@hella_epic you just made my point, microsoft has the better games.. not better than AC but the funny thing is that AC is not by sony nor was it announed by sony...
@hella_epic it's not the lazyness, it's just the smartness of it, mm, yeah they sort of are forcing people with kinect and that is just one flaw for microsoft, and games, just look at the games they announced and the games the others announced, all the companies came out with a couple of great games but microsoft did it this time, black ops II, halo 4, splinter cell, i'm not a big tomb raider fan but besides that they deserve to win!
@BunX23 are you like, 12 or something? do you notice yourself saying that? I bet you own games, of course you do your a snotty 12 year old that plays hyper-active wii games...
@Devvy01 that is not true, besides the fact that there is a gun in the game, I believe that a lot of 1st person shooters have there unique style, Call Of Duty compared to Halo? think about that, there are so many differences it's kinda hard to think about them...
Shane_Padget's comments