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#1 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

technically your not suppose to, but its not like sony will know unless u make an entire thread about it on a forum or something, wait... ah well, they still won't give a sh!t.. lol seriously i wish to hell i knew how to jail brake my ps3, omfg it'd be fun to use inf weapon codes, upgrade stats from begining, ect.. damnit i miss the ps1 an 2 days.. :cry:

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#2 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts


... It's just wrong for game companies to do that!


Welcome to the future... The future is now.


The more these conditions and situations proliferate, the happier I am on the Legacy Forum Page... With my old-azz games, and my old-azz systems from before the Intra-nets. I've been actively collecting for Dreamcast through the O.G. Xbox time period for the last two years as apposed to buying much for my PS3... And until lately, I wasn't exactly sure why I felt such an imperative... But now I know, it's because that "Rainy Day" is rapidly approaching where I will need those older games & systems I've been hoarding... Like the forest creatures in the vacinity of Mount St. Helen scattering just before the volcano blew it's stack, I must have had a subconscious sense that days like these were coming.


I think it's pretty sad that gaming has been so watered-down by the same idiocy that now governs pee-wee sports in my country - Everyone gets a ribbon or a trophy simply for participating, because they don't want anyone to grow up with a self-image problem from being declared the loser of a game as a child... So let's do away with earning your content because we don't want anyone to feel left out due to unequal skills, just allow people to buy it ONLY... Oh, and it's more profitable that way, too, which I'm sure weighs in pretty heavily in the equation... Why give away what can be sold...


... Pathetic.

That's one of the reasons I really like "Resistance: Fall of Man" - They gave you new-game-plus, with wilder weapons and tougher difficulty settings. Say what you will about it's originality, at least it has unlockables in common with the games it copied.


u should really check out the Legacy of Kain series, since your an old school gamer like me, it was discontinued and thats a good thing cause the next gen idea's would've ruined it.

Legacy of Kain. the original for ps1, VERY rare but if u search hard enough u can occasionally find auctions for it on ebay, but don't assume you'll get it cheap.

Soull Reaver. for ps1, also rare but an epic game and easier to find.

Soul Reaver 2. on ps2, one of my favs.. a must have and pretty easy to find.

Blood Omen 2. on ps2, my ABSOLUTE favorite game EVER made! its legendary.. we'll just leave it at that.. lol

Legacy of Kain: Defiance. on ps2, the last of the series and sob did it ever go out with a BANG, POW, BOOM! also a must have and pretty easy to find.

check these out bro, you'll be addicted.. well worth the investment, trust me. ;)

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#3 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts


a lot of interesting points mentioned.. my whole gripe is this, why can't we just unlock the extra characters the old fashion way? ya know, by beating arcade mode with different characters it unlocks different characters.. that was fun and exciting! and it made u appreciate the extra characters u unlocked a lot more, cause afterall it took skill to unlock them! unfortunately thanks to the internet, money, greed, and selfishness this is becoming a thing of the past, if its not already.. :(


When I unlocked Noob Saibot, Smoke, and other characters finally in MK back in the day, I was ecstatic... I'm with you all the way on wanting to let my skills do the talking, instead of my wallet.


Allowing folks to buy out of unlocks ought to be the option, not the rule.

exactely! u are rewarded by skill.. instead of just tapping a freakin purchase button and BAM! there ya go, all characters.. i get no satisfaction from that at all, i don't feel like i accomplished anything, in fact i just feel like i got ripped off, which in a way i kinda did... its just wrong for game companies to do that!

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#4 ShangTsung17
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Batman Arkham city and asylum (has a few enemies that use guns but it don't matter cause you're BATMAN!)

Alice: Madness returns (one of my personal favorites)

Assasins creed series (not my favorite franchise by far but mostly sword fighting games)

Prince of persia series (decent franchise, puzzle platformers)


Dante's inferno ( VERY underated game! )

GOW: chains of olympus (nowhere near as good as Dante's inferno but decent if u like that kinda sh!t)

Skyrim & Elder scrolls oblivion

there out there bro, ya just gotta search... :cool:

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#5 ShangTsung17
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if u like ps2 games i say stick to the ps2 console, u can still buy'em at gamestop dirt cheap, i happen to own 3, 1 old model i never use, i new model i play, and 1 unopened still in the box.. plus u can't use a codebreaker or gameshark if its on psn via ps3 system which imo makes it pointless, why would u play a game in a manner which takes 90% of the fun away when u can play it on the ps2 console itself, use a codebreaker *which u can still order off ebay an other sites for little to nothing* and play a game anyway u choose.. ps2 games on psn makes no sense.

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#6 ShangTsung17
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Personally, I would love to see more DLC locked on-disc, because the hackers will make quick toast of whatever the lock is, and then the genie is out of the bottle.

This is only going to breed more Robin-Hood behaviour the way I see it, by hackers and other bottom-feeders. They'll use this as a rally cry, like they did last spring, and the war will continue. I don't condone piracy, and I'm not a hack supporter by any means, but I'm just saying I can see cause & effect happening here.

I don't care if a game has DLC, I don't feel like I'm obligated to purchase anything, and for the last two CoD games, I haven't bothered with map packs and I still have just as much fun with my friends... It's not a compulsive triggerpoint for me, but I can understand people who do feel that way. I think they're somewhat high-strung, but I'm not going to tell another gamer how to "properly" enjoy what they play. That's far from my place to say.

