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#1 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

exactely.. there are tons of games meant for the younger audience that are crazy fun! the original ape escape being one of them, its a shame the new one is locked to that stupid ps move crap.. :roll:

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#2 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

Apparently I can't say gay in thread titles because it censored it on me. Weird how you can say it in posts but not in thread titles. Doesn't really make any sense.Mister_Mackey
yea no sh!t.. whatever u do don't post the F word meaning for gay they'll strait up bann ya.. found that out last year.. lol

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#3 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

marketing tactics hoping the kiddies will go for it.. i feel your pain bro, these wii style control systems are one of the dumbest inventions in videogame history, even worse there starting to shove it down our throats making games that require it which is some serious bull fvck.

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#4 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

I've beaten the game 3 weeks ago and got all the achievements for it . . . I play it on Xbox 360 BTW . . . I'd say, it was simply Legendary if we're just talking about the core game itself . . .

But for the technical aspect, it was one of the most disappointing games, What I really hated about it is that, it freezes, ALOT, dunno if you guys experienced it but I experienced it about no less than 5 times, one time it froze on me twice a day . . . This was the only game I have on my 360 that actually freezes . . . Next thing I hate was the quest menu, I would have liked it much better if the quests could be arranged alphabetically or if the quests could be separated according to their divisions, like Dark Brotherhood quests, Side quests, Guild quests etc. I've beaten the game sure enough but I somehow feel that there are certain quests out there that I'm still missing and since there's no actual way to find out unless if I talk to every single person in the game which I think I already did, twice and I've cleared about every dungeon I could possibly find . . . I've clocked in at about 220 hours and I still think I'm missing out on something . . . and plenty of other little things like the countless bugs and glitches, absence of a mini map, camera's too close when my weapon is sheathed etc.

Now for the good part, it's simply eveything about the game that isn't concerned with the technical aspect . . . The quests, the levelling, the armor, the exploring, the dungeons, the absolutely EVERYTHING . . . As far as I could recall there was not a single moment of the game wherein I felt bored . . . Well maybe during the start when I had to watch a really long cutscene and escape Helgen, but that was like 45 minutes to 1 hour of linearity followed by 219 hours of pure awesomeness . . . I also really love the armor customization where-in you can make it really strong if you level-up your alchemy and enchanting to its max, after all the levelling I did I managed to get the best possible armor and I even renamed all my gear like "Daedric Helmet of Ultimate Bad-Assery" which was pretty much at its peak . . . All in all I have like 1700+ armor rating and yes I know that the armor cap is at 569 or something, 1150+ Attack, 84% resistance to all elements, 23% resistance to magic, 29% health regen, 650+ health and 350+ magicka . . . I kinda made some slight mistakes with my build cause I'm a fullfledged warrior dual handed mace but I was ted some points on my Magicka . . .

Skyrim was almost perfect if not for the technical issues . . . I've never played any other game for like 8 hours straight, the best was like 3 hours, this was one of the few games that I really wished would never end . . . It's my absolute without a doubt favorite game this gaming generation and Bethesda just earned one more fan because of their awesome games . . . I'd love to play through it again but I thought I'd give Fallout New Vegas a try and sure enough it was also a **** of fun . . .


skyrim freezes on the 360 too??? man that really sucks, i thought the 360 version didn't have that issue... i've been planning on buying a 360 any day now just for that game. cause as u know its unplayable on ps3..

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#5 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

too much change, just... way too much change and way too soon. in some situations change can be good if done correctly.. but in this circumstance its bad, very bad.. in less than 4 years the world of videogames has taken a turn for the worst and everyone who doesn't get on the change train is either forced to if they wanna remain a gamer or left in the dust. u buy a game now only to be milked relentlessly for more money if u want the full game, they call it dlc, EVERY new game now is basically demanded to shoehorn online mp into the mix regardless of how much it steals from the regular game itself its not even an option anymore, NO game contains new game plus anymore, its as if they're afraid to add it cause this might promote replay value and thats a no, no, cause it might take away from there profit, the list of issues goes on an on but whats the point? anyone with common sense knows what i'm talking about. sometimes i seriously consider just getting another hobby, gaming isn't even remotely entertaining anymore, it just reminds me of how fun and awesome it used to be, honestly its depressing..

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#7 ShangTsung17
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omfg no kiddin... but its not just sony man its gaming period, there is NO game anymore worth a sh!t... i recently bought this one called *syndicate* and at the surface it had the potential to be freakin awesome, but after getting cheese balled to no end i figured if i beat it i could choose levels and it would get fun, WRONG... first off as with any sh!tty game there was no new game plus! but i thought, no big deal i can still go back through any level and whip @ss with what i've learned.. WRONG AGAIN! got my @ss handed to me on the second level.. and i didn't even die there the first playthrough! bottomline gaming sucks @ss thru a straw these days, i dunno why, but its like they do it on purpose now, design an obvious flaw to ensure we can't enjoy a game... but it ain't just sony man, its gaming period. i'm afraid that the days of having fun an sh!t with videogames are long forgotten...

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#8 ShangTsung17
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i'd definately go with Deus EX. especially if u want something with replay value..

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#9 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

So I thought this game was out in April... Has it been held up?


I have PSN funds waiting to be spent on it the minute it releases in NA... Anyone know the deal? And what they're going to charge for it? Similar PC games from the Beeb have been very inexpensive (and free, to British citizens who have a TV license, of course)... I'm DYIN' for this game!!!



hows it gonna play? also off subject but do ya think they'll ever consider making a game based on stargate SG1? the idea of controling Tilk running around blasting goulds could be really intertaining.. just a thought.

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#10 ShangTsung17
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well i know for a fact that unfortunately they aren't making anymore riddick movies as vin deisel himself admitted this in an interview years ago after chronicles of riddick was released, a game could happen but to truly make it authentic they'd need to get vin deisel to voice act again, something i just don't see happening..


you sure about that? because there has been articles saying that vin diesel is confirmed for a new riddick movie. according to when searching google, it says that vin diesel is confirmed for a new riddick movie but the new riddick movie will focus more on the riddick character like in pitch black instead of the universe he lives in like in the chronicles of riddick

wow! u aren't kidding! guess they realised they stood to make too much money if they did cause i googled it and found this