lol i luv how easily u can tell that everything this douche *i rock c0cks* types is like a mirror image of exactely what he's doing, like he's talking in the 2nd person or something, i'm seriously starting to wonder now if he's got a switch personality issue going on.. think about it, he's been like a dog with a frisbee so far, maybe we should lay off him, maybe he can't help it, to be honest its depressing..
ShangTsung17's forum posts
lol your pathetic ;) words cant describe how fail you are[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]
soundcellx- just ignore him bro, he's just a troll fishing for attention, most likely a 12 year old brat who's up past his bedtime getting on paw paw's computer without permission, he'll get a whippin soon and be placed back in bed.. lol
i cant imagine being as... ill say silly, im assuming ur trying to be ironic in ur post, why would you want to use irony on urself tho, i dont get you. im walking away before u kill urself in an odd attempt to show me whose boss. maybe u think if u say those things about me, i wont be able to state them about you, but i dont have to, everyone is aware and that has nothing to do with anything I posted. you are ur own worst enemy, its kinda sad... but mostly funny :P
u mad ain't ya sir? not so funny when the victims of your trolling antics fire back is it? lmaoI got the YLOD on my launch 60 GB. I don't hear anything about it on the new models.OceansBloomi have, 2 of my friends have gotten the YLOD on there slim model ps3 in the same year..
bad times :-( no way of getting round it? Like unplugging it for a while etc... tried everything else. And any idea what the cheapest solution is to fix it apart from sony and do it myself as i would have no clueElDevilfishps3 consoles are actually pretty cheap now bro, and if your saves are still showing up u can do a system transfer to retain all your saves.. maybe u should just consider investing in a new system.
soundcellx- just ignore him bro, he's just a troll fishing for attention, most likely a 12 year old brat who's up past his bedtime getting on paw paw's computer without permission, he'll get a whippin soon and be placed back in bed.. lol
My friend, your blu-ray diode is fried... :/_Judas_yea, thats what i was thinking.. its the only thing i could imagine.
i rock socks huh? u rock @ss holes... lol i can actually picture u sitting there for hours trying to think of something clever to say on your keyboard, especially givin the *edited* at the bottom of your post, i'll bet u practiced it a hundred times before sending... well sir, did it finally turn out as well as u hoped? perhaps u should've kept the rough draft, it was probally worded better, silly bastard.. :lol:
even if u were suckered into buying it, you'd have to wait all the way intill fall of next freakin year just to pay extra to have access to content that is already on the fvcking disk! omg this sh!t just makes me wanna pull my hair out, and if that wasn't insulting enough ITS ALREADY ON THE STUPID HANDHELD!!! so basically i'm being punished for not having a fvcking vita! this is @ss! :evil:
seriously??? everytime i see u on here your trolling me from thread to thread like an obsessed groupy trying to follow the crowd, like a tempting dame! please do me a favor and get off my nuts because its really starting to creep me out.. u are an ignorant stupid little man with way too much time on his hands, move along.Like always, everytime I see you post it's whining. It's been known since the day it came out so it's very old news. Yes it sucks paying for on disk DLC but it's better then the way MK handled things by far. Also you shouldn't be insulting people and saying their parents buys their stuff when you constantly type like an angry 12 year old.
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