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#1 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

[QUOTE="H_M_1"]If you two don't like current gaming then play on an Atari or N64 or PS1 and don't play PS3 at all. If you wanna debate, bring some solid proof that this generation of gaming sucks or else don't bother at all, rather than forcing people to agree with your lame comments.soundcellx

Hey, wait a agree that current gen games are much different than games from previous gens, yet you do not think that is a valid complaint for them to be so different? So, we have to like current gen games, or we're trolls? and those who hate current gen gaming, you have to go insult them? hypocrite.

you are beyond ridiculous.

^^^ THIS. H_M_1- your not even trying to debate, u and your @sshole friend are just insulting anyone an everyone who doesn't agree with you'll.. last i checked this is a game forum, full of different opinions to be discussed, i've read all your posts and so far u have done nothing but diss! just because somebody has a different or *smarter* opinion on this matter doesn't give u the right to just toss insults and call them a troll, maybe next time u take a journey on the world wide web u should bring adult supervision.. :roll:

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#3 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

why does everyone keep mentioning nastalgia anyways? what exactely does that have to do with this discussion?

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#4 ShangTsung17
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Don't let nostalgia get the best of you. True, I do hold a soft spot for the early PS1 titles and the entire PS2 era, but games these days are progressing and advancing. A lot of games do their genre really well. Every generation has some hits and misses, but what I will say about this generation is that I'm glad that online play has become a standard. Before, it was hard for me to play multiplayer games with anyone local because most of my friends didn't play the games that I liked to play. But thanks to online gaming, I can play with people all over the US and the world. However, I still have my PS1 and PS2 and my collection of games for both, so if I feel like experiencing simpiler times, I just play them.:)


you're actually glad that multiplayer is completely destroying the gaming industry? eliminating entertainment all together leaving the mp kiddies the only one's happy? see man its people like u who make me wanna pull my fvckin hair out! cause not only do u make absolutely no sense at all, your helping this sh!t along and that just sickens me.. in the end however not a damn thing can be done about it... :(

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#5 ShangTsung17
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soundcellx- i hear ya man, u should see how i play that game, i play like a kill crazed psycho who can't be stopped! only people i let live are the pedestrians.. lmfao Deus Ex is the perfect example of just how awesome a game can be when its not held back by stupid crap like multiplayer, Deus Ex had no mp what-so-ever leeching off it which is the ONLY reason it did so well, had they shoved mp into it like every other shooter i garantee u it would have sucked balls and we wouldn't be talking about it right now.. see games like this are the reason i'm just dumb founded sometimes trying to understand why so many game devs can't learn from this and just STOP FORCING MULTIPLAYER INTO EVERYTHING! seriously it just makes me shake my head in confusion... we don't need it!!! game devs need to wake up and realise this!!!


Ya. I do admit though that developers do not always have a say in multiplayer or not, since publisher's like EA and Activision pretty much force the devs they publish to have certain things on their checklist, such as multiplayer. Publishers for the most part do not give gaming studios freedom of creativity, and that is one of the major problems, since just to be safe regarding sales, that is why they force nearly every game to be a generic shootie since it is almost guaranteed to be a smash hit sales wise with the new 9 year old gamers who haven't experienced anything outside of Call of Duty.

sword games are definitely so much cooler than gunz, but Ameribros only care about teh gunz and short hand holdey games.

this is very true, and i've noticed that even when there are non-shooting games created most never make it to the US.. like the new samerai showdown game *one of my favorite series of all time* and they DID make a new one for ps3 an 360 but here's the problem.. we'll never see it cause it was only released in japan! :x check it out on utube.

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#6 ShangTsung17
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Getting angry at someone over something can make us look like fools if we don't have all the facts and even moreso if we don't even know the thought process involved in the actions that led to our being angry. Imagine that we're sleeping and the doorbell rings at 2:00 A.M., we would then ignore it in hopes that it will stop. The doorbell rings more and more and then we yell at the top of our lungs to this person and tell them to go away. The stranger calls out to us and says "Your house is on fire!" Now would we still be angry at this stranger?


dude no offense, and although your philosephies are really intelligent and well thought out... they have nothing what-so-ever to do with the topic of videogames, perhaps u should try a self enlightenment forum.

