My greatest Wii moment was the look on my face as I tried to steer my car in NFSC. Instead of making light turns with the remote like my brother showed me, I was bouncing off the walls as I practically flipped the remote upside down.
Tennis is what really yanks my arm off. I realize that all I have to do is gently flick my wrist, but I end up doing full body spins instead. I need a fan and a Gatorade besides me at all times when I play that or boxing.
I love that little cat. He's also on the News Channel loading screen.
I found a secret! If you throw your Wii in the air in a basketball court and don't catch it, it turns into a pair of wings and you can attach them to your back and fly around with them! Go try it out!
I think Bandai-Namco should compete with the creators of DDR by making a game called Spazz-On! The more you flip out and make random, varying motions, the more points you score! The music includes lots and LOTS of speed techno.
No, no, people care, they just need to see more posts in it.
Well, I don't usually watch videos, so this is new to me. From what YOU'RE telling me, I'm with you on this one. I don't think this will make it a disappointment, but I DO think that the game could be a lot better with ideas like that.
The other thing you have to notice is that there weren't that many of those moments in the game. A few, but not many.
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