Top 10 Anime/Manga Girls -FINALE-

I wanted to get my Prototype review up but unfortnately I'm rather on a writer's block with it.

I did however pick up a very interesting DS RPG today and its another Shin Megemi Tensei game

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor

I only played for a little while so I really cant say if its good (which I'm sure its going to be). I do have high hopes for it.

Now for the end of the countdown

#2) Kallen (Code Geass)

I ain't gonna lie to ya people.... Kallen is the sole reason I give Code Geass a shot :lol: I thought I gotta see more of this girl. I remember I hated Code Geass saying it was a Death Note rip off but then I watched it and saw it was a brillant and well thought out anime.

I felt sorry for Kallen as she was being used by Zero but she didnt mind it even when he revealed himself.

You can't tell me Kallen isnt a knockout. I prefer the non-headband look.

#1) Satsuki (Ichigo 100%)

Ok I said in my last blog that Manaka is any idiot for not paying attention to Aya... Well, I was wrong... Horribly wrong... HES A FREAKING DUMBASS!!! I MEAN SERIOUSLY. Satsuki offers herself to Manaka more than 5 times I believe and he rejects her!? Rejects this!? As a guy you have oblatgation to at least do something! Okay, even I dont believe that but still. (btw if you haven't read Ichigo 100% by now, you should its a really good manga)

Satsuki is the best manga girls I've seen and has a tragic heroine like story to her. She's aggresive and will use almost ANYTHING to get the man she loves. Unfortnately that wasnt enough... (baka Manaka)

And there you have it. Shadow-Elite's favorite anime/manga girls

1) Satsuki (Ichigo 100%)
2) Kallen (Code Geass)
3) Tojou Aya (Ichigo 100%)
4) Miu Fujini (Kenichi)
5) Boa Hancock (One Piece)
6) Misa Amane (Death Note)
7) Ringo (Air Gear)
8 ) Uzme (Sekirei)
9) WitchBlade
10) Mio Akiyama (K-ON)

Hope you enjoyed it :D