I don't know if this has been answered yet but has anyone here even gave an answer on how universal organ donation could even be done.
Organs being in short supply in a problem but I doubt universal organ donation would solve the problem at all.
First how would the time problem be over come, organs are only viable for a pretty short amount of time, most falling between 12 and 24 hours, you got some organs that only remain viable for like 3 or 4 hours and the longest can last roughly 48 hours. You got a relataviely short amount of time to get the organ out of the first, prepared for shipment, shipped, and put in the person that needed it. Honestly time is the biggest issue there is, even universal donations would not solve the time problem.
Second you got the problem of donors not being compatible. While having a universal donation would increase the amount of compatible organs there are, there are still no guarantee that a suitable match for you would be present when you need it. Even if you had a match there is still the time problem of getting it to you in time.
Third you got the age issue. More then likely you will not want to get an older person's organ, it simiply would not last long and would already have a great deal of wear to it already. So right from the start you are removing a decent amount of organs already avaiable. But this is where the age donation issue comes in is that it is really hard to transplant organs between kids and adults. Organs form children are ussualy to small or weak to be suitable for an adult to use and adult organs are normally to large to be used in children. Some organs can be somewhat easily transplanted from adults to kids, like kidneys which can be cut down to size and still function but other organs like heart and lungs can not be cut down to size. Even with transplant that are successful between adults and kids, I can't remember the exact percentage but a large amount of them die within a few years, most within a decade, and I think it was like 90% within two decades.
This whole universal donation thing is basicly nothing more then a giant feel good program that has no possiable way of actually working. If people really wanted to help people in need of organ transplants there are two things that they could do that would help out far more then trying to have universal donations. The first, and more of a short term solution, would be to fund research that would extend the vitability of organs outside of the body. If we can find a decent method of keeping organs vital outside of the body longer then that alone would greatly solve many of the donation issues. The second and a more distant goal would be to advance stem cell research to the point where we can start growing a person new organs that they need. That would solve just about every possiable organ transplant problem.
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