Yes, I am hands-down the biggest nutjob in that union. A lot of them are afraid of me *Smiles a very big smile with lots of pointy teeth + curly mustache*.
I know of a more disturbing picture! Type "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" in the Google search bar until you reach the end on the Images tab. Hit enter, and you shall see.
If I could put a custom skin on my Wii, it would probably be a picture of me holding my Wii with the custom picture of me holding my Wii with the custom picture of me holding my Wii with the custom picture of me holding my Wii, and it just goes on and on until you need a microscope. I'd even make it so I can change the color of the molecules in the dead center where it ends so it's ANOTHER picture of me holding my Wii with the custom picture of-*explodes*.
EDIT: Anywhere it says "picture", just pretend it says "skin"
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