@venom-rapter, just forget it bro, fact is i hate mp and u luv it.. neither of us are gonna change that so why keep arguing about it? i'm sick of this feud so if u wanna continue dissing thats fine, but don't expect me to respond to it anymore.. btw whats the deal with u an dexter? its a cool series but geez man, i wouldn't represent it on a videogame website, just sayin..
ShangTsung17's forum posts
Far Cry 2 is actually a very good game that was greatly misunderstood by people expecting to play it like CoD.-Grieves-far cry 2 was the most annoying game ever created, its the ONLY game that has ever pissed me off so much that i actually broke the disk into pieces with my bare hands! of course thats prolly cause i never do multiplayer but the AI's cheapness on that game is legendary! bullets fly out of thin air to hit u on that game, i've watched enemies shooting sideways, u could clearly see the gunfire going left an right and it was STILL registering as a hit on me! i've seen enemies spawn outa nowhere like the movie *jumper* making it impossible to camp, u can run back as far as u like, they literally appear behind u! one time i kept getting shot by a sniper but couldn't spot his location, i roamed around literally for hours getting shot till finally i came to a big rock with bullets flying out of it!!! i swear its true! there was nobody there, sniper bullets were flying out of a fvcking rock!!! it still amazes me till this day how obvious that game made it that it was cheating...
Online Multiplayer.. i absolutely HATE it! once u hear that a game is going to have it, u already know without a doubt its going to suck because the regular game or *sp* as they now call it is going to be as shallow and short as possible to make room for the kiddies beloved multiplayer, its rediculise! i've even been called a troll on this site by some just for arguing this point so much.
Halo.. this one drives me bonkers, why are so many people obsessed with this series??? graphics suck, music sucks, gameplay sucks, even the sound effects suck! there is NO entertainment what-so-ever to be found in this series and i've played them all! what is it about this series that everyone finds so epic? if there's some kinda hidden magic to be found in playing Halo i've certinly tried to find it and can't. i know this is an xbox series but just sayin...
DLC... omg dlc... how everyone doesn't share my opinion on this is baffling, game corps sell u a videogame at a retail of $59.99, after tax thats close to $100, then they wait a few months or weeks and release what they call *dlc* and charge money for it.. then u realise that the game u bought was NOT A COMPLETE GAME! if u want the rest u gotta pay out more, because of this bs, buying a videogame is now an investment.. i could go on an on to the point of writing a book about this one but i'll spare you'll... u get the idea.
what can i say? there are millions of idiots in the world, and they're destroying the gaming industry.. unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it..[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]
Yeah, just look at the Killzone series, millions of people enjoy it... oh and I'm serious...
You're labelling everyone that plays popular, good games idiots? You just described yourself for even thinking it up :lol:
ignorance is bliss i suppose.. i feel so sorry for people like u, you're so clueless its depressing..i watched a playthrough of the bourne game on utube after seeing its rating and yea it wasn't *terrible* surely wasn't great either but with a movie based game there's not much to be expected.. what i'd luv to see is another syphon filter game, oh and one that stays true to the series original roots, in other words *story focused with NO multiplayer*
u can't be serious.. as much as i wish this were true its not... just look at the killzone series.[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]
Single player is where gaming is really at, and most, if not all, the PS3 exclusives focus on single player campaign modes. The PS3 is certainly worth getting, and won't be a regretable purchase.
Yeah, just look at the Killzone series, millions of people enjoy it... oh and I'm serious...
what can i say? there are millions of idiots in the world, and they're destroying the gaming industry.. unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it..well i'm not saying you're right or wrong but its hard to say a game's gonna be 1 player focused when it isn't even out yet, hell look at the new gow game coming out, it was recently revealed that even on that game the multiplayer felt it needs to join the fun... ugh, i freakin hate mp.. :roll:The PS3 has a TON of great exclusives which alone are worth getting a PS3 for, many of which have great single player modes.
Here is a list of some great PS3 exclusives that are single player focused:
Uncharted 2
Uncharted 3
God of War 3
Metal Gear Solid 4
Rachet and Clank Tools of Destruction
Rachet and Clank A Crack in Time
Sly Cooper HD
Infamous 2
Jak and Daxter HD
God of War HD
God of War Origions HD
Demon's Souls
Upcoming Exclusives that focus on Single Player:
The Last of Us
Rachet and Clank HD
Sly 4
God of War Ascension
That is a total 14 games (18 if you count the upcoming ones), all of which focus heavily on single player. 14 (or 18) games is more than enough games to warrent a PS3.
Also by the off chance that you do want to try online than the PS3 is a great option as it's FREE!
[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"] u all need to lighten up!MethodManFTWDude I have seen you threaten to beat people up over this forum MULTIPLE times. Which is one of the most ridiculously dumb things you can do on the internet... But you have seemed calmer these past few days. I welcome this new ShangTsung. :P yea i'm tryin my best bro.. i've cut down heavily on my drinkin and takin up water color painting.
u can't be serious.. as much as i wish this were true its not... just look at the killzone series.Single player is where gaming is really at, and most, if not all, the PS3 exclusives focus on single player campaign modes. The PS3 is certainly worth getting, and won't be a regretable purchase.
^^^ THIS. H_M_1- your not even trying to debate, u and your @sshole friend are just insulting anyone an everyone who doesn't agree with you'll.. last i checked this is a game forum, full of different opinions to be discussed, i've read all your posts and so far u have done nothing but diss! just because somebody has a different or *smarter* opinion on this matter doesn't give u the right to just toss insults and call them a troll, maybe next time u take a journey on the world wide web u should bring adult supervision.. :roll:[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]
[QUOTE="soundcellx"]Hey, wait a sec...you agree that current gen games are much different than games from previous gens, yet you do not think that is a valid complaint for them to be so different? So, we have to like current gen games, or we're trolls? and those who hate current gen gaming, you have to go insult them? hypocrite.
you are beyond ridiculous.Venom_Raptor
You've got guts to come back and yet again start name-calling if one moderation wasn't enough for you. I could respond in a nasty way to feel more satisfied, but I've learned my lesson over the past couple on years on Gamespot - clearly a lesson that you still need to learn, but undoubtably will should you continue with clear insults of other users.
and another thing.. why is everyone posting in this thread so bloody angry??? u all need to lighten up!
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