so... 1 trophy *i never cared about trophies, dunno why some gamers obsess over them* 100 gold a day, which really ain't sh!t, and a hot plate, dunno what good that does.. uh, yea.. no reason to take a mate, i'll just go back to raiding villiges instead.. lol
ShangTsung17's forum posts
ok i just gotta know.. what benifits does marrying someone have in skyrim? i've heard they will fight for u but is that it? cause the AI co-op is pretty fvckin stupid on this game and basically just get in the way... i have never done it and have no plans to but with all the conversation about it i was just wondering if it helps your character in any way.
something simular happened to me last year causing me to have to create another account on my system, one day i went to sign in and the connection worked and everything but it wouldn't accept my sign in information anymore, kept telling me it was wrong even tho it wasn't.. called sony and they admitted it was in there database but didn't know why it wasn't going through... in the end i lost 11 bucks over this bs which ofcourse sony refused to put back on my wallet..
never do the online mp thing myself but i'd say don't respond at all just block them, its simple.. like a wise comedian once said u can't fix stupid my friend..This has probably happened to a lot of people where they're playing an online game with random people and you beat the other team or whatever and then you can obviously tell your opponent just sent you some hate mail.
This happened to me while playing Starhawk and against logical reasononing I opened it and read it. The mail contained obvious racist slurs and bickering but oddly enough I decided to respond back. My first reply was short and sarcastic which obviously was met with more hate mail and racists remarks. I however went completely the opposite route and established some common ground with them as delicately as I could and to my surprise this person actually softened up. The person then apologized much to my surprise.
Does anyone have any similar experiences or is that unheard of? Normally I block people after any hint of hostility but I just felt like doing something drastically different.Zidaneski
no worries bro, we're all guilty of being an @ss from time to time.. i'm no exception which is why i stay away from this site if i've been drinking.. lol
dude i've had an old fat model 80 gig ps3 since the consoles launch date and not one single issue, like as been mentioned just take care of it and use common sense, don't let dust build up, don't leave it on 24/7, ect... your being paranoid. lol
seriously??? wow aren't we a hypocrite.. first off sir i happen to like a lot of kiddie games, thats right i posted *kiddie* games.. not everyone has enough time on there hands to look up the proper grammer title for every catagory. and based on the attempt at a *mature mindset* u just displayed i can clearly tell that most in this thread sound more intelligent than u when they fart..The right term would be family friendly, a game for wider age spans. Kiddie is generally used by people that fail to accept other forms of entertainment because their inferior immature mindset and their "coolness"disallows them to think outside the box. The only thing inside the box is lots of blood, gore, guns. Yes, very mature. You're doing humanity proud playing those games.
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