probably going 80gb PS3 bundle, my PS2 is still running so playing PS2 games won't be a big problem and I just check the list of ones that play well on the 80gb PS3 and all but 2 of the ones I want to play run good on it
I just need to know, if I have the chance to get a 60 gb PS3 should I get it or get a 80 GB PS3
I got some PS2 games I want to play when I get a PS3, but my PS2 still works so it ain't to big of a problem
I normaly wouldn't bother asking but sence my last to PS3 both 60 gb broke, it was awhile ago, I was just wondering if 60 gb ps3 had more problems then other ps3s
i bought 1 ps3 from target, well it didn't work, so I took it back, I got another one from target and it worked for a week, now should I get another ps3 from target, get a ps3 from somewhere else, or just wait to get a ps3
a good friend of mine said that consols bought as target ussualy break realy soon after you buy them, but he has been wrong on alot of things before
my ps3 been turning off on its own, but the light doesn't flash to say t is over heating
it turns off on its own when I complete a level, sometimes after I complete a few levels, when I try to get back to the PS3 home thing to play a different game, or when I am in a level and hit quit to go back to the games menu
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