@skunkpants Maybe the French government is afraid of other countries' guns, missiles or influence and that's why they don't mistreat their people. Just a thought, I'm not trying to be a wiseacre.
@zombieseesmeat @JimmeyBurrows You hear about news reports where a kid finds his dad's gun or someone's gun and ends up accidentally shooting his friends or siblings or someone to death; that's why I think it would be a good idea to teach a young person about guns and gun safety.
I'm not saying they should be taught to be weapons experts, but they shouldn't remain ignorant of them either; not saying they should be taught how to fire them, that's a decision for the child's parents.
@nocoolnamejim I don't see the update yet, but I'm sure I will in time. Will it support the claim that it was the game industry that suggested this to Obama?
@Gelugon_baat @JustPlainLucas Since the compound adjective, "well written," was not preceded by a noun, it should not have been hyphenated. But I appreciate it because it exposes who proofreads carefully before posting and who doesn't.
@Total_mischief How do we know that nature hasn't been corrupted? I'm not looking for an answer, just trying to provoke thought. Really, I hate arguments like these, it's just something else for people to be divided over.
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