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#7 ShangTsung17
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soundcellx- i hear ya man, u should see how i play that game, i play like a kill crazed psycho who can't be stopped! only people i let live are the pedestrians.. lmfao Deus Ex is the perfect example of just how awesome a game can be when its not held back by stupid crap like multiplayer, Deus Ex had no mp what-so-ever leeching off it which is the ONLY reason it did so well, had they shoved mp into it like every other shooter i garantee u it would have sucked balls and we wouldn't be talking about it right now.. see games like this are the reason i'm just dumb founded sometimes trying to understand why so many game devs can't learn from this and just STOP FORCING MULTIPLAYER INTO EVERYTHING! seriously it just makes me shake my head in confusion... we don't need it!!! game devs need to wake up and realise this!!!

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#8 ShangTsung17
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Very few will agree, and since you can't get enough of trolling about "generic games with gunz" maybe you should take up another hobby, because quite frankly nobody cares in the vast majority who enjoy linear and shooting games :roll:


First of all, how are games with gunz in them not generic? How are they not all samey? Do you have a legitimate answer to that? I think not.

Anyhow, if nobody agrees, there's like 5 or so other people aside from myself who feel somewhat of the same way as me in this topic.

You are saying that you enjoy shallow linear shooting games? Why don't you like games with more content and options? Games that let you do what you want to do? Instead you are constrained with severe limitations on your game and aside from multiplayer, the linear campaign is like 5 hours long.

Who the F could possibly like that?

it really depends bro, if you're talking about shooters like killzone 2 an 3, CoD, MW, battlefield.. yea those games are multi-fvcked, generic, shallow, and boring as piss! now on the other hand u got fps games which are just masterpieces! like Bioshock *the original NOT the multi-fvcked sequel* Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Bulletstorm, ect.. now what makes these games so fun to play? VARIETY! u do much more than just run an gun, in bioshock u got plasmid powers which let u control fire, lightning and ice elements, or splice up any way u want! in deus ex u got all kinds of sh!t, graphic stealth kills, cloak, hacking upgrades, u can even see thru walls! bulletstorm has a harpoon type thingy kinda like scorpions spear made of energy.. point i'm trying to make is not ALL shooters are aweful, it all depends on the type of gameplay involved.

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#9 ShangTsung17
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First, don'T feed the trolls, if you reply ... you fell in the trap.

Second, i don't see your point. Different games for different tastes. I don't like hockey and football games ... desn't mean they are bad games.

What gives this impression is probably that longer developpement time for your game type, and the multiplication of game types as diminished the ration of your game type in the total game pool.

Casuals have as much the right to like games as we do.

Sadly, being more numerous the casual market as attacted too much attention from devs. Until they realise that more casual gamers do not always equal more sales (they called casuals for a good reason ... they don't buy 3-5 games a month ) we will see a higher ratio of games aimed towards them.

The consistant big sellers are not casual games, except maybe for mario titles.

As far as i'm concerned to real problem is the multiplication of gaming platform. Nintendo Ds, Wii, Wii U, PS3, PsVita, PsP, Ps2, Xbox360, Iphone, Ipad, Ipod, PC, MAC, etc.

Devs end up programming for too many platforms to reach a correct amount of customers, which makes developpement time and costs skyrocket.


why can't they just make 2 versions of a game? one for the multiplayer *for the casuals* and another for the 1 player story *for the real gamers* this way both party's could be satisfied and neither would be skimped on, me and a friend were discussing this one day when we were on the topic, he's heavily into mp and i only play sp games so we started to question why game devs haven't thought of this yet..

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#10 ShangTsung17
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Modern games are not as appealing as past games...yes Demon's/Dark Souls is addicting, but I have gone back to games such as WoW...Diablo 2....CS:Source....Half Life series...etc....because those games are fun. Most games nowadays focus on a cinematic experience which was amazing at first but they feel that multiplayer will keep the game alive. I prefer single playr over multiplayer depending on the type of game. I even went back to Symphony of the Night and MediEvil because I love classic games like those.


yeah, forgot to mention that cinematics are another thing which is killing gaming. cinematics suck. when i want to watch a movie i will watch a movie. when i want to play a game i will play a game.

stay clear of mgs: guns of the patriots.. that entire game was nothing but a cinematic!