I have paid for DLC on "IL*2 Sturmovik", which I thought was pretty good and it added to the game experience for me (plus I'm a fan of the Thunderbolt so it's a no-brainer), but if the DLC never got made, I would have still rated "Sturmovik" as one of the best aerial combat games in my collection, it would still feel like a "complete" game, and still one of my top-three PS3 games. I'm not driven like some folks are, to get everything done and pick up a plat, etc., but I support those who DO feel that way. I think it was EA Sports which finally broke me out of that group, with "Tiger" and "Fight Night Round 4". "Fight Night" especially, got me to wake up because ALL of the DLC for that game was on the disc, and there was literally HALF the game modes and options I had on "Fight Night" for my PS2 only a couple of years before.

Unless, of course, I wanted to pay more than the money I already had spent. THere was no possibility of playing any of the DLC modes or boxers via straight-out winning at the game.

Being an old-fart gamer, I was miffed because it seems like earning anything extra out of a game in terms of content has been permanently replaced by micro-transactions. While I don't mind the option to purchase said content, it would be more incentive to play or replay a game if there were actual content stuff to unlock, instead of paying for it. I would go for plat trophies, if they actually translated into something of a reward (like even the laziest of lazy unlockables: Concept Art, or Costume Changes :lol: ) instead of just feeling like an exercise in Pavlovian Conditioning...

Nowadays, due to budget constraints of being a family man, I wait for the Greatest Hits version of most games because all of the DLC is unlocked, and disc-based so that I don't eat up ever-dwindling HDD space... Yeah, you need to wait a long time for those versions sometimes (I JUST got a copy of "Resident Evil 5" to call my own, the "Gold Edition"... So I hadda wait for nearly 3 years to put it on my shelf, so what?)


I have all the DLC, and the game, for $17.99 ...It was a long wait, but to me it was worth it...

To Shang & Cell, I hear your screams. And, I understand your position even though I might not agree with every bullet-point. But after all of the lessons we've learned about early adoption over the last decade of hardware & software alike, you two should join my Patience Party and wait out some of these titles?


Just an idea to kick around... There's plenty of room for you on the couch with me, friends! We'll play some SFIV or some "Tekken 6" while we wait for the prices to fall and the DLC to become free. I'm terrible, you two will slaughter me! Pass the Beer Nuts, will ya?



a lot of interesting points mentioned.. my whole gripe is this, why can't we just unlock the extra characters the old fashion way? ya know, by beating arcade mode with different characters it unlocks different characters.. that was fun and exciting! and it made u appreciate the extra characters u unlocked a lot more, cause afterall it took skill to unlock them! unfortunately thanks to the internet, money, greed, and selfishness this is becoming a thing of the past, if its not already.. :(

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#7 ShangTsung17
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This all started with Resident Evil 5 versus mode, 5 dollars for a 100KB file that "Cracks" your game hahaha. I don't know if other companies started the disk included DLCs after this or if they even did, but capcom is pretty much dead to me. Ah, good and old ps1-ps2 days.


yea we'll never get those days back.. thats back when gaming was i dunno... FUN.

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#8 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

Good lawd this is entertaining. I'm gonna go make some popcorn.
BTW, you all accusing eachother of being high on drugs is funny's starting to sound like you all need some. lol

Carry on.


drinking a few beers, its safer.. lol

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#9 ShangTsung17
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lol i luv how easily u can tell that everything this douche *i rock c0cks* types is like a mirror image of exactely what he's doing, like he's talking in the 2nd person or something, i'm seriously starting to wonder now if he's got a switch personality issue going on.. think about it, he's been like a dog with a frisbee so far, maybe we should lay off him, maybe he can't help it, to be honest its depressing..


Yeah, we should just leave him be.

So Shang, how's your day going? :)

on the surface bro the game itself is awesome! its great to finally see a fighting game that actually has an AI option in vs mode, i remember last year on the official mk site me and a dozen others all sent petitions to boon at the mk development team begging them just to release a DLC that would let us do the same on mk9, it never happened ofcourse but if they had i would have bought it.. so atleast on this game there is a good bit of replay value to be had on the AI vs thing alone, it just pisses me off to no end that all the extra characters are ALREADY on the disk, i just can't reach them, its like a midgit trying to grab a cookie jar on top of the fridge, beyond frusterating.. capcom should really be ashamed of themselfs for this one, cause this is strait up corruption if i've ever seen it, sad part is capcom knows they'll still make money off the poor fools who either can't hack or has pockets so deep they don't care, either way the company knows people will give in, and thats just sad..

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#10 ShangTsung17
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[QUOTE="i-rock-socks"]the facts are those are opinions, ur too childish to know the difference, which is my main point. fact is no ones correct, and you are incorrect (i know what ur thinking, i suggest thinking "harder"). stay in school, and stop doing drugs :)i-rock-socks

So, you believe that if you pay the full $60 NEW price tag, that you should have to pay to get the real ending? Do you really think that you should pay $60 for a 4 hour game (Asura's Wrath), that you should have to pay for more content? You have to pay to get the ending?

Why should you have to pay more for games without length and content like Vanquish and Enslaved for example? Those games are super short, yet have extra $$ content. Why is that fair for them to rip people off when their games lack any substance and value?

You're absurd and beyond silly. Shang and I are stating facts, and not opinions, like your wrong opinion. Me, doing drugs? Just look at your posts and then tell me who the one is who uses drugs. You are the one who supports spending $5 for each color outfit and an extra $10 for the ending. It is freaking ludicrous and preposterous and silly and just freaking whack.

lol im not reading that brick, im gonna go and float away before ur stinky ignorance makes my face melt like in indiana jones, you make the world a poorer place. i hope to talk with you two again after youve grown up, but that day will never come and thats a FACT :P

and again with the *edited* at the bottom of his post, dude seriously.. just quit further embarrising yourself, this is really getting tough to watch, its like beating up on a paraplegic.. your the internet tough guy! u win.. there ya go, u happy? now u can gather whatever dignity you've managed to salvage and move on, its been fun. :cool: