There is so much miss information going on about the Vietnam war here. First off America was devastating the north Vietnamese threw out the whole war, casualties where for every 1 American killed at least 20 Vietnamese where killed. When it came to battles the Americans didn't lose a single battle against the Vietnamese forces. What forced America out of Vietnam was popular demand to end a unpopular war, which reached its greatest height after the Tet offensive which was militarily a massive failure for North Vietnam since they didn't achieve one object and suffered horrible losses but broke American moral at home.
Even then it is still hard to truly claim America lost the Vietnam war, mostly because when we left it was like Korea. We had Vietnam split into a communist North and a capitalist South with a ceasefire like the one Korea has now. We completely left Vietnam in 1971 and it wasn't until 1974 that North Vietnam started to fight with South Vietnam again but this time we did not come to help South Vietnam and in 1975 North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam. While ultimately South Vietnam did fall to North Vietnam it isn't like it fell while we where there and it isn't like we made a hasty retreat with South Vietnam falling shortly after like some post here seem to be implying but more of we beat the crap out of North Vietnam militarily, settled for a quick way out because of lack of support at home instead of finishing the job, and when the fighting started again years later we decided to stay out of it.
As for America being invaded by both Canada and Mexico I see it going like this. For Canada I see Quebec surrendering without the first few hours of the conflict due to its extremely French culture, I see the rest of Canada surrendering a few days later once they realize there living conditions and way of life would be basically the exact same if they where annexed by America and would accept American annexation without any real conflict. As for Mexico I see something entirely different, I see the ranks of Mexico's military swell to gigantic proportion with new troops ready to invade America. I see Mexico placing its new gigantic military on America's border ready to invade the South Western Part of America. I see the Mexican military crossing the border in such a pace that hasn't been seen since Blitzkrieg warfare in Europe and once over the border I see the largest mass desertion ever witnessed in world history of an invading military. Many of the former Mexican soldiers turning on Mexico joining the American forces in attacking what little remains of the Mexican military and helping in the conquest of Mexico in the hope they and there families will be granted citizen ship.
Of course I was being stupid in that description of America being invaded by Mexico and Canada and used as many stereotypes as I could think of without having slept for 24 hours.
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