u got the right idea.. DLC is the absolute worst thing to happen to the gaming industry since online mp.. :xI can honestly say that I've never bought ANY DLC. And I don't plan on it. I wish more people felt the same....how do you feel about DLC?
ShangTsung17's forum posts
Oh yeah, well just try playing Haze's multiplayer, Transformers War for Cybertron, Quantum of Solace, Bloodstone, Red Faction G, and any other tacked on multiplayer game with dead online. Oh and I heard tha MAG (an online only game) is dead in the water too. That makes MAG obsolete as anything but a coaster.
Giving me examples won't prove your point. Call of Duty, Battlefield, Little Big Planet, Modnation Racer, Gran Turismo 5, Killzone, Resistance, Uncharted, Assassin's Creed, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, White Knight Chronicles, Gears of War, Halo, etc. See my point? And for the games you listed, the multi-player didn't detract anything. Heck for those who got the game when they were released they must've gotten plenty of hours from that tacked on multi-player feature.
MAG is dying, sure. But what does this have to do with anything? We went from adding multi-player to online based games? Can I throw in World of Warcraft and other MMO's and how successful some of them are now that we're here? (MMO's are online-only and they have arguably the highest replayability value). This is completely irrelevant. And even if it were, those who bought it got plent of replayability out of it.
lemme get this strait cause based on what you've posted so far this is the opinion i'm getting from u.. what you're basically saying is *if somebody doesn't get on the whole VIDEOGAMES IS MP AND MP ONLY* bandwagon than they don't have an opinion? or they're not entitled to? man people like u are the reason why nations go to war.. have u ever just stopped and listened to yourself for a moment???Oh, go back to your Call of Duty and your Call of Duty-ized games. That's what this gen is. God of War series (although, I hate it) is now Call of Duty-ized, just like most of the rest of this gen.[QUOTE="soundcellx"]
[QUOTE="finalserenade75"]Again, your opinion is welcome, just voice it when it's needed.
No. I won't shut up. I will not shut up when this gen is all about ruining video game series I once loved. Ninja Gaiden 3 has now made the Ninja Gaiden series trash, Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City made the Resident Evil series trash, Final Fantasy has been Call of Duty-ized (interview with the director who says he was inspired by CoD) and I would not be surprised if the next Final Fantasy game has multiplayer.
That is what current video game devs are doing to ruin games, and casual new Call of Duty gamers, like yourself, are doing to ruin games. Games went from fun to competitive shootie trash.
I love video games and I'm sure as hell going to ***** and moan when video games are being ruined by clowns.
I take it you hate multiplayer then?
yes! FVCK MULTIPLAYER!!! what is wrong with u silly @ss mongols??? just cause people like me don't wanna be forced to jump online and play with EVERYBODY an they fvckin mama yall feel the need to go ape sh!t... and worlock seriously bro, we've been posting in these forums for awhile an u know i respect u but if u gotta diss me atleast do it with some dignity! your argument doesn't even make logical sense bro.. grow up a bit before posting random insults, i know your smarter than that.oh i am now, i didn't realise it reconised certin names and even announced them thats freakin awesome! fixin to create a joe lois and see if it announces him.. i mean its great on games like skyrim and such, but certin titles like mk: armegeddon i just didn't think it fits..The CAC in the older games used to be great, I was able to create several of my friends back on the PS2 versions very accurately... The PS3 games had more limited creators, though, and I just started using name fighters or randomized feature fighters for the Legacy mode. You should give it a shot, Shang. It's a good time.
You're nuts for suggesting that multiplayer was created for a younger audience. You do realize how long online multiplayer has been around, right? Since the 90s, man. And it sure as hell wasn't for kids then. You had games like Quake and UT. M-rated games that mostly people in college played or around that age group. Now, if you want to argue that tacking multiplayer onto games where it clearly doesn't belong is stupid or whatever, then I see where you're coming from but the notion that multiplayer in general is a bad idea, what are you talking about? You're obviously a fan of Mortal Kombat, correct? That's a fighting game, it kinda lives and dies on it's multiplayer component, either offline or online.[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]
animegamer- nuts? why? cause we're not happy about the fact that something we once loved is going down the sh!tter and there's nothing we can do about it??? i'm not nuts i'm PISSED! big difference... lemme see if i can break it down on a level u can comprehend, u like fast food? imagine if u went to mcdonalds one day and wanted to order a big mac value combo, like they've sold ever since u was a kid, well imagine if u will if they told u *sorry sir we only sell jr cheeseburger combo meals now* you'd be a lil' disgruntled to say the least... its kinda the same idea with gaming, it isn't right and its damn sure not fair to the older generation of gamers who were playing videogames when u multi-idiots were nothing but nut stains in your mommies pants.
Also, just a tip, could you throw in some grammar and proper punctuation. See, in written language, those things are quite important and play a significant role in someone's understanding of what the hell you're saying. It also helps give credibility to your stance. Just a friendly reminder.
wow... aren't u cool? couldn't find anything else to insult me with so try attacking my wording, yea i suppose during english class in school i was preoccupied beating up dorks like u but excellent choice grammer nazi.. first off i was talking about console online multiplayer, not pc! in the early 90's consoles weren't online sir! so thats one thing your wrong on.. 2nd, contrary to what some might beleave NOT EVERYBODY plays fighting games online, the lag, the hacks, ect, there's just no reason to, i for one NEVER play fighters online so... wrong again. to be honest there's nothing i can say to someone like u to make ya see reason, the fact is its selfish immature brats like u and your stupid lil' online multi-@ss that is the reason old school gamers like me are fvcked in the game nowadays, now spare me the feeble comeback post and just go back to your nerdy herd mp buddies.. if its any consolation u morons have won.same here, screw this online mp obsessed sh!t eating sad pathetic excuse for a decent gaming experience, like i already mentioned its hopeless.. just look at how bad@ss syndicate would've been had they not took an mp sh!t all over it... campaign was literally 1 hour long at tops and thats if u really took your time! but that 1 hour we got was so damn fun that it just enraged me cause i knew the real reason behind why it was so short and it fvckin sickened me! bottomline, i'm hooking back up my ps2 and retiring my ps3 to the closet, i might even sell it cause givin what i've seen they're not gonna quit multi-fvcking games anytime soon, if ever..I was driving home today listening to The OzSpot podcast, and they had an interview with one of the head creators of "Dragon's Dogma", and as they always do on that show, the conversation went to "What Are You Playing Lately?" with this guest (I'm sorry, I've forgotten his name)... He said that he wasn't playing anything current, but instead was playing NES games to relax. When asked why, he said that though the graphics certainly weren't anything like today's games, but there is a certain fun-factor to them, the games had to have a special mechanic to them, a feel, and a crafting due to limitations of the medium that he felt was beginning to vanish of late in gaming.
While it certainly may be true that the gamers of today are MP-focused, I don't think that's an insult, per-se, but for gamers who came from a time before the PS2 and the advent of widespread online gaming, the GoW series was a game that harkened back to the days when it was a single-player world and so it was something that was "pure". Reassuring, that not everything had to be CoD-Online-like.
"BioShock" touched me the same way - Here was a game that didn't have a Deathmatch/TDM/CTF tack-on like so many games did... And then of course they grunted it into the formula of "BioShock 2" because so many people looked at the first game when it came out and said "Hey WOW! What a GREAT, unique, sublime game, but why no MP?" and the devs were insecure enough to feel they had to do it because of press/critical "peer pressure" almost, in a way. Both the single-player, and the MP for that second game was sort of good-to-passable, neither part of the title excelling very much at it's focus. And this seems to happen rather often, I think we can all agree. So it's sort of a harbinger of sorts for doom on the way, statistically.
"Uncharted 2" MP was a happy aberration. I wish the same for GoW, because since there's no fighting it, I might as well wish the best for folks who want it... But personally, I'm going to turn a blind eye. And more and more, that's becoming my feeling on this generation.
There are plenty of games on this generation of console which I DO enjoy, and will continue to enjoy, but I've had more and more thoughts lately that this is my final generation of new console. I don't think I'll make the jump next time it comes around. Instead, I will enjoy this and generations-past... Because I feel like those games really spoke to me back then and continue to speak to me now, where-as the current gen, I've had very few games that have jumped up to "Couldn't Live Without It" status...
Nothing I've played this generation has cracked The Top-Ten list for me, personally. The games that hold those spots are all pre-2005.
I am not whining, so if that's the depth of your perceptions about this thread or any other on the Internets, you need to check the voice you hear when you read something, and perhaps not read tone into it when it's not there. I don't think anyone is whining on this forum when they express themselves about this hobby we all share, and even if they are... That's what a forum is for. Expression, exchange, debate, and resolution are what a forum is all about, ask the Romans & the Greeks.
Speaking of the Greeks, I will say again that I hope this new GoW game doesn't suck. I hope it doesn't blemish the outstanding record the series has for Sony's consoles, and I hope this MP idea isn't a total embarrassment.
But personally, I'm going to pick up a few NES cartridges instead of this game.
Peace & Respect, All.
[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]because when you create a boxer there is a list of pre recorded last names...go check it out...have you not tried to create a boxer on legacy mode...lol no i've never liked the whole cac thing on games..i thought that too, but it announced him by name! how is that so if its cac???
animegamer- nuts? why? cause we're not happy about the fact that something we once loved is going down the sh!tter and there's nothing we can do about it??? i'm not nuts i'm PISSED! big difference... lemme see if i can break it down on a level u can comprehend, u like fast food? imagine if u went to mcdonalds one day and wanted to order a big mac value combo, like they've sold ever since u was a kid, well imagine if u will if they told u *sorry sir we only sell jr cheeseburger combo meals now* you'd be a lil' disgruntled to say the least... its kinda the same idea with gaming, it isn't right and its damn sure not fair to the older generation of gamers who were playing videogames when u multi-idiots were nothing but nut stains in your mommies pants.
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