Before you people jump on my case, all my games have over an 80% average so I don't have any of those really horrible games like Haze or Lair to list here.
The worst games I've played on the PS3 are
-Uncharted 2
-Assassin's Creed II
-inFAMOUS Festival of Blood (despite loving the two main games in the series)
glad to finally see someone agrees with me on these two..
uncharted 2 was even worse than the original, ofcourse imo the whole uncharted series is horrible, seriously just watch a movie! there's barely 30 minutes of gameplay in between cutscenes..
assasins creed 2 was just freakin aweful, i still can't beleave i bought that game new when it came out, took it back the next day.. only thing i found more awkward was when i heard other people loved it... i mean seriously?
Far Cry 2 cause of the cheap AI, it made the game UNPLAYABLE... this is the only game i've ever played where the comp enemies actually made it obvious that they were cheating!
haven't seen anything worth a damn lately, i was thinkin about the new max pain but that'll no doubt get the multiplayer treatment so thats out, the new jurrasic park sounded promising but it turned out to be just a boring point and clicker on psn, bioshock infinite got pushed back all the way to 2013 so thats no longer worth following plus the second one had mp shoved in ruining it so pretty sure this one'll do the same, i may check out borderlands 2 if its sp is anything like the first.. i dunno man, they just don't seem to make good games anymore.
Dude you sound like a Grumpy old man, very apt avatar :P
is that supposed to be a joke? if so its poorly exacuted.. lol
I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoys alpha protocol.
yea alpha protocol wasn't AS bad as everyone made it out to be but it surely could've been way better, i hated that the choices u made had almost no effect on the story at all..
haven't seen anything worth a damn lately, i was thinkin about the new max pain but that'll no doubt get the multiplayer treatment so thats out, the new jurrasic park sounded promising but it turned out to be just a boring point and clicker on psn, bioshock infinite got pushed back all the way to 2013 so thats no longer worth following plus the second one had mp shoved in ruining it so pretty sure this one'll do the same, i may check out borderlands 2 if its sp is anything like the first.. i dunno man, they just don't seem to make good games anymore.
i seriously doubt it, rage was one of the most boring games i've ever played, the impression i got was that it tried to do what borderlands did but failed miserably..
[QUOTE="enorox"]Are Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas playable? All I read about them are game breaking glitches and bugs that freeze your system and such.NightStein
You just gotta save a lot, i finished it and have the GOTY supposed to be the worst of both. Finished 2/5 dlcs and worked just fine. They're not by any means unplayable, though my screen froze like 10 times in 100 hs. wow... 10 times in the first 100 hours? didn't anyone beta test that game before release?
[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]will they ever make a decent movie based game?
i think that Goldeneye 64 will always remain as the only superb movie game. can't think of any other great, good or even decent movie games. the ONLY good one i can remember was reservoir dogs for the ps2, that game was a fvckin blast to play! just wish it had've left out the driving stages but that game had so many funny options.. u could take hostages, negotiate out of a situation, and my personal favorite u could actually talk sh!t with the press of a button! still play that game on rainy days... lol